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Posts posted by Seedorf81

  1. I don't think so as it would require the geometry of models to be changed, which is the least you would need to do just for aesthetic purposes. For functional purposes - to have steps leading to actual entrances - the coding for buildings would probably have to be changed as well.

    Yeah, I understand the problems. It's just that the better the graphics (in every aspect) become, the more the remaining "non-realistic" things stand out. And the demands (from the ever unsatisfied customers) for even better/more beautiful graphics stay.

  2. Climbing through windows would be pretty realistic for urban combat, wouldn't it? Makes the leaving/entering of buildings a little less dangerous..

    BTW, I've been wondering why the streets still look a bit odd and unrealistically in these Market Garden maps, but in cities in the Netherlands (and I reckon in other countries, too) we have something that we call "de stoep".

    It's pavement that is slightly higher than the street which runs parallel to the buildings. The width varies and in the old parts of cities the rich people showed off their wealth by putting ornaments/art/steps/banisters on their part of "de stoep". It's part of the attractiveness of old cities (I think) and it makes every street have it's own nice signature.

    This is what I miss in the beautiful city-maps..

    Could this be Modded?

  3. not even a replica???!!! that's madness, there's something's I dislike about my country but im proud of the fact I can buy things like .50 cal Barrett's to a full auto MG-42 (with the proper paper work). my first rifle was a '54 Tula SKS damn I miss her.

    Oh, yeah, sure.. keep on hurtin' my gunless feelings!:)

    And nope, not even a replica. In fact it's gone so bad over here that even toy guns cannot be sold unless they're very obvious NOT resembling a real one. Big fines if you come back from your holiday abroad and bring with you a plastic replica.

    And what I wouldn't pay for an replica M-14..

  4. :eek: look at all those deactivated weapons on that site... almost makes me want to cry ...

    I can't buy no nothin' because I'm livin' in the Netherlands. Our laws don't permit even replica's. That's sensible, but SHI-IT, man!!!

    Wouldn't I love to own a (replica of) a Sten or a Bren or a Thompson or a SKS or a Garand or..(I can go on and on and on).

  5. It's very debatable Seedorf. (..)

    I'd also like to point out that some historians (such as David Hunt, who teaches a history of the Vietnam war at UMass) believe Westmorelands strategy of basically depopulating the countryside - however barbaric and crude - would eventually actually have worked, if US public opinion had been for the war. (..)

    He, I firmly believe that completely depopulating an entire country always works..;)

  6. the op I don't get is the Hurtgen forest, why the heck did the US insist on sending division after division into such a meat grinder that late in the war, when they had all the mobility to bypass it or all the firepower to annihilate it. They suffered shocking losses in there for little gain. Was it stubborn pride?

    Like in so many fields of life, people who desperately want to lead (and who have no scruples what so ever in getting there) are usually not the ones best suited for leadership.

    It seemed that a whole lot of colonels from ww2 for instance, serving in rather "safe" positions, fu#ked up the Vietnam war when being generals. (body count fiasco!)

  7. I'll be brief - as I don't want to distract from this marvellous AAR

    I'm an artist as well - A' Level A and Degree in Fine Art painting, Done the bohemian artist thing painting round Europe on a bread roll, worked commercially, and have pictures in collections etc. :)

    Saying "never" makes it seem absolute, now if you'd said "as rule of thumb" then I would have you given you artistic licence. :P

    Carry on blowing up each other....

    I watched the famous Bob Ross painting lessons. I'm an artist as well. :)

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