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Everything posted by Jammersix

  1. The manual does not include the caliber for either the Canadian C6 or the C9.
  2. I get an "Error 404, Object Not Found" from that link, Buzz.
  3. What I meant was this: I became aware that Shockforce for OS X was out on Christmas eve. How long has Shockforce for Windows been out? I've been playing Combat Mission since the first version was released for Mac, and have watched the Windows versions show up a year or so before the Mac versions. (That is, when a Mac version shows up. When OS X first came out... well, never mind. You probably weren't involved in that regrettable series of decisions.) It's actually one of the reasons I bought one of the first Intel Macs-- just so I could install Windows, and play the then-current version of Combat Mission. I'm still waiting on a Mac machine/software combination that will let me play the Stalingrad scenarios. Sorry, Redwolf sounded like he worked for you, or at least knew something about Shockforce development. My mistake. He's an easy guy to overlook, so that's what I'll do. I'm not particularly interested in technical problems. From out here, you can play a given Combat Mission scenario on a Mac or you can't. And you can increase the size of the text from something the size of ant droppings to big enough to see with a large set of binoculars or you can't. But it amuses me that you put the technical issues in the same paragraph you used to call yourselves "very 'good'" at your jobs. In my business, (I was a general contractor for 25 years, I'm just a simple carpenter by trade) we started with a goal, and then figured out how to do it. We rarely had the option of throwing our hands up in dismay, stating that it was a rabbit hole, calling ourselves Experts Who Would Know, and leaving for happy hour. That would have been nice. (Another way of looking at that, of course, is that if you get to use that option and keep your income, then you've already won, and you have things to teach me about business.) As I told Redwolf, I have a 3D Mac game in my hands that allows me a few options in text sizes. Not a lot, that's true, but I use a magnifying glass to read Shockforce text when I'm tired. (You'll see. If you're lucky. Surviving this long was only partly a matter of skill, riches and good looks. A lot of it was luck.) Trotsky said that old age is the most unexpected thing that happens to a man. So someday, you won't be able to read the Shockforce text as it exists tonight, and it will surprise the hell out of you. My suggestion is that on that night, you find some kid who thinks it's not an issue worth spending any resources on, and beat the hell out of him. For both of us. When you're done with that, find me, and I'll buy you a beer. You'll probably be thirsty. And yes, your explanation does answer my question. Thank you. Now go away. Dad owes me a beer.
  4. You're boring me, Redwolf, and I'm not interested, the same way you wouldn't be interested if I tried to explain what a jack rafter is, let alone the calculations to lay them out and cut them. If you aren't good enough to figure it out, you aren't good enough. Now go away. I have many other things to do that, while trivial, are far more important than this.
  5. False. If there is no other such game, that is not a valid reason (or rather, excuse) for yours to have faulty text. I will admit that it fits your company ethos and standards, though. You're consistently a year or so behind with Macs. Oh, and WoW. Not at good as it should be, but at least it has a few choices. So you pretty much lost on both fronts. Have a nice day.
  6. "Private, I don't care if you have to ram him. You stop a tank! Now!"
  7. I must not know enough about sophisticated programming to understand why they don't just program in font size adjusment. Oh, wait, windows. That's why not...
  8. Is there a way to use the same map throughout a campaign? I'd like to know what parts of what I have in mind are possible. I'd like the campaign to take place around one large map. That is, for scenario one, I'd like the scenario to be fought out in a corner of the campaign map. Then, in the next scenario, to fight, in part, on the same ground, and move to a different part of the larger campaign map. Ideally, the larger campaign map would stay "current". That is, if a tank is killed, mines laid or a building destroyed, if the campaign moved back over that piece of ground, the burned out tank and the mines would still be there, as would the rubbled building. How much of this is possible? I don't see anything about it in the manual, and that leads me to believe that none of it is possible.
  9. Or we can just wait. In twenty years, the squirts who programmed it won't be able to read it, and then they'll change it. Patience is an old man's weapon.
  10. Riddle me this. I haven't found anything in the manual (god, what a manual...) about fatigue. Given that, is there any reason that I would leave any ammo in a vehicle? I regularly load aquire all the ammo in a vehicle before I leave it. More ammo is better. Is there any reason not to? I have XOs with Javelins.
  11. Here is the file I copied from this thread. So far, I'm using it with one issue: the "Next Unit" command does not work. It will select the first unit if I use the shift key, however after that it selects additional units. I know nothing of these issues, my skills are construction. Can one of you programming geniuses fix it?
  12. I don't care about the sound-- but it would be very nice if an accurate call for fire procedure was used. And since we're talking about page 43 (of volume six) of the list of Things We Want, I'd add an English version of the German chatter. With my hearing, I can't even figure out enough of what they're saying to get a translation.
  13. Has anyone done any type of testing about which cover is better, trenches or foxholes? I'm interested in protection against indirect fire.
  14. At first glance, after one rough reading (that is, without following up on any of the studies cited in the paper mentioned) it appears that this paper does not address any mortar bomb strike against a soldier in a foxhole at any height lower than one foot.
  15. The main issue you raised I'm interested in is light mortars having "very little effect" against a dug in infantryman. Okay, I'll take a look at it, thank you.
  16. This is pretty amusing. A half meter is about 20 inches. Your statement means that someone one yard away is at more than 150% of effective range. I suspect you misplaced at least one decimal point. This type of statement is easy to make on the internet. So is the mistake. It would be considerably harder to make five meters (more than TEN TIMES your claimed effective range) from an exploding light mortar round.
  17. My objection here is purely academic. This is not a citation, it is a bibliography. In the interest of intellectual honesty, (a principle I would expect one so well read to understand) I point out that without page numbers, the call for a citation remains unanswered. The original point was not well questioned. There appears to be a question about whether "other formations" were actually used, but the question is ambiguous. However, in any interpretation of the question, the question was specific. Therefore, to be answered with a source, the source must include page numbers.
  18. You take a rifle. I'll take a light mortar. We'll go out to a field for two full minutes. Winner gets dinner with your Old Lady.
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