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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. any advice on where to tuck in the empty one? such as for file names...item, item 2, item 3, item 4, item 5, you know what I mean. I try to have variety but keep just seeing the same color hat/beret. Like the random picker just gets lazy and always grabs item and item 2?
  2. That reminds me of a funny story. I was in the oil spill response world for a long time and a British guy came to give a talk, he had googled "oiled birds" in preparation for his talk...he laughed and said he got a lot of interesting results besides Exxon Valdez Seagulls...
  3. oh, in case you didn't notice I blanked out the US backpack radio as a 3D item in the game and in the UI. But unfortunately if you move your mouse arrow over the block in the UI for an HQ team, the active text comes alive to say radio. oh well...
  4. In the purchase editor, set it to July 44 and buy French Infantry. I have made French voices into Italian, soldier names also. THEN after you buy some teams, you can adjust appearance between 1FFD and Standard to have variety in headgear. Berets (black and red) and the Fedora (black, grey and some type of light brownish). The Battalion CO wears the kepi which has been modded to be the German M43 feldmutze with no insignia. I will add an Italian red-white-green rosette circle emblem to one of the berets. I also want to "blank" out some of the headgear files so guys show up without a hat. The poor new guy! Aint got no hat yet! Oh, then after all this you can of course dial the date to earlier for a Husky scenario or Anzio.
  5. No problem Tony. Oh, I recall a skin mod where the faces had a goatee (small beard and moustache). Can you hunt around for it if you can? I appreciate it. I did look through CMMODS but didn't stumble upon it. Maybe it was just somebody showing an idea that never got released. What kind of a guy does THAT! (me, a dozen times)
  6. @Sgt.Squarehead I did the floating icons...check in my goody box.
  7. @MalaspinaCiao Enrico. Va bene, va bene. It is coming along slowly. I can fix that goof I made on the helmet with my twitching fingers. Too much coffee? I have to put an alpha layer around the feather so it is nice and crisp. I have to relearn alpha layers every time I use them. Uggh. Big dreams, small brain. Later we can put the alpini stencil on the helmet front if you want... Maybe I can even add in various color "flower ball thing" where the helmet meets the feather.
  8. hahaha, no worry. But I did tweak the setting since then. I tried to show they had lots of heart but maybe were actually green troops with low ammo. Not all but most of the younger ones...
  9. @Sgt.Squarehead The mod for the CMRT Opel Kadet is now in the goodybox. My recommendations: set scenario date as July 44 for unit purchase of a French infantry jeep (unarmed). The Opel Kadet shows instead. If that is not what you really want, I have the kubelwagen shell riding the jeep host somewhere...
  10. Briefing for Italian Partisans: 0735 04 April 1944 The spring weather brings color to the countryside of our beloved nation. There is a light wind from the north. The ground is damp. It is still cool as the sun is rising. You are Marsciello Ambrosio Mattersi, the leader of the partisan group "Magra ombra"...The squad sized force is strong in heart but weak in experience. Ammunition is also in short supply. In the predawn quiet you gather the men for one last talk to inspire them. "My comrades! Each of you, you better lose yourself in the mission, in the moment. You own it, you better never let it go. You only get one shot, do not miss your chance to show your valor. This opportunity comes once in a lifetime!" ^ Your partisan group "Magra Ombra" will ambush a fascist truck convoy along the road between Ditoretto and Ottomile. Escape immediately after the ambush. ^ Your partisan group "Magra Ombra" has been hiding in the Bosco Luigi since last night. The squad has limited strength and ability. ^ These truck convoys are usually accompanied by a small escort, but not always. The escort may be delayed or following behind the truck convoy. ^ Stop the truck convoy. Destroy the trucks and eliminate the enemy soldiers. Be on the lookout for any escort force. Escape as soon as possible. ^ DESTROY German Forces: up to 200pts. Map: 208m x 208m
  11. GO FOR IT! If you see anything I messed up, or better, WHEN you see something I messed up, I can give it a tweak. I only did Partisan floating icons for HQ, scout, sniper. I blanked out all the ranks while awaiting further info on if partisans had any kind of rank system. The best part of this is on its way. I am working to make Herman Goering division in Waffen SS smocks. I have seen some efforts toward this in CMODS but I didn't really love what I saw there. I will also add insignia to some HG vehicles. Later on I will be trying to create some Italian axis anti-partisan units...
  12. The partisan mds file and bmp files were brought over from CMRT. Credit to BFC. I snuck it all through customs in the bottom of my fake thermos. I did mod a a few hats to give some variety as I saw in a photo in an Osprey book. You got the fedora look, plus the artist type dudes in various berets and a dude in a captured field cap with insignia removed. I made some new floating icons. Margherita Pizza Colors... I made a new portrait for these guys. I renamed a bunch of voice files and the names file. I made the map. 208 x 208 AI plan I did. very simplistic. Probably anybody could have done this.
  13. I finally got around to doing the CMFI Partisans Mod. Just a humble mod. I hope you like it. Just 1 tiny scenario so far but I have another one for play as axis simmering in the crock pot. And if anybody wants to make a scenario using this stuff, have at it! The modtagged mods [partizani] are in a folder in my goodybox in the CMFI section. The scenario is there as well. There is also a folder of "zzstuff without modtags" which if you desire you get a nice historic song of the partisans during your load up and can use a mod I made to select the blue force. Only have it in your z when you play the mod. In my scenario designer notes I give credit to others where due... https://www.dropbox.com/sh/onjq96c2gh5jmxn/AADnzA_cS3wtw5LcE0t7l18Na?dl=0
  14. Parasite? That is an insult. But just from 1 member of the BFC/insiders group. Someone I have had on ignore mode for the last 6 or 7 years when they wouldn't "allow" me to use their map in a campaign I was making. Steve phrased it in a nicer manner. I think he basically said that modders take the load off BFC so they don't have to go down certain developmental avenues (back alleys?). This is the classic bird sitting on the Rhino in Africa. A symbiotic relationship. And notice how I slipped the word Afrika in there!
  15. Did this pan out or hit a dead end? Not throwing any rocks! I also have many projects die on the vine so to speak. I am working on a new set of CMFI mods and am exploring making or assembling from existing parts the waffen ss camo smocks as worn by HG division in Italy maybe 43/44.
  16. Is it just a forum urban myth that CMFI only became a reality because some guy ponied up the money to make it happen? But maybe that was long ago when you BFC guys were still eating Ramen noodles for lunch... Maybe the BFC HQ parking lot is full of Porsches now... How much money do I need to assemble (gofundme/kickstart/blood plasma/aluminum cans turn-in) to get a CMFI pre-Husky vehicle pack made?
  17. A nice big desert map. 2km wide, 2.68km tall Bathing beach in the northeast corner, Army Nurses, nudge nudge say no more wink wink, is she? is she a goer? The switchback road up from Derna to the Escarpment. And once up there on the escarpment you head to Tobruk for a cold Foster's Lager but first you gotta cross this old stone bridge across Wadi Derna.
  18. A dream of mine to make/remake/alter/appreciate this old ASL scenario "Escape from Derna" for my CMFI Afrika Mod and now it is in the final stages of testing! I never even played ASL but this story is pretty cool. This is the briefing for the axis side: ^ You have 20-25 minutes to block the enemy's escape from Derna and destroy all vehicles that try to flee towards Tobruk! ^ It is midday, 7 April 1941. You are just south of the edge of the escarpment high above the coastal town of Derna, Libya. There is a strong haze in the hot air with the wind barely perceptible over the dry and dusty ground. You are leading a small detachment of 2 reinforced motorized infantry platoons split off from Ponath's Machinegun Battalion 8 fighting to secure the Derna aerodrome off map to the west. Some Italian troops have also accompanied you with anti-tank guns and light mortars. The radio reports in code that panzerspahwagens from AA3 are headed your way to assist you. They will arrive at the southwest corner of your sector in 5 minutes. ^ The Englanders are falling back as we advance. A pocket of these defeated soldiers has formed at Derna. Their only escape route is a meandering road up from the town and then leading southeast towards Tobruk. The luftwaffe reports several dozen vehicles assembling for a breakout. This includes tanks, infantry carriers and trucks. ^ From Derna, the paved road to Tobruk leads down to the southeast corner of your sector. That is the goal of the British vehicles. Dig in with foxholes and sandbag sangars to set up overlapping kill zones. Spot and destroy the vehicles as they try to escape. Under the honor system, once a British vehicle reaches the southeast corner, they have "escaped" and cannot return to fight and should not be fired upon. ^ The destruction of enemy vehicles and their crews will give you points. It is the only objective in this battle FOR BOTH SIDES. The vehicles might use the road or cross open country. Some parts of the wadi are impassable but some are passable. Individual infantry troops do not have any points so round them up afterwards to liberate their cans of bully beef and glorious SPAM, trademark 1937 Hormel Food Corporation, USA. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ map is 2km x 2.68km Pix to come next week. Estimated it will be available by the end of October!
  19. James, a tip/suggestion/whatever...you can also put the link to your ENTIRE CM dropbox folder in your BFC forum signature. That might prevent what you feared in the other thread...your labors being lost downstream in the flowing river of forum posts... Thank you for making CM content. If you ever get a hankering for the gritty and sandy action of North Africa, please send me a PM.
  20. I suggest to get a dropbox or similar website account and upload your stuff THERE and then you get a download link to paste HERE at BFC forum and people can get your various maps/scenarios/etc.
  21. I understand. I think we are saying the same thing. I will try to clarify my point. As the mods in the mixed pool become more compatible, then the use of incremented filenames along with the random dealing of displayed textures, the end result is better to the eye. EDIT: For example, you or anybody could focus on the wonderful PzIIIG that is mottled both green and brown over the dark yellow. Take the turret and add turret vehicle numerals, maybe unit insignia and make 3 or 4 different files. The hull might match all those 3 or 4 and not need a second hull. All this could be modtagged [umlautpziiig] so it only comes up when summoned. Make a scenario or QB map with that modtag and then purchase the 3 or 4 or 5 PzIIIG's and enjoy the display.
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