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Everything posted by Seedorf81

  1. Can't you silently sneak that M10 to Tame or any other Victory Point?
  2. I also have a question about AT's: Is there a minimum range for AT-guns? I'd like to position ATguns behind buildings, but sometimes the road I mean to cover is 10 feet or even less away. Can an ATgun (or any gun, for that reason) fire successfully at such short range? Question concerns game and real-life guns.
  3. Sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night, screaming with fear.. The nightmare: Bf announced that they still decided to cancel Market Garden.
  4. I think C3K would agree with me that "one can always W/D off the map" should be "MY OPPONENT can always W/D off the map". "One" never withdraws.. never surrenders..
  5. I thought Canadians always came from Canada? (Terribly sorry for this lame joke, couldn't resist.)
  6. Everybody so far, thank you for responses. Especially JasonC for your very insightful answer.
  7. Man, this is brilliant! Just downloaded it, and as I see it, it really makes things a lot clearer. One of the best practical mods I've seen. Thanks!!!
  8. It's been mentioned more than once on the forum. Loads of funny and not so funny comments on the well-known issue. It has to do with the patches and the way they're downloaded, I believe. If you don't do it in the right order, you get this scarecrowcrew behavior. Perhaps searching the forum for "Mardercrews" will find the related threads.
  9. O boy, I don't even have a cat. Guantanamo looming?:eek:
  10. I think the problem lies within "(..) if flagged as 'suspicious' in..". Why would you and me be suspicious? If the "sneaky bastards brigade" puts us on the suspicious-list because of some thread postings, the whole bloody world-population could be flagged as suspicious. And if that's true, which could be closer to the truth than I want to know, then what the f#ck anyway?
  11. Kuderian, I see your sig-line is very appropriate. Yes, we are probably being noticed by "Big Brother" when we're using too much terms like bombs, guns, ambush and attack (C3K!! ). Not to mention the attention we draw during the threads on which Syria and Hezbollah, Iran and Israel, North Korea and Russia, and pretty much all the military, social and political aspects of the worlds conflicts, are being discussed. But isn't it the modern day reality that anything we put on the Internet is as open and public as can be? Why would we fear the NSA and other sneaky b#stards for what we post on the Internet more than, for instance, ordinary people in our hometowns? When I look at the comments on sometimes innocent YouTube-postings, I am stunned by the pure hate, racism and bigotry that explodes when the people who watch them do not like what they see. The ferocity of some of those reactions makes me fear that the absence of an home-address is the only reason that there is no lynching party being organized. I do not like the fact that anybody can do what they want with the information I put on the internet, (I really, really, really dislike those f#ck%ing advertisements that Google and Youtube, and the like, put in front of me every day), but it is a given thing. Maybe I'm naïve (Ehm, no not maybe, I AM naïve), but I don't believe the "sneaky bastards brigade" is coming for me, just because I post things they wouldn't like. How creepy those intelligence organizations may be, I believe that the democratic basis on which they're founded, is strong enough to minimize Gestapo-like or KGB-like behavior. (Minimize, not exclude.)
  12. Since CM Market Garden should be on it's way, I assume the Battle of the Bulge comes closer too. In preparation I've got a question. Having read an awful lot about the BotB/Ardennes (John Toland - The story of the bulge" is an excellent read), I still don't know much about the reasons why this German offensive failed so miserably. Yes, small groups of determined GI's fought tenaciously, and yes, The 101st AB and 10th Armrd. Div. put up a mighty good defense at Bastogne, and yes, Jochen Peiper used ultra-fuel-consuming KINGTIGERS on small and ever-winding roads that even forced kubelwagens and jeeps to slow down (I still wonder if he hadn't gotten much farther if he had only used Pzkw IV's and JgpzIV's), but that doesn't explain to me why, for instance, the Germans couldn't take Bastogne. Their numerical advantage alone should have been enough to obliterate the Bastogne defenders. It seems to me that the German commanders made some weird decisions during the entire battle. Are there any forum-members that know were I can find information on the German perspective?
  13. I do not have FI/GL, but these images from Vein are stunningly beautiful.
  14. Thanks. And I thought I knew a lot about WW2..
  15. I knew most birds love uniforms, but this one loves tanks. But seriously, what tank is partially shown on the right?
  16. Bill, Ehm.., Well.. A little perhaps, but that also has to do with the way Gaj defends, the map, the terrain and size of the forces involved. And most certainly with my inability to play - OR WATCH - with patience. But you've got my full attention on this AAR, you sure have!
  17. Boy, does this battle differ from the still ongoing battle "eye of the elephant"! I prefer this..(Not the result so far, but the intensity!)
  18. JonS, I never liked school very much, but this scenario-building is a lesson I'd love to learn. Great idea.
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