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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Magpie_Oz

  1. Point is you don't get lines for targets or command IRL so for my money it is an improvement .
  2. Are you meaning to say that the wind in the scenario was stated as being from the South West when it was actually from the North West? I have never heard winds being indicated by any other means that by the direction they come from, it come from the old seafarers in that it is the direction you face when you feel the wind in your face. Typo's in any production you pay for are inexcusable in my book, seems to have been getting worse in recent years, grammar as well. " I wish to offer you some advise " is my pet hate!
  3. I have got a room, Leeos apparently. Do you want the "Hello Kitty" doona to complete your collection? or shall I just throw it out?
  4. So long as you don't want me to polish it, everything will work out fine.
  5. Well if it is press ganging there is not much I can do really is there? Thanks for the welcome, at least is an Aussie House and not some appaling Pommie lot or shudder a 'Merkin one Just be very careful what you do with your 1.81 Kg Black Pudding or it will be Ghost Who Walks Funny * *Llongo Name for Phantom after "The Sausage Incident"
  6. For me it is the Realist path. I see the game heading more and more to immersing the player in the ambiance of the battlefield up to the limits of the available technology. The ultimate form for me would be a situation where you are, in the mode of a FPS, placed on the battlefield as the commander in your HQ and you will be commanding units in the same way a real commander might do. Everything around you is modelled accurately to the real world performance of equipment and people. Ironically most of the battle information will come to you from reports that are plotted on a topo map by a staff officer so in one sense the game will look as it did when we first started with cardboard counters. Pre-battle set up will be as if you were holding a briefing for you commanders. If you run to the top of the hill you can see your forces, if you talk on the radio you can hear contact reports and that sort of thing. You can advance behind one of your platoons and shout directions to your men. You can be shot. The user interface will be by voice and the AI developed to a degree where your troops and subordinate commanders will act much in the way real people do, even to the point of disagreeing and arguments ! Multilayer would include other players as part of your team and/or the enemy and could even integrate to other "modules" that model things like Artillery or Air Support or naval actions in an 3d Social network sort of environment. Rantings of a loon ?
  7. Well it is heavier going than Point Du Hoc in the CM:BN forum at the moment with all forces heavily engaged in a sometimes bitter struggle to work out why the game does what it does, how it does what it does, and how we get it to do what we want it to do and why it won't do what we want it to do. Haven't bought the game myself, maybe later. Reading a few of the threads I was given to thinking about what might happen in the coming years, lets say 10 to 15 years from now. To my mind there are very much two camps when it come to our hobby. For the sake of the discussion let's call them Realists and Controllers. Realists are those who want a sim, something that represents as closely as possible the reality of the events we model. Controllers are those who also seek to model the events accurately but have the desire to control and command every aspect of those events. So which direction do you think our hobby will head, Realist or Controller and what do you think will be the ultimate form of the game in that direction?
  8. I can't imagine what would be better if a larger development house took up the game but as previously noted, more resources on a project require a greater return for the investment and ergo a wider market appeal so the very things that makes ASL/CM unique will be lost.
  9. Oh, how disappointing I can only fly a real one not a computer one.
  10. So I need to have an Oedipus Complex to advance beyond the rank of Nuclear Submarine ?
  11. Ummmm ......... is ....... isn't that .... what Combat Mission ...... is ???
  12. CRACK ! BOOM ! WTF was that ! see easy, you don't need lines just eyes and ears. I love the realism that this new module has as I find it make the game more absorbing as you have to be alert to what is going on.
  13. Yes of course I was forgetting the first law of wedded bliss, She is always right. The second law being : If She is wrong refer rule 1.
  14. I think that title is a hotly contested one, estimates of deaths attributable to the dictators, generally civilian both at home and in occupied countries, execution of POWs and deserters, and genocide of ethinic groups like Jehovah's Witness, Freemasons, Homosexuals, Gypsies. Tojo 30 million Stalin 20 million Hitler 17 Million
  15. I have no interest in any sentence from any of you sickos that references your Mum and/or your tongue
  16. Then how come my wife complains about being too cold when I feel fine ?
  17. Trust a Pom to think that The Ghost Who Walks * is some French drivel about limp wristed freak show pervert stalking women in an opera house put to music by Andrew Gaylloyd Webber and performed by Some Mother's Do 'Ave 'Em . * - Llongo name for The Phantom ******* You do me great honour with your generous offer Stuka but to use the 'Merkin vernacular (ahem) "I ain't no body's bitch" I'm off to wrestle a Crocodile. (in a manly way Hiram)
  18. The age old dilemma of the Foxhole. Hide and live or poke you head up to do you job and get it shot off.
  19. There are no bicycles or Schwimmenwagens either
  20. He who dis'es Phantom's threads shall surely die * *Old Jungle saying
  21. Bit hard to use those references as tactical doctrine changes so much from WW1 to 2 to modern times. I know of an Irish BRIGADE of 4 Battalions that was killed or wounded to a man in 200m on the Somme. Yet the British forces on the Falklands advanced over essentially featureless land against emplaced GPMG's and 50cals and sustained minimal casualties.
  22. I thought my comment on the trouser bulge was more flattering, but hey Purple Tights are just as good.
  23. The same one as Sorority Sluts 1 thru 14 as I recall.
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