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Everything posted by Seedorf81

  1. Yeah, it took me a while, too. First of all, if you have an virus scanner that is as good as mine, you'll have to deal with that first. Since Vietcong is pretty old, my virus scanner saw it as something unknown and assumed it could be a virus. Make sure you have administrator access. I installed the game with the options that Vietcong suggested (800 x 600 resolution, for instance), and then I got this pop-up screen-box with the remark that Vietcong might have been wrongly installed and whether I wanted to change that or that I just wanted to continue. I continued. I didn't do it, but you would be wise to use Windows7 compatibility-mode before installing the game. It will ask you under what operating system the game used to run and provides a list. Pick "Windows XP (service pack3)". I had to try a few times, but it works fine now. Good luck with one of the best games I ever played. (First time I played, I didn't know I could use the flashlight in the tunnels, so I stumbled around for days in the pitch black. I totally got lost time and time again, fell in the punji-pits, stepped on other booby-traps and more than once got scared ****less when suddenly a VC appeared from nowhere and blew me away. I couldn't, and still can't, believe how those real "Tunnelrats" entered the tunnels again and again on their own, with just a flashlight and a colt 1911. Talk about courageous..
  2. Never in the field of animated conflict have so many forum members been waiting so long for so little.. (What?! Bitter? Me? Bitter?)
  3. Got me old "Vietcong Purple Haze" (Just the music alone makes it worth watching the antiquated graphics, I luuuuv this game) goin' again, since my faith in Market Garden arrival is pretty much gone...
  4. Am I the only one that thinks that the sun doesn't move at all? That it's planet Earth that moves?
  5. That ain't nice.. If the AA-tanks would have been destroyed as they should have, the blow to c3k's force would have been very substantial, let alone to his morale! I can imagine it's a real let down, but I certainly wouldn't mind if you continued the battle regardless.
  6. Well, Regiment probably knows best..(Or do they?) Glad you're up and running again with this AAR, because I had some serious withdrawal symptoms. Bill and you were unusual silent, still no MG download opportunity and Steve shut down the USA gun-laws thread. Nothing in life seemed important anymore! Didn't think your armor would reach the Ardennes unscathed, well done.
  7. Angle is slightly different, but don't know if that explains it.
  8. Electrical and/or hydraulic malfunctions, for instance. Or indeed something (like your trigger finger) mechanical broke or came off. Or sighting mechanism out of focus, etc. All kinds of possibilities, but it boils down to this: the tank can't shoot no more even when the gun is undamaged.
  9. Well, do you tell this to them NRA-boys or should I?
  10. So a nice harmless replica would do the trick? That could save some lives..
  11. Yes, compare please. Exactly the same screenshot if possible with armor and infantry, trees and hedges/bocage. And houses, of course. And roads. And water, and a church and barns and sun and rain and fog. In daytime and nighttime, during dusk and dawn. And..
  12. I miss something in the discussion. Are there any documented numbers of(on?) people who own(ed) a gun and who got attacked? And how many of them responded by shooting at the perpetrator(s) without being hurt themselves? I mean, the fact that you own and carry a gun doesn't mean that you are able to fend off an (armed) attack to you, or to people in your surroundings. There are only a few people who are trained enough, or "cool" enough, to be able to respond in a fast and sufficient way on surprise attacks. Most people are totally dumbfounded for seconds/minutes when terror strikes..
  13. I thought we were talking about the mass-shootings, not your "ordinary" murders, but those where the killer has this urge to take lots of people with him. Those un-mistakenly happen more often in the USA than anywhere else.
  14. See, democracy may be bad, but it stopped stupidity this time!
  15. Some people would say that George W. qualified as one of the above mentioned. Don't know about that, but I think it would have been better if somebody had stopped him before he started playing with his guns..
  16. Since there seems to be a difference in the number of mass-shootings in the "gun-loose"USA on one hand, and "gun-tight"Europe on the other, and it NOT being related to gun-laws (according to many of our overseas friends), could it be that the way the mentally instable/eerily frustrated are being treated, differs significantly? I tend to think that in Europe we have (or until recently HAD) a little more "softer" society (welfare, medical care) than the USA, which might reduce the "exploding" of potential mass-shooters. As I see it, the USA is a "tougher" place to be for losers/outcasts. Having no (lefty-liberal, I know) way out, they resort to a mass killing-suicide action. That would also explain why there are more of those killings in Europe the last decade; the economic trouble diminishes the amounts of money we spend on care/welfare. Our society becomes "tougher", too. So it wouldn't be the guns that matter, but the way "losers" are treated?
  17. Wow, nice pics, man! And look at that drivers' space, no ergonomics there..
  18. The Piat team vote: The team is as good as dead anyway, so they should get up and imitate Robert Cain V.C. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Henry_Cain, maybe they'll be as lucky as him. Attack! Destroy the panther first, the JpzIV next, and then they can pick what they want..
  19. Wouldn't real soldiers make sure they (TC and gunner) had their LOF and LOS in order? Certainly in a nice ambush position like this?
  20. I do hope you noticed the big green smiley thing. I've asked and hoped, begged and prayed for a speedy MG-release. In vain, so I finally tried a little emotional blackmail (with a preacher-like undertone, I know.) On a serious note: of course I have the MG-euro's safely put aside, but do not forget that putting money aside is fine as long as one can pay ones bills. If it comes down to not being able to pay your utilities and rent (not yet in my case by the way), the stashed away game-money outlives it's purpose (no electricity = no game!). I never thought it possible, but there are people in The Netherlands - one of the richest countries in the world - who are in those dire circumstances. A lot of folks say it's their own fault, and for some that is certainly true, but for others it's not.
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