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Posts posted by kohlenklau

  1. In case anybody asks "Why is this scenario called 'Patton's Ghost'...?

    It is originally an ASL scenario by Pete Shelling with the below briefing:

    The breakout from the Pusan Perimeter would not be considered successful until Eighth Army linked up with X Corps coming from the Seoul area. To help make that a reality, each regiment of the First Team received fresh troops in early September in the form of a third battalion. The 7th Cavalry Regiment received a full 800 men from Fort Benning, and while they didn't have much time to train together, they were commanded by West Pointer Lt. Col. James H. Lynch. The intended site of the linkup was the town of Osan, which had seen one of the first battles of the war three months earlier, in which U.S. units were overrun and routed. With support from C Company, 70th Heavy Tank Battalion led by Lieutenant Robert Baker, Lynch's 3rd Battalion would lead the way.

    ASL scenario card hardcopy or pdfs pretty much always have the historical outcome ("aftermath") of the battle that the scenario is based off of...


    As the breakout drew closer to Osan, Colonel Harris's 7th Cavalry Regiment engaged retreating elements of the 105th "Seoul" Armored Division. After a confusing night battle with several T-34's on 26 September, Lynch decided to wait for morning to drive on Osan. Task Force Lynch attacked towards the city at 0800 just as an enemy machine gun crew opened fire on the column. That position was quickly overrun, and the gunners killed in a headlong charge by Lieutenant William W. Woodside and two enlisted men. The first elements of Task Force Lynch reached Osan at 0900 and by the afternoon had met with the 7th Infantry Division coming from the west. Finally, 1st Cavalry's commander General "Hap" Gay had a moment that would have made his old boss and mentor, General George Patton, proud.

  2. We will pick up the action later today unless postponed by TV sports...

    Meanwhile, here are some more screenies.

    A face I did from a Korean actor. He played the bad guy in "71 - Into the Fire".

    You can also see my "stick grenade pouch"...



    The Maxim MG team hunkers down in turn 1. These guys are now ex-parrots, singing with the choir invisible.


    Some more guys in that team wearing their "Keds hightops"...


    This guy is a warrant officer in command of the company group. He had served in the Red Army during dubya dubya two.

    I had a cool idea for the "stick grenade pouch"...each texture for the grenades can be randomly plucked from the data.

    Some are transparent so a guy can have 0, 1 or 2 grenades in the pouch.

    GRAVEYARD: I googled a little to try and see what a circa 1950 Korean graveyard might look like. I had no luck really. So I just deleted the Italian names off of these CMFI gravestones. Mi dispiace!






  3. He has Easy Eights coming in on both flanks!



    My Zis-3 takes a hit but only loses one soldier. 



    My right flank HAD a Maxim in the 2nd floor of the church across from the Kimchee shop...now scrap metal for a Hyundai.


    My 82mm mortar on the right flank starts to drop rounds into the path of his infantry.


    A command element observes...


    The Zis-3 scores a hit on the Easy Eight but the effect is not yet determined...


    Tank 211 creeps forward on the right flank...







    0930, 27 September 1950. 

    Just south of Osan. The sky is a haze with a light wind from the west. It is hot and the ground
    is dry. 


    Task Force Lynch will proceed on through Osan to link up with friendly units of X Corps coming
    from Inchon. The North Koreans were taken by surprise by the Inchon landings. Their offensive
    energy has largely been spent hammering against the Pusan perimeter. The landings were
    successful and the perimeter held. You now are part of the pocket's counter-attack with a
    goal to drive forward and link up with X Corps coming from Inchon.


    You are Lieutenant Hartmann and command Love Company of the 3rd Battalion, 7th Cavalry
    Regiment. Your entire battalion is brand new to Korea. You WERE previously part of the 3rd
    Infantry Division at Fort Benning, Georgia. You all traded your "Rock of the Marne" for the
    "First Team" shoulder patch. In addition to your rifle company, you have two Super Bazooka
    teams and three Easy Eight Shermans.


    The North Koreans are a shadow of the force that started this war back in June. Their 4th
    Division is estimated to number only 2,500-3,000 men. Local males have been pressed into service from
    conquered farms and villages throughout South Korea. But these conscripts are led by a cadre of
    veteran officers and NCO's. Additionally, the KPA still has numerous tanks and heavy weapons.
    Supplies may be dwindling but expect the force in Osan to be perhaps 2 platoons of infantry
    with a few tanks and heavy weapons. Their mission is to delay your advance so the rest of their
    comrades can retreat northward.

    You have 45 minutes to accomplish your mission to drive through Osan to the exit zone beyond
    the river. There are 3 basic routes forward. a) on your left, cross the tracks and head through
    the "Old Town" towards the rail bridge, b) up the center along the main paved road into the
    city and road bridge; and c) on your right along the edge of rice paddy fields to a secondary
    road that eventually fords the river.


    Points are awarded for occupying the designated buildings but the final scores for each side
    and who has obtained victory is settled by post-battle analysis and discussion between the


  5. Almost 10 years ago I had this idea. Not saying it is an original idea. I think I read others have tried it and didn't get much to happen.


    Maybe we just try again! @Vacillator, Tim, do you want to help me write the CMFI scenario for the Tiger 131 story in that video?

    and this article...


    No hurry. Do some light easy research and feed me answers to certain scenario design questions? Such as the below...

    Gueriat El Atach, Tunisia

    24 April 1943, what time?

    2nd Battalion - Sherwood Foresters versus who?


  6. 3 hours ago, Rob2020 said:

    and it took me right back to the MILF page on Pornhub where I left off last night before I went to bed.

    Wow. I had written almost the exact joke and then thought I should lift myself out of the gutter...and I had no "cancel post" button.

    Ctrl+Shift+N is the "incognito" window. 🥸

    also FYI ...if you play CM Cold War you have to be careful if you ever want to learn about AT missiles and google "Russian Saggers"...


  7. Once again I will beat the drum to ask if anybody out there would like to be involved in this mod...please PM me.

    I am using some items passed to me by @LongLeftFlank - - -so I really appreciate what he has done or gathered or cobbled together previously. For example, he already had some asian soldier skins (faces). I tried to make 1 but it is acting oddly. :(

    I am making Korean voice files from watching some Korean movies and television shows! It is a process to sit and record and then edit and amplify and test. I am doing my best "Alan Parsons Project"...

    In Blender, I am having fun trying to make this "Korean Stick Grenade pouch" as an item of gear. The german stick grenades are scaled to look like Korean stick grenades. I change the art also. They go in a pouch. It is showing in the game! Needs a little repositioning.

    I am still trying to make a better KPA cap. It just takes time.

    I do have some more flavor objects to make as [korea] versions...

    This Friday I will fight the PBEM battle and do a DAR with screenshots and TM goofy humor.  ---maybe with some video clips!

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