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Everything posted by BletchleyGeek

  1. Nightlife there looks really rough (see below at the 11:15 mark). Glasgow has a completely undeserved reputation, compared with this place.
  2. It's like Star Trek ships moving at the "speed of plot"
  3. I am playing this scenario at the moment, and I am enjoying it quite a bit. Your plan is pretty much the one I came up with
  4. Thank you, I see that my reading comprehension this morning isn't very good!
  5. Hi there John, I just registered the CMSF1 -> 2 Upgrade bundle as @SgtHatred did. But I only see an entry for the base game, not for the modules. The old CMSF1 keys do not work - my understanding is that those became invalid after getting the bundle. Could you guys check that the bundle keys are correctly pulling along the modules too? I was expecting that specific entries would appear for the NATO, Marines, etc. modules as the Slitherine standard procedure is that you activate on steam separatedly each piece of game. See link to screenshot: https://i.imgur.com/cuKapT4.jpg Thanks again for making this possible! PS: It would be great to have the ability to link directly images, for some reason it is not working for me?
  6. Thanks @akd for wading into Twitch and coming up with a direct link to Steve & @ChrisND demo session. Very interesting to hear Steve's voiceover (it's good to put a sound to the written word!). As usual, when you listen to a creator talking about their work, there's nuance and a smattering of detail that you don't get from text alone. So I learnt a couple things about CMx2 that I didn't before. I think every fan of these games should watch that demo. What was the feedback and questions from the professional audience like? It is a crowd that, speaking in very general and broad terms, is not very fond of high fidelity simulators, and prefer manual wargames as they don't need to jump a big technical barrier in order to tweak the models.
  7. Oookay. I almost fell off the couch when I read about this on The Wargamer and had to check out the Steam page to see it wasn't an elaborate prank. Will you guys be giving Steam keys to those who already have the games? And excited to hear about this, I am positive it will be good for your business!
  8. Hi @BFCElvis, thanks for posting the changelogs, I appreciate the time taken for documenting changes,
  9. Congratulations to the BFC team for what I think is the best endorsement for a simulation like CMx2. I can only hope that besides the $$$ stream coming via the contract, you guys also get some feedback on the sim, the kind of feedback that "nerds in white lab coats" can generate, and that helps you make CMx2 (or future ones) better.
  10. Months ago I joked the game would come out in winter... Guess what, southern hemisphere winter is almost here!
  11. I think you were thinking of the BA 64. This made me smile
  12. NABLA like tournaments are very fun @slyniper - excellent initiative! but my gaming budget is very short these days. Happy to post here and boost your signal!
  13. Ah, cheers @Fizou for the heads up, but it seems that they don't ship outside of Sweden... when filling in the shipping form I couldn't change the country to something useful
  14. I haven't tried the Age of Sail one... It does look quite good. People seem to complain about the ground battles... and I didn't love the American Civil War ones. Fun at times but accuracy and realism is sacrificed a bit too much in exchange for fast gameplay.
  15. Off topic, but @semmes how do you get a different signature in each post? Do you add them by hand? Or you know a forum life hack for that?
  16. Just keep track of what is the pose of the squad members. Leaders and gunners tend to switch to the "one knee down" pose while idle rather than being prone. Any soldier not prone is more exposed to fragments, incoming fire, etc. They may also not be able to take advantage of the "microcover" associated with particular tile types. The job of a leader first and foremost is to ensure an adequate level of situational awareness. Being prone is not conducive to that. Similar issues with the guy with the squad status weapon. These guys are more likely to experience "weapon pull" - since they have the big gun they are more likely to use it. So he squats to scan for targets. Being prone is not conducive to use that cool gun. On top of the above we have the target prioritisation for higher value targets: leaders and the dudes with the big gun. In your examples my guess is that what you see is about the posture of the pixel truppen. RockinHarry, several years ago, demonstrated beyond doubt how swapping the default animations had a significant impact on casualty rates. There's still a lot of game to enjoy @semmes, don't get too caught up on the little artifacts that follow from the approximations to the real thing that were deemed necessary to get this game out of the door. Peace out and stay safe!
  17. It's quite fleshed out. Last night I tried the scenario they have made for the USS Monitor and CSS Virginia duel. It was a blast. No pun intended.
  18. Ultimate Admiral Dreadnought is quite fun (early access though). It's somewhere halfway between Distant Guns and the ships game by the War Thunder Dev company.
  19. Brains and Bullets, by "Leo Murray" was exciting and very intellectually stimulating. It was for me a missing piece in a puzzle, I got so excited I have restarted a project I have kept under a tarp for years. Very interesting exposition, illustrated by historical and contemporary examples of how command and control and planning can go totally off the rails even in highly professional armies, why so many owe their life's to flamethrower tanks, or why most CM scenarios should have a 10% casualty level victory condition
  20. I had WW2 in my mind when I wrote the above. You are completely right re: contemporary mechanized infantry.
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