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Posts posted by kohlenklau

  1. Dang. I already have a vehicle immobilized. Maybe it bogged first. No idea. The squad will hoof it onward or maybe I send an available half-track to pick them up. Pappagoat's usfieldjacket mod and his half-track with 48 star flag and dust.


    I just had 2 other boggings but the drivers worked it out on their own and were able to press onward. Now a tank bogs but makes it out ok. Pappagoat Tunisian Sherman with yellow band around turret.


    I am sending the mortar platoon HQ with binoculars up to the top of a big hill. LT "Jerry" Springer is tiring but still headed up.


    I haven't spotted any of his forces yet...BELAY THAT! We have spotted several tanks. Panzer IV's. No Tigers yet.

  2. The PBEM commences. A big desert map. 4km x 4km. I forget who made it. Did I make it? I forget. It doesn't say who made it. I don't think I made it.


    I have it on meeting engagement medium battle size so I think that is around 3000 points we both get. He will buy some Tigers I bet. Ouch.

    2800 points or so it gave me. I got a platoon of Detroit's finest Shermans and some armored infantry in half-tracks with 57mm ATG's plus some more 81mm mortars and an M7 Priest. I have a few jeeps with a flamethrower and a breach team. GAMEY aint I? Everybody is regular and normal just like me and my friends.

    From my US setup zone (a strip along the northwest edge) I race a jeep to Poste de Lessouda. Private Ronson has his flamethrower. The jeep took thr paved road most of the way but then popped it into 4WD and will make the final approach off road. I imagined a German AP round coming straight down the road and nailing the jeep.



  3. 5 hours ago, Widukind said:

    Z folder?

    Yes sir. For CM mods, they go in your z folder. Then restart the game! But this particular mod is a special case because it is used by scenario maker at the time of creating the map. Unlike most other mods, it will not make a visual change just by being in the z folder. Unless you have a scenario where it was used to make the map. Then definitely you need this mod in your z.

  4. Nope, not an ASL translation. Just an old map I had that I spruced up a bit. Dusted off some old mods as well.

    It is a QB map but doesn't have any AI plans for playing against the computer enemy. 

    My buddy Chris is Scottish. I think he prefers a QB so he can exercise his national attribute of being a bit...shall we say frugal(?) with his unit purchases. :D 

    I am just joking. He likes QB versus a scenario with particular units mandated.



  5. I had a blast playing that PBEM. Hearing my scrounged up set of Korean voices, seeing all the UI changes and names and uniforms. The uniforms went from a C- to a B+ as I tweaked the bmp's. I can do a few more tweaks to them I suppose. 

    Gary and I will play some more Korean ASL starting tonight. I have a few candidates for transformation over to the CM world. I do have one FRANCE 1940 scenario to knock out first.


    The suicide duo take out or force to surrender the US forces INSIDE the library and grenade away a 2nd US charge. The leader is killed by tank fire but his #2 seems still in the fight. The surrendering conscripts did not return to the fight...




    The gun crew got there safely and eventually the surrendering conscripts stopped that action and grabbed their weapons again.



    He pulled out into the street and got hit by a Super Bazooka. It killed 1 of 5 crewmen and they are in panic mode. Looks rough.


    He is blasting away but all my guys are surrendering.



  7. Here is an overhead view of where things are at. It looks bleak for my Commie Ba$tards. I had the gun crew ditch the weapon and head into town to earn their pay. I moved a broken conscript team to another building. AND of course the suicide-hero's big charge to the library to return that overdue book before it closes. This next turn I also move the tank to a new spot with some pauses during the movement. Below you can see 3 small smokes he dropped which billow out bigger so my tank might get smoke cover courtesy of Uncle Sam? The Police HQ boys were AGAIN close assaulted and are either KIA or in panic mode and will give up the ghost any second in the next turn. 


  8. LT Jeon's tank is ordered to speed forward near the high school, pivot and reverse into a good spot. I guess FRAPS only allows me 30 seconds of movie time. The clip ended before you got the chance to see Jeon's gunner fire off a shot "on the fly" which tore into the right drive sprocket of the Easy Eight. The Sherman backed away so it is still in the fight. In the distance by the corner of the walled Police Headquarters is SGT Song's now burning tank...


  9. We didn't lock horns last night but I did play a few turns back to see the US assault on the police headquarters.

    In hindsight after those reviews, it wasn't such a big assault. Maybe he sent in wisely just 1 detached team? Maybe 3 or 4 guys. 1 with the BAR got pegged but the others made it out amazingly. Now he is using his tank to blast holes in the walls. He blasted in the corner by SGT Song's KO tank. He blasted in another part of the wall as well. 

  10. Let me conduct a mouseketeer roll call and give out my status of forces., a.k.a. what guys are still alive?

    I quickly looked and report I have only one HQ unit still out there, 3PltHQ. Then a suicide-hero breach team. AND then about 2 squads of men in broken status. Mismatched detachments mostly. AND the gun watching the left flank.


  11. The battlefront briefly stabilizes in the center just as my right flank collapses.

    But one of my teams was on antiarmor purple arc and was getting fired upon by one of his squads in a building.


    I moved my tank up on FAST with pretargeted brief fire to that building at the end of the movement.

    A position that SHOULD shield me from his tank. Hmmm, I also did NOT yet detect his Super Bazookas. Hmmm. I do fear those weapons!







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