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Everything posted by kohlenklau

  1. Glenn, YES, YES and YES. But to clarify and be less confused, here is a way to look at it. The AI ONLY does what is programmed by YOU the scenario author. Except down at the tac AI survival instinct issues of running away, opening fire. For a simple case, there is 1 "Occupy" objective in the town they are defending. If your AI plan has them staying elsewhere and the human player gets even 1 routed panicked wounded soldier into the objective area, the human wins the full points. The same vice versa, human player defending an objective, attacking AI follows your orders and never goes to take the objective. If the 2 sides objectives are TOO different from each other then it is almost like it is not a battle over something. It has to be correlated to some degree or there is not a real winner. I can go on more...
  2. Sure, standby...in progress. (slow rural Texas internet...) smod_german_hat-m43.mdr is in v210e/soldiers 2/uniforms german other. The textures are in v210d/soldiers 1/uniforms volkssturm. CMRT F&R 15 COMBINED BRZ FOLDERS
  3. Grab a shopping cart fellas! I will soon have us some feldmutzes for CMFI. @mjkerner needs them for his CMFI Kreta 1941 mini-mod gebirgsjagers...! We have a bunch of new stuff to have fun with!
  4. Well, I need to look in it anyway. They're all getting drunk on Steve's champagne by now...or maybe Vodka?
  5. I will use this thread to document the contents of the new combined set of 15 brz folders. For myself and others. For myself because if I put it in my own PC, I sometimes lose track of WHERE I put it. I can always come back here...so, work in progress.
  6. @Double Deuce I just tested it. Unfortunately NO. It needs some tweaks based on F&R now being in the mix. I read that F&R added some uniform slots for M44 pattern tunics so we need to go back and copy and paste some more modded files to account for that. Maybe even rename another set of mdr's. But I will also try a workaround in the settings in the scenario editor. Standby.
  7. It is a brand new car. I didn't even start it. Just sitting in it listening to the radio.
  8. Thank you to Matt A. for immortalizing me in the CM world. Getting the Schwimmwagen in the game is something I really appreciated. Thank you BFC.
  9. This is where I will design it all, my mad scientist laboratory. CMFI Barbarossa. CMFI Fall Gelb. For those who will snub their nose over some of the shortcomings of our "adjustments"...don't let the door hit you in the a$$ on the way out!!!
  10. HOLD THE PHONE BABY! I must have goofed up somehow on my previous test. Darting in and out of months and years... In July 1943, purchasing a 1943 FJ Battalion and also German Motorized Infantry NO PANZERFAUSTS!
  11. Dang. Even playing the switch the dates trick, the FJ's still have panzerfaust-30 and panzerfaust-kleine. I can easily imagine as a non-programmer that it is a super quick fix of 5 minutes to solve ALL my editor concerns!
  12. @umlaut When is the amazon truck delivering the armor support? :-)
  13. Yeah, I get you. But, something, anything, is better than absolutely nothing. My ultimate fallback is Hollywood Spanish accents by kohlenklau! I did take a few years of Espanol in high school... I would just do it in English with a hint of Antonio Banderas. If nobody steps forward. The same with artillery commands for the CMRT Romanian Mod. I asked around, no volunteers. So, I did the google translate and had the computer lady say it, then I did it my best Bucharest tough guy voice. I forgot all about it but then was playing a PBEM and damn, there I was in the game! I even messed with the pitch and stuff in audacity to make it sound like a different guy. <<Thanks for the kind words!>>
  14. If you set CMFI at July 1943, it seems (with a test of 5 minutes or so in the scenario editor) that your German infantry squads do not get panzerfausts. There is still a mix of HMG/LMG42 and HMG/LMG43
  15. Karl, This project of yours is very, very nice. A scenario/campaign with some mods. Exactly like I enjoy to produce! A shame it is being delayed by F&R but I understand. Once you have theos partisans, you can release it as you dreamed of it in the night! Your wife wonders why you wake up and scratch out a quick a bunch of notes... Phil
  16. A 377 page pdf written by Oregon State University CAMP BLENDER PDF
  17. It looks like we are on our own lads. I gave my best case (others did too) in the CMRT forum F&R thread to Steve/BFC to give us some "war gamer kits" and I can hope for the best, but prepare for the worst. FROM HERE ON OUT, I THINK CMFI CAN BE THE BEST ARENA FOR EARLY WAR MODS EVEN IF SET IN USSR, FRANCE, etc. Reason 1: Since you can set the scenario date to July 1943, there is a certain lower availability of panzerfausts. I have to test that to see how true that is. No MP44. Reason 2: There are multiple axis nations so you can have around 6 uniform choices on the map. CMRT has only 2 uniform choices for Allies. But that will change with F&R. You can have at least 2 voice files in use at once in a scenario. You can have at least 2 names files in use in a scenario. Think of Germans and Italians at El Alamein or Romanians and Germans near Stalingrad. Reason 3: There are multiple allied nations. This allows somewhat more uniform choices on the map vs just 2. Some allied nations use the same uniforms as US it seems. You can have multiple voice files in use at once in a scenario. You can have multiple names files in use in a scenario. A North Afrika Tunisia scenario with Free French, British and US all fighting against Axis. Reason 4: we have all the seasons The modding of CMFI to become a new early war CMRT is a great project. CMFI BARBAROSSA will not start until after F&R comes out. The modding of CMFI to become a new early war CMBN is a great project. CMFI FALL GELB will not start until after F&R comes out.
  18. @Erwin Thanks! I guess maybe I am the good looking front man to the band and often do solo albums and have my own tour bus and groupies, but please a big salute to the great folks working with me or giving me some guidance. @mjkerner @Juju @JM Stuff @jamxo @Broadsword56 @JonS AND EVERYBODY OUT THERE IN FORUM LAND! YOU WANT TO CONTRIBUTE? MAYBE WRITE A SMALL SCENARIO FOR THE MOD? PM ME!
  19. Glenn, An idea off the top of my head. IBM PC here... Go into scenario editor and load a stock scenario, one that came with the game. Find one that has something in the designers notes and EXPORT it. It gives an opportunity to rename so save it as designer notes format or soemthing. Then go look at it and just try to copy it using your info and then try to import in your scenario?
  20. Here is a record of what I got from a very fine gentleman who I will respect his overall privacy. He retired as a colonel in the Finnish Army. He served as a UN peacekeeper. He works at a Finnish military museum. I wish I could go and shake his hand. AND THERE IS MORE! This guy's Dad served in WW2 and had bullets hit him on 2 different occasions. Once from Soviet weapons. Another time from German weapons. These are the basic CM artillery commands. In each military with a different language, there are interesting differences in how they get the basic concepts across. My starting point was to tell him what was said in English as the US Army terms and method for the artillery support sequences portrayed in CM using the voice files. Then he would give me what must be said in Finnish ******************************************************************* PHRASE 1*: GROUP 1 SAYS: "REQUEST FIRE MISSION, OVER" TULIKOMENTOJA, KUUNTELEN (firecommands - listen) *PHRASE 2:* GROUP 2 REPLIES: "FIRE MISSION REQUEST RECEIVED, OUT" TULIKOMENTOJA, VALMIS (firecommands, ready) *PHRASE 3:* GROUP 2 SAYS "ADJUST FIRE, OVER" (Here the game simulates some spotting to get accuracy) Does this mean to fire once and see where is the hit?We call it HAKUAMMUNTA - search fireIf you fire once you sayMAALI MEKKA (TARGET and the name of it is MEKKA) KERTA AMPUKAAsame as TARGET MEKKA, ONCE, FIREIf you only aim to the targetMAALI MEKKA (TARGET and the name of it MEKKA) SUUNTAAsuuntaa – to aim the targetWhat is the difference ”adjust fire, over or out”? *PHRASE 4:* GROUP 2 SAYS "ADJUST FIRE, OUT" (Spotting is conducted by infantry/FO) We have always the fire plan, all the targets are named and measures before. So we only give the name of the target and which effect we want. * PHRASE 5:* GROUP 1 SAYS "FIRE FOR EFFECT, OVER" (the adjustments are not mentioned) TORJUNTA MEKKA , AMPUKAAThe targets can be ESTE - ”obstacle” or TORJUNTA - ”repel, repulse”. Depends how many shells per minute you want. Torjunta or repulse is the most effective fire during 1-2 minutes.AMPUKAA or SUUNTAA means also OVER * PHRASE 6:* GROUP 2 THEN SAYS "FIRE FOR EFFECT, ROGER" (they confirm that spotter FO is happy with adjustments and now come the rounds) TORJUNTA MEKKA, AMPUKAA * PHRASE 7:* GROUP 1 MIGHT HAVE TO STOP FIRE AND SAYS "CHECK FIRE, CHECK > FIRE, CHECK FIRE!" (3 times, emergency) (simply) TULI SEIS (stop the fire) * PHRASE 8:* GROUP 2 CONFIRMS THEIR REQUEST "ROGER, CHECK FIRE, END OF MISSION" (game simplifies that mission is over) TULI SEIS – TULITAUKO (firepause) * PHRASE 9:* IF NO EMERGENCY, THEN MISSION NATURALLY ENDS AND GROUP 2 Usually I speak Peacekeepers' English. It means 50 % with hands. I try to translate some Finnish.I have some almost autentic commands in Tali Ihantala battle in 1944It's a Movie ”Tali – Ihantala 1944”Basic wordsTulenjohtaja (tja) – forward observerTulenjohtokomentaja (tjkom) - commanding forward observer, who coordinates the whole firepowerName of the targets which really were in Ihantala July 1944 ”KARKIMO”, ”MEKKA”Code of tja FO was KARHU KAKSI (BEAR 2)Code of the tjkom was OTTO YKSI (OTTO 1)TULIKOMENTO(JA) – Tuli – fire, komento – command(s). This is always opening command to ask fire. (fire request)KUUNTELEN – I listen or OVERTORJUNTA is it repel or repulse? How ever the most effect fire 1 to 3 minutes so fast as possible to the ready measured target(s)AMPUKAA – FIREAct One in movieTulenjohtaja (tja) – Forward Observer comes to the batallion command post. At the same time orderly from the frontline company comes and says ”Company commander asked fire to the front.FO -Tja says to the radio ”OTTO YKSI KARHU KAKSI, KUUNTELENTULIKOMENTO TORJUNTA KARKIMO AMPUKAA, TORJUNTA KARKIMO AMPUKAAand fire of 21 batteries and one heavy battery, 254 tubes, fired to the same targets.Act two in movieCompany commander and forward observer name the ”barrier”targets as MEKKA 1 and MEKKA 2. Botht together KOKO MEKKA – whole mekkaWhen the attack starts FO commands first ”TULIKOMENTOJA, MEKKA 1, AMPUKAA”Because it wasn't effective enough, soon had to give new one !KOKO MEKKA AMPUKAA” ********************************************** back to kohlenklau...I ordered that movie on ebay a few weeks ago. It will arrive until this summer sometime. The guy must be walking to bring me the DVD...!
  21. JM gave me 85 files of war game phrases in Greek. Not specific to CM but very helpful. It would still be great to get a Greek speaker to volunteer to make voice files to cover all we need and for some variety...
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