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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. I am about to enter into my 3 day work week of Tuesday-Thursday. I help US military veterans and survivors. It is a great job that I am really lucky to have. I do 2 days in 1 Texas county and 1 day in another Texas county. If you are a US military veteran or survivor, or have a loved one under that umbrella, and you ever need help or have a question with your "VA stuff", please PM me. I can PM you back my work cell and/or work email and branch away from the BFC CM forum (if needed). I am happy to assist you to the best of my ability. I am accredited with the VA through the Texas Veterans Commission. 5+ years experience dealing with the VA. This is a free service of course! No charge.
  2. "Santa Damian" has placed another bundle of early Christmas joy under the forum tree! @Damian45 THANK YOU (AGAIN) DAMIAN!!! Waffen-SS in smocks Waffen-SS in regular uniforms Screenshots will be edited in as I sip my coffee... EDIT: I will probably miss the 1 hour window to post them here in this post. I have to first rename them and add modtags. But I will display them this morning.
  3. Here is what I saw! Ανεβαίνω στα 300 dpi αλλά όταν τελειώσω την υφή επιστρέφω στα 72. haha, but not joking, I must have not tried soon enough to go to 300 dpi. I did it as an afterthought and my image looks blurry and not crisp.
  4. You DID have 3 beers! Thank you I actually already went back and improved(?) it some based on taking a look at @laurent 22 whitewash stuff. I didn't have enough actual bright white. Mine was just showing gray. So I added some white I grabbed with an eye dropper. I ALSO tried to go up to 300 dpi but I must have screwed that up. Laurent said he does that and obviously he is on the ball and knows his stuff. Here is "Gun D"... Maybe before I retire, Laurent works with my old slow brain and I finally get it right after 10 damn years!! Think of it as "retirement from CM content creation". I am not trying to get too dramatic. Some of it is based off BFC's clear plan not to devote a damn crumb of effort toward early WW2. But also the health aspect. I was away for 5 years from CM 2016-2021 - or so - and really got into great shape. I think I could use another departure!
  5. Ok, here it is. Done. Take it or leave it. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8edea1p76qpffa7/AAAyYDDThJX_1VLEyfh5-5uGa?dl=0 The dropbox link includes free of charge: [whitewash] [snow whitewash] [snow] tagged versions the image that inspired it AND the GiMP file so you can have fun messing with it - if you have GiMP. I am gone in a few months for good from CM. Just my plan for better health and other things. So consider this a little humble gift to my buddies. Delete it after I go!
  6. In progress but needs a couple more sessions! I am NOT saying it looks like that other one but squint and have a couple beers and it is near dead on! I am not @laurent 22 with my Wacom... ok, a bit more of figuring out where stuff is on the bmp file. Make it THREE beers and she is a winner. Just one more session, like that lady down at the liposuction center, and she will be perfect. I gotta line up those side panel lines and add the letter D to that one square section below the barrel.
  7. I guess the answer is no book at all. Just trying to have fun. The AI script is a pain in the butt sometimes. I just pumped out a simple AI plan of move here, then move here, stop here, turn here. But then again, maybe the tank crew were vodka soaked conscripts who couldn't properly shift gears? They were trying to surrender and donate the tank to Germany's cause? PLAY VS HUMAN FOR BEST RESULTS
  8. Dang guys. So far, not a single for "Heidi Grossenbusten". ...and I posted her twice.
  9. We can use all kinds of help! PM me! Maybe you want to make a map? Maybe you want to try and mod a vehicle in a France 1940 scheme? You are learning Blender - make us a fancy French coffee machine like Tom Hanks messed with in "Saving Private Ryan"..? @Falaise is cranking out some [bef1940] British Army uniforms! I will say that in a cockney accent. "Wazzat, guv? A bloody Frenchman is cooking up some battle dress for our boys in blighty? We can't have that lads! Come on boys, rally upppp!""
  10. Good News! Forumite and old friend from helping with the CMRT Winter Mod 2015 (and other scenario efforts), @kevinkin has stepped up to write some scenarios using the France 1940 mod. He is on fire with some great ideas! THANK YOU KEVIN!!!
  11. It is my great pleasure to announce that a fantastic forumite and talented modder @Damian45 has burned the midnight oil down under (Perth W.A.) and just this morning delivered a fantastique set of 1940 German Army uniforms. THANK YOU DAMIAN!!! I will be editing this post and show off some screenshots of his stellar work. They are from a PBEM I am now testing. This scenario with a French AI plan is for Damian so he can take a break and enjoy the mod a bit before he heads BACK to continue the outstanding modding effort and deliver us some new Waffen-SS uniforms. and a few other goodies too! Before I show the screenshots, let us bow our heads and remember this solemn rule... ok, so here are the screenshots. Freedom of speech but if you want to discuss uniforms, please make a new thread. PM Damian if you want or give "likes" here.
  12. The display and demonstration PBEM is completed as that final French gunner will not be joining the maquis... And of course a big merci to @Falaise In our next display and demonstration PBEM, he will attack as French infantry supported by some armour. Viva La France FIN
  13. I will put it on my to do list and give it a try. Here is a thread from TEN years ago when I first jumped in the deep end and tried to swim, Here is what I first did...
  14. no worry. I understood you were not ordering a pizza! Sometimes people make a mod just for their own use. But I am curious what look you are hoping for? Since you are not so in love with the stock one that ships with CMFB and CMRT F&R...
  15. My bust. What type winter 88 would you like? Describe it or show phots
  16. hahaha, yes, Pierre, I try to enjoy the immersion. I read some books and study the area. A good learning opportunity. I admit that my knowledge of the 1940 French campaign is lacking. I would love to fly over and get some guided tours from various forum buddies. In particular I want to go see Voncq. I already started a basic Voncq map and my brain sees a short France 1940 Mod campaign I could write.
  17. Gasplanentasche prototype 1. needs some position tweaking and some art tweaking a little lower she said
  18. Shhhhhh! I was trying to provoke interest from that island nation to the west of you!
  19. It was very interesting to read this thread as it reminds me of what I often try to do. I look at myself and see myself, using a half-*** Hollywood analogy, as a producer, director and actor for CM content creation. producer: I gather up existing mods and use them in new projects. scrounger city! director: I work with other modders to get stuff made for the new project. many good friends made along the way. actor: I DO make my own new mods for the new project. My lame efforts are the rotted cherry on top! hahaha Usually I TRY to give credit but often miss ALL names. The older ghost content. For example, I recently sent a text to EZ for "permission" but had no reply. I don't have any lawyers on the payroll because there is no damn payroll. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ CMFI FRANCE 1940 is alive and well.
  20. Hey, let's make this today! Gas sheet cover bag. The gas sheet cover bag..using the stick grenade in the 1 B&W photo...it seems to be 3/4 a stick grenade (SG) in length and maybe 1/2 an SG in width. Maybe 1/8 SG in thickness? Follow me? I will use M24 at 365mm long and get my gas sheet cover bag dimensions. Then I "borrow" an existing CM gear item and in BLENDER I scale the dimensions and change the texture filename to something different. Gas Sheet Cover Bag approx dimensions in m 0.274m x 0.183m x .0456m (I can always tweak it later as I compare back to photos) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ HOW do I get it into the game? It has to "ride along" with an existing gear item that gets doled out to the various soldier types. I am thinking to go with the ammo pouch gear for the LMG, SMG and riflemen. My first thought. I will do this today. ~~~~~~~ ok, I found a good candidate mdr for exploitation and have changed the dimensions and renamed the bmp and normal maps and edited the mdr. I STILL NEED TO re-do the texture of course. I have exported the UV map to guide me
  21. You are awesome! Maybe you can have a symposium in Paris. $1000 per attendee with your instruction and then wine and cheese and then we all go to the caberet. CABARET! mon pardon Wacom Graphics Tablet!!! ooo lala - now I want from Père Noël
  22. @laurent 22 A few questions if you don't mind! What program(s) do you use? How many layers do you typically add? Do you apply a layer texture above the base image and then work in that new layer's layer mask with white and black? How long does it take to do 1 vehicle? How long have you been doing this? Merci
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