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Posts posted by kohlenklau

  1. UN Defensive 1950 Campaign Streamer
    25 June North Korean forces cross border with South Korea. North Korean People's Army (NKPA) numbers approximately 135,000 men; Republic of Korea (ROK) Army contains 98,000 soldiers.
    28 June NKPA forces capture Seoul.
    1 July First U.S. ground combat troops, Task Force Smith (1st Battalion, 21st Infantry, 24th Infantry Division), arrive in Korea.
    3 July Inchon falls to the NKPA.
    5 July Task Force Smith engages and delays advancing NKPA forces at Osan in first U.S. ground action of the war.
    8-12 July 21st Infantry stalls NKPA advances at Chochiwon.
    10-18 July 25th Infantry and 1st Cavalry Divisions begin movement to Korea from Japan; 29th Regimental Combat Team sails from Okinawa for Korea; 2d Infantry Division prepares to embark from Seattle.
    13-16 July 19th and 34th Infantry Regiments, 24th Infantry Division, fight delaying actions at Kum River line.
    19 July 24th Infantry Division begins defense of Taejon.
    20 July Taejon is captured by NKPA; 24th Infantry, 25th Infantry Division, captures Yechon.
    25 July 29th Regiment engages the enemy near Chinju.
    31 July 5th Regimental Combat Team arrives in Korea from Hawaii.
    4 August Naktong (Pusan) Perimeter is set up.
    8-18 August NKPA attempts to penetrate Naktong (Pusan) Perimeter and is repelled by 24th, 2d, and 25th Infantry Divisions along with Marine elements in the First Battle of the Naktong Bulge.
    15-20 August Elements of 23d and 27th Infantry Regiments and ROK 1st Division successfully defend Naktong (Pusan) Perimeter in the Battle of the Bowling Alley (west of Taegu).
    31 August-19 September Second Battle of the Naktong Bulge.

    PHASE 2: 16 September-2 November 1950

    UN Offensive 1950 Streamer
    15 September U.S. X Corps, with the 1st Marine Division, in the lead, conducts amphibious landing at Inchon.
    16 September U.S. Eighth Army begins its offensive northward out of the Pusan Perimeter.
    20 September 1st Marine Division drives northeast across Han River.
    26 September X Corps' 31st Infantry Regiment, 7th Infantry Division, moving east from Inchon, links up with Eighth Army's 7th Cavalry Regiment, 1st Cavalry Division, south of Suwon.
    27 September U.S. and Republic of Korea (ROK) forces capture Seoul, the South Korean capital.
    1 October ROK I Corps crosses 38th Parallel and then advances up the east coast.
    6-7 October Two ROK II Corps divisions cross 38th Parallel in central Korea.
    9 October U.S. Eighth Army forces cross 38th Parallel north of Kaesong and attack northward toward P'yongyang, the North Korean capital.
    10 October ROK I Corps captures the major port of Wonsan.
    14-17 October 7th Infantry Division loads on ships at Pusan in preparation for amphibious landings by X Corps along the northeastern coast above the 38th Parallel.
    19 October 1st ROK Division and U.S. 1st Cavalry Division capture P'yongyang.
    25 October Communist Chinese Forces (CCF) offensive operations begin north of Unsan with fighting between CCF and ROK forces; first Chinese soldier is captured.
    26 October 1st Marine Division, X Corps, lands at Wonsan. ROK forces reach the Yalu River at Chosan.
    29 October U.S. 7th Division lands at Iwon.
    1-2 November First U.S. battle with CCF, near Unsan.

    Phase 3: 3 November 1950-24 January 1951

    CCF Intervention, 1950-51 Streamer
    3-6 November Communist Chinese Forces (CCF) offensive continues in Eighth Army and X Corps zones.
    11 November X Corps resumes advance north.
    24 November Eighth Army moves north from the Chongchon River.
    25 November Chinese forces attack Eighth Army center and right.
    27 November X Corps attacks from west in support of Eighth Army; Chinese forces strike X Corps at Chosin Reservoir.
    29 November Eighth Army begins general withdrawal from Chongchon River line to defensive line at P'yongyang.
    29 November-1 December Chinese forces devastate U.S. 2d Infantry Division as it guards Eighth Army withdrawal.
    30 November X Corps starts retreat to port of Hungnam.
    5 December Eighth Army falls back from P'yongyang.
    11-24 December X Corps loads on ships for evacuation to Pusan; General Almond sails on Christmas Eve.
    23 December General Walker is killed in auto accident north of Seoul.
    26 December Lt. Gen. Matthew B. Ridgway arrives in Korea as Eighth Army commander.
    31 December-5 January New CCF offensive begins.
  2. The next few bursts of effort will be to mod and rename existing textures to create a passable 1950's era Korean city - what you might call a hybrid Osan/Seoul I guess.

    I have a map in progress and Gary and I will throw down for a PBEM next week some time.

    I will do the usual DAR here with screenshots and my typical discount humor. :D


  3. LET US DO THIS AGAIN! I give everybody quite a bit of time. Make a scenario for the community.

    The 3rd time is the charm is this year's motto!

    Alright, 105 days until X-mas. (Julian 358-263=105).

    Let us swamp the community with some scenarios. Use or modify an existing map if you need to (and give polite credit in your briefing or designers notes to prevent accusations of being a dreaded parasite!). Make your own simple map! Use the new CM AutoEditor? No Rembrandts are required! Dial it down to 208 x 208, if needed, the teeniest tiniest map you can make. ANY SIZE MAP IS GOOD! That's what she said! Playable from only one side is AOK. Just make sure to say that guidance in the main cover description. Use just a tiny force. Put the AI on defence and the AI plan is EASIER! Use just a small timeframe of 10 minutes!  I (and a butt ton of others) am here to lend a hand to answer questions or go now and read the famous JonS scenario guide pdf in your main install folder. All these different titles can use some new juices. I got a couple coming down.

    Or whatever size map and time you want!

    In 2021 we got between 16 and 20 new scenarios.

    In 2022 we got 14 new scenarios.

    I am not a CMCW, CMSF2, CMBS modern war bubba but please use this as a reason to make a scenario for those games. This is not just for WW2 games. 

    Best wishes and who wants to post a pledge to make a scenario?

  4. On 4/5/2023 at 7:20 PM, Ithikial_AU said:

    I've already fixed it. :) Just need to make sure something is workable for the other titles in case those one switch over to a new animation system.

    Is there a link to grab the new buttons?

    EDIT: My attempt to "fix" the buttons for CMBN seemed to look fine back in April. The same set of my new buttons "fix" also seems to look fine for the new CMFI patch just released.

  5. 1 hour ago, chocice said:

    Could someone be kind enough to remind me of where we extract the patch to??

    Don't do anything until somebody seconds my suggestion.

    1. I download the rar to my normal downloads folder.

    2. I right click on it there and extract it THERE also. THIS EXTRACT?

    3. I then click on that .exe and it opens the window where I agree to the user agreement and it has a default TARGET where my game is.

    4. I can then delete all the stuff in downloads after it is all working ok.

  6. 18 hours ago, WimO said:

    Then instruct the player to begin the game using the Turn One save game file.

    Nothing to do with this button up issue and taking the topic off to another area, but I have released 1 or 2 of these saved game file scenarios and they can do some odd and interesting and novel things as the scenario author sets the stage in special ways. 


  7. Thanks @Gumboots.

    Yeah, basically you are right for my purposes. CMFB indeed has the Easy 8 but CMFI does NOT seem to have the actual Easy 8 HVSS.

    But the M4A3(76)W was for armor and firepower the same tank.

    16. M4A3(76)W Medium Tank: This used
    the hull and chassis of the M4A3(75)W as
    well as the new 76mm-armed turret. It was
    built in greater numbers than any other
    76mm Sherman, with 4,542 being pro-
    duced. of these, more than half used the new HVSS (horizontal Volute
    Spring Suspension) system to give the tank a better ride and lower ground
    pressure (though not low enough to qualify for low ground pressure in
    game terms). With HVSS this tank was designated M4A3E8, from which
    arose its nickname “Easy Eight”.

    For my Korea Mod I will swap out the mdr from CMFB and use the Easy 8 art. 


  8. The HMG team is ordered forward to take position in the mosque.


    Folks, the stands have come alive. Caporale Buffo is a local favorite where we broadcast outside of Trento.



    Well folks, it looks rough for the hometown hero as his team has done a 180 and is headed away from the mosque. Worst yet, it seems the corporal has been mortally wounded.




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