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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. you gotta do it this way @Gary R Lukas
  2. What is happening across the channel? Any interest from forumites in Great Britain to do a [bef1940] mod? I will help and advise and put in time.
  3. Does anybody know if we have any black leather MP40 magazine pouch bmp files?
  4. 1914 DEJA VU continues Kuhn charges forward by himself with his MP40 Are the all kaput in there? 1 still defends! Step away from that croissant, garcon! Sumbrunn reinforces Kuhn with another team and deploys squads to check the wounded and to get a line of fire on the remaining enemy... The Hotchkiss is still alive! The Hotchkiss assistant gunner mort por France The gunner flees - to maybe eventually join the Maquis?
  5. I have been holding off to reply. I TRY to fight the urge to always open my big mouth in the forum. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OK, all along, CMRT F&R ALREADY HAS a snow camo Flak36. The same damn file as they shipped with CMFB. We've paid for some of the same stuff 3 or 4 times. But I digress... ````````````````` It is tagged [whitewash]. I forget but I think that is connected to a certain date range in your scenario settings. It doesn't have a [snow] tag. You can change it yourself and have more flexibility. [snow] tags seem to be for file images that have wheels that show snow in the treads. https://www.dropbox.com/s/9gu13tbevpahjmf/flak36 [whitewash].bmp?dl=0
  6. It might not be too late to just cancel the order for Cold War. Instead get Fortress Italy and be ready to play the France 1940 Mod. ANNNNDDDD....If you buy it by midnight tonight you get a free bottle of French wine, a baguette and a wedge of camembert cheese. All served on a commemorative Panzer Grey steel platter.(while supplies last and limited to 48 continental United States excluding Alaska, Hawaii and Puerto Rico.) *purchase of Gustav Line and Rome to Victory modules is also required.
  7. Good News! A modder that I will name and thank later has some new German uniforms headed our way for this mod. It sounds like they will really give off the 1940 vibe we need.
  8. I started the battle series last night and am keeping a text file of my observations and comments and suggestions (if any - "my 2 cents" type stuff). My initial impressions! No spoilers at all. Just comments to boost up interest and thank the designer. Looks like a lot of work went into the maps. I like them. I lived in Italy for about 6 years so I do love Italy and seeing these Italy maps. Great looking maps. Rich in detail. I see and appreciate the research done in the scenario battle briefings. Good details and references. Immerses the player! [buffalo] mod is so so. I did it so I can criticize it, right? I did the faces to be all black soldiers. (PRIZE: A free Kohlenklau mousepad or coffee mug to anyone who correctly names all the black guys I used to model/make the new faces!.) I think it also needs some UI mods which I can do (EDIT: I now see I ALREADY did 1 UI mod but just added another. ) but I wish I had the time to do a complete mod of u.s. voices. I thought of HOW I would do it. I could do a very small scope mod of the voices. I will not promise I will but I think I might knock it out over the next few months. so far, some battles are short and many are long(er) so it should satisfy a wide range of tastes for battle length It uses some vehicles I had never messed with before. Sherman crab! Not really a spoiler I think. That is all for now. ~Phil
  9. A great story. New blood in the forum often can improve things. If you get a chance, please send us a couple photos! Good luck.
  10. I have the folder in my dropbox and plan to commence a test phase this coming weekend. Wife is out of town for 1 week! piles of empty beer bottles, 24/7 CM, sandwiches, no shave---
  11. Another defender goes down! ...Sumbrunn orders a squad leader to charge toward the farmhouse but staying out of site of the team in the foxholes behind the house. CAN THEY GET THERE AND PREVENT THE ARTILLERY MISSION FROM BEING COMPLETED? TO BE CONTINUED
  12. Falaise has a battle artist along with his force and sends the following... Painting by Alphonse-Marie-Adolphe de Neuville, 1873. Title The Last Cartridges. Illustration of the defense of the Auberge Bourgerie in Bazeilles by the Blue Division, September 1, 1870 He knew he was in big trouble when his mother called him by all 3 first names. ALPHONSE-MARIE-ADOLPHE! You have gone and spilled cabernet on your best school clothes!
  13. I will keep this all back in the main thread now that the "Bufla" armour battle is over... Thanks!
  14. Savage fire erupts from a well-concealed French Colonial with an LMG! The French soldiers at the stone wall throw down their rifles and surrender The brave French colonial gunner goes down... Another French fire team gives up or runs away... Sumbrunn orders a squad to approach the farmhouse. The artillery might be firing at any moment. The trucks are unknowingly in the cross-hairs of a great barrage... The farmhouse is well defended
  15. The fire team crossing the field is hit by flanking fire and 2 men go down in quick succession. The fire team approaching first to the farmhouse is wiped out by grenades from the French riflemen. Sumbrunn's command team takes the French under fire and drives them off Sumbrunn orders 1st squad to swing around behind 2nd squad and take over the assault. The mortar is told to shift fire to the HMG's new position. Sumbrunn's team takes a casualty. Muller, the young Schutze from Munich. Sumbrunn takes out one of the French to avenge Muller.
  16. Meanwhile out on the supply road... the drivers are told to look over the engines while they await a tow truck for Johan's Opel Blitz. Sumbrunn runs forward to the hedge along with 2nd squad. 1st squad covers the right flank and suppresses the barn "just in case"... Sumbrunn orders 4th squad to cross the field headed directly north to the farm road. As a diversion and then to come around behind the farmhouse and catch any escaping French troops. It was a wise decision as they quickly detect the French squad leader with his SMG... ... and one of his rifle teams. The French HMG team has displaced from the foxholes and set-up near the stick fence! The mortar rounds land perfectly into the unoccupied foxholes!
  17. The squads use the firepower of the MG34 to get the French HMG gunner to duck his head. Sumbrunn eyes the barn but sees no windows on the 2nd floor facing his men. It might be ok. But they will stay on the near side of this hedge. Or is it a low bocage? Hmmm. There is a chance to be ambushed by some hidden defenders. Perhaps a short burst of fire at the barn is prudent... Sumbrunn adjusts his plan. 1st squad will come up to suppress the barn and the entire hedgerow while 2nd squad takes the assault mission up through the crops (Lucky_Strike's gorgeous mod) and towards the farmhouse...keeping a clump of trees between them and that HMG. The mortar rounds fall near the HMG's position... 2nd squad splits into 3 parts and runs forward through the crops.
  18. Meanwhile...out at the road. The convoy is stopped as one truck has suffered a breakdown. Can the French OP be wiped out before the artillery can target the convoy? Obersturmfuhrer Sumbrunn brings his final squad up on line as he orders the other 3 squads and the mortar to pour it on to suppress that HMG and the farmhouse 2nd and 3rd floors. He will accompany the assault squad.
  19. The mortar team aims their weapon as the platoon comes up to the stone wall "phase line" The enemy has brought up an HMG in the foxholes at the base of the farmhouse. But our mortar is slightly out of range and so they must pack-up and reposition closer.
  20. The platoon mortar team gets into position on the far left flank. Under the cover of 2 squads that have already crossed, the remainder of the platoon wades across the creek. We see our first French soldier. But maybe he also sees us. (Stick fence from CMRT. Wall texture from a CMBN mod or maybe stock, I forget.) The mortar team has binoculars and reports seeing a small vehicle approaching the farmhouse. It seems to be some hack job mod of the Opel Kadet from CMRT. Needs a better paint job but at least has some markings. The platoon is doing just as they trained.
  21. Here is the briefing for the French. Here is the French set-up. I used 3 different color zones to kind of force or allow some stuff to happen. left and right flank positions and the main area at the farmhouse. He has an LMG. A squad. A Breach team. A platoon leader and Capitaine Gourmand. Plus 3 foxholes. Let us look at some of the French troops...(P.S. I don't have a PhD in French Military History, ok. Just trying to have fun and be creative.) These are colonial troops. I guess from Africa. Their helmet has a crescent moon and R.F. emblem. Courtesy of @JM Stuff Merci JM. This is a Breach team of French. Falaise made the greatcoats and one has the collar badges for the regiment. He also made a bunch of gear and I will swing around to take a shot of their back sides. ...and le derriere! Check out the canteen we made in Blender. It actually holds wine according to Falaise. (Red with beef. White with fish and chicken). He made all the textures. We are still migrating them out to the other troops. These guys are pretty much fully equipped. Here is our rendition of the France 1940 French army squad. We wish we could ditch the SMG as desired but it isn't editable. We can play tricks to make it go away and not be present in a battle. The French had very few SMG's. They got several thousand out of Spain after the Spanish Civil War. They started making one. MAS-38. I am trying to get it Blender modded. No luck yet. I haven't had any success making a MAS-36 either. Here is another @JM Stuff Maybe he hangs around the docks late at night and got this 3D model off some drunk sailor? I don't know. Merci JM. I made this mod of an SMG in Blender after seeing a photo in an Osprey book. Whatever! Here is LT Falaise...What a man! Carries 333 rounds of ammo. WTF? I dialed the headcount down but the game doesn't dial down the ammo. hmmmm Last but not least, Capitaine Gourmand. Where did they get that radio from? Jeez. I better swap that out for 2 tin cans and some string or maybe one of those funky Italian radios with the big hoola-hoop antenna? TO BE CONTINUED
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