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Everything posted by Seedorf81

  1. Yes, am playing German campaign, have started two or three scenario's to look at them and no problems. However, I did not play PBEM, nor have I tried to load and older CMBN/CW game-save yet.
  2. Yes, I had the same problem. Reran Market Garden installer again and the problem, very mysteriously, didn't come up any more.. Hope you already solved the problem yourself.
  3. Well, I've got one that doesn't work.. I believe it's Vin's animated text, because that shows that I have Su-25's, RPGs, YPRs, Italian mortars and my infantry is sometimes designated as Long Tom. Have still to remove this Mod to be sure that it is the reason for this game spoiling crap. Not a good start and to make things worse: I am very glad that in MG we don't have to deal with that bocage horror no more, but the first scenario I start??? German para's have to attack through rows and rows of bocage! (Counterattack at St-lo or something).
  4. Well, like all things its relative; in the second half Bill can kill, with just one shot if he gets lucky, 100% of c3k's tanks, while he couldn't even kill 85% in the first half.
  5. If this waiting takes much longer any surviving veterans from the 1st airborne division are going to honour us for holding out so long..
  6. Yes, even after playing this game for quite a while, I sometimes start swearing and cursing when my AFV's or tanks seem to ignore my orders to advance. In the heat of battle I forgot that I gave a HUNT command and indeed, they spotted a lone enemy rifleman and stop, f#cking up my brilliant planning. This arcing solution that is mentioned doesn't suit me, since I tend to forget to UN-ARC later, with usually disastrous consequences. I hardly ever use HUNT anymore, certainly not for vehicles, I use SLOW.
  7. There where I stated in a previous thread that being a Sdkfz mg-gunner had to be the deadliest position in Combat Mission's history ever, I 'll have to correct myself after seeing these astonishing screenshots: Being a Commonwealth unbuttoned tank commander must be the deadliest position in Combat Missions history. (Until some other impressive and surprising screenshot-evidence shows otherwise, that is .)
  8. Well, If I were Mr Emrys I couldn't and wouldn't shy away from such a brazen challenge..
  9. Quote from c3k's comments: "I'm going to use a bunch of pictures. Should I reduce the number I post?" Ken, you do know the phrase "rhetorical question", I presume?
  10. Like I just mentioned in c3k's thread: "Though unemployment figures are currently very high, and my job might be on the line, I most certainly would NOT apply for the vacancy of machine gunner in a Sdkfz. It must be THE most lethal position in all of Combat Mission's history." Bill, I empathize..
  11. Though unemployment figures are currently very high, and my job might be on the line, I most certainly would NOT apply for the vacancy of machine gunner in a Sdkfz. It must be THE most lethal position in all of Combat Mission's history.
  12. (Sorry, posted this while other screenies were still coming. Anyway, in this posting I'm referring to Piat Pete.) A brilliant, textbook like, example of how to perform one of the most difficult combat maneuvers: "withdrawal under enemy fire"! A tactical masterpiece.
  13. No, not at all. In fact, I think it's a fascinating battle so far. Still excited and very curious about how it will turn out.
  14. When, or should I say "if", Bill's infantry enters town, small arms ammo will be spent as fast as I will spend my money on the MG-module (if it ever arrives, that is). I certainly expect your stenguns to wreak havoc, but I wonder how their (average) ammo status is. Please inform..
  15. As ever, a pleasure to view and read. From now on I will think of you as "The Spielberg of AAR's".
  16. You're just being sarcastic, aren't you?:cool:
  17. NO! (Well, to be a little more polite and to reach 10 characters: I'd rather you didn't.)
  18. Boy, nearly everything about Market Garden seems to get delayed one way or another..
  19. Yeah, it took me a while, too. First of all, if you have an virus scanner that is as good as mine, you'll have to deal with that first. Since Vietcong is pretty old, my virus scanner saw it as something unknown and assumed it could be a virus. Make sure you have administrator access. I installed the game with the options that Vietcong suggested (800 x 600 resolution, for instance), and then I got this pop-up screen-box with the remark that Vietcong might have been wrongly installed and whether I wanted to change that or that I just wanted to continue. I continued. I didn't do it, but you would be wise to use Windows7 compatibility-mode before installing the game. It will ask you under what operating system the game used to run and provides a list. Pick "Windows XP (service pack3)". I had to try a few times, but it works fine now. Good luck with one of the best games I ever played. (First time I played, I didn't know I could use the flashlight in the tunnels, so I stumbled around for days in the pitch black. I totally got lost time and time again, fell in the punji-pits, stepped on other booby-traps and more than once got scared ****less when suddenly a VC appeared from nowhere and blew me away. I couldn't, and still can't, believe how those real "Tunnelrats" entered the tunnels again and again on their own, with just a flashlight and a colt 1911. Talk about courageous..
  20. Never in the field of animated conflict have so many forum members been waiting so long for so little.. (What?! Bitter? Me? Bitter?)
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