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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. That was unexpected. I play with edge camera scrolling turned off. I would never in a million years think that those settings would be part of a game save. Sorry man Glad you already resolved it.
  2. Yeah I just tried it and got all five vehicles across smoothly. Well a little fanny wiggling but all crossings went fine. I have attached saves. This is Hot seat with not passwords - just skip over the Red side I only game them orders to move away and not shoot. The 001 turn is the full move orders so you can see how I plotted the orders over the bridges. The 003 turn shows them actually crossing. Cain and Abel bridge corss orders 001.bts Cain and Abel bridge corss orders 003.bts
  3. That has to be the least helpful comment so far. You are essentially saying "make this game like those other games but with one other thing". Go to those other game forums and advocate for a WEGO feature. Or talk about what specific features you think would be a good fit in CM.
  4. Super - I was just uploading to my site for temporary hosting - I'll stop now...
  5. The sample looks good. I look forward to downloading them. Just in case you missed it you can contact @Bootie and have him upload your mod to the new CM Mod site. I suspect you know that but just in case and given the fun we are all about to have (not) with media fire I thought I would make sure...
  6. What @MOS:96B2P is more relevant to your actual question - follow his advice. But you might find this thread interesting - from the FAQ:
  7. Awesome post - I'm all out of up votes or I'd be just doing that. I'll just reiterate what @Mord brought up - Quick Battles. It is so easy to go get whatever vehicle you want and have fun. You don't even *have* to do the work that @slysniper and @George MC remind you that you can do because - Quick Battles. Come on guys this is a CM3 wish list thread. So far only about 10% of it is even remotely interesting. You guys can do better - I think
  8. One additional way you can get the install to be screwed up is the way you unzip the downloaded package. It is a serious short coming in the packaging for Windows. You must unzip the compressed download. You must make sure that no other zip files mods or items from BFC are in the location where you unzip the downloaded package. Otherwise the install program reads those files too and that can create a dog's breakfast of a mess. Once you downloaded the install package you want create a new empty folder. Unzip the package into that folder. Run the install program from in that nice fresh folder.
  9. Ack no. Just download one thing. The v4 full installer. No need for 1.x or 2.x or 3.x anything that's the point of the full installer. As for licensing you do need to use the activation link to enter your original game key (sounds like the one from 1.0) then the 3.0 upgrade key and then the 4.0 upgrade key and then the key(s) for any of the modules you bought. Actual order is not important. If anything strange happens with licensing open a support ticket - no one here can really help with license issues - other that what I wrote above. Whatever you do, only use the v4 full installer. If you run in to trouble resist the urge to run random installers to fix things - it will not help. All you need to do is remove any older versions and run the v4 full installer - nothing else is needed.
  10. Not with the current DRM system. CM Shock Force 1.0 worked that way that that is the only CM game that did that.
  11. LOL very true. My dad used to call infantry AT weapons placebo weapons - because they made you feel better but were not really very effective. Note: he served as a line officer in the 60s so he had no access to the cool new toys of today.
  12. No idea about speed. 25 items? That seems wrong. The best thing to do normally is to forget about v3 and just DL the all in one installer or v4. It allows you to install from nothing and have a fully patched and working game. Given the slowness issues I would recommend contacting support: https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/ They can guide you on exactly what to DL and how to activate it plus they may be able to help out with your DL speed problem.
  13. No. No need for disks anymore if you don't want and you do *not* need to got through the trouble of installing from v1. Starting with the v3 upgrade each game got all in one installers that you can dl that have everything in one install. Once you make your purchase make sure you dl the installer for the OS you need and with the word "FULL" in the name. That will allow you to install one thing and then activate the content you purchased. PDF files come with the games. Yes, you get some number of activations. If you run out then you will have to contact support to get more. So, far I have never heard of anyone being refused. They want their customers to be playing the game.
  14. Yeah that's probably not right. There could be a confirmation email in your spam folder that has a dl link - check that first. Either way open a support ticket here: https://battlefront.mojohelpdesk.com/
  15. It is classic crappy/dishonest headline writing. One of the problems with journalism is sensational headlines. If there is a serious dead line - such as the 12 years to make significant progress or face problems that are not reversible - and some important meeting is coming up in a year and a half suddenly some dumb ass headline writer says "well that just means the real dead line is only 18 months away". No it is not you idiot! So, they write a headline like that and after people realize that the 18 month deadline is not real they are less inclined to accept that the 12 year dead line is. It is a boy who cried wolf problem.
  16. No, there is no deactivate for the current licensing system. If you want to have it on another machine go ahead and install it and activate it. Your account has some number of activations and if you rebuild your machine frequently you can ask for more via support.
  17. I have a feeling he is actually playing mine craft and mistaking it for CM. Just based on some of the off the wall stuff that he get quoted here. Pun not intended - OK it was
  18. Well that was uncomfortable... Interestingly both squad insisted on holding onto one hand grenade each and they didn't use it even with enemy targets right near by. Otherwise they just stared at each other. Or perhaps past each other... No ammo showdown 001.bts No ammo showdown 002.bts
  19. Certainly. Totally running out of ammo is pretty rare but to have two units on opposite sides run out and be in close proximity. Likely rare enough that no one has see it. Buuuutt we could all create the situation our selves...
  20. Those are not really that similar. The known oil reserves are being used up. That is the basis of the fear that was being pushed. Eventually we will run low on oil. As my Econ proff pointed out during the "we are going to run out of copper" scare of the 80s the markets address this kind of stuff. Back to the copper example - he was spot on. The amount of copper being mined was more than we were finding new possible mine locations. As that fact sank in, cooper started getting more and more expensive. So, people started looking for different ways to solve the problems we were using cooper for. Now water pipes in new constrution are nearly all *not* copper. Wiring still is - because alternatives to piping water that were not copper are now cheaper but we still need copper for wiring. I have not heard anyone say we are going to run out of copper any time soon. Oil is the same if we do one day get close to running out it will get more and more expensive and we will be forced to find alternatives. Oil has had a reprieve since new sources have been found (fraking, oil sands). This is the other side effect of higher prices - it makes sources that a decade ago were to expensive to mine viable. The use of resources like oil and copper and anything else is managed by our economic markets. Turns out predicting markets is hard and people don't do a good job of it. Climate change is not in the same situation. That work is based on long term trends and the scientific method (yes with hypotheses having been tested etc.). We know it is happening, we know we caused it. About the only thing I'll grant you is that predictions might be off. However when I say off I mean instead of an overall average x deg C byn Y year we might get x+2 in Y-10 or it could be x-2 in Y+10. It will however *not* turn out to be much a do about nothing. Predicting anything precisely is difficult. Knowing what direction we are headed is stone cold obvious. My concern is that 20 years from now less of the earth is comfortable for us to live on and grow things on and the disruption in global politics and economics will make the lives of my kids unrecognizable from mine. Honestly I hope that the predictions are off and we have more run way - not because it's not real but because that will give my kids generation time to make things better for their kids.
  21. Now that would be cool. Sounds like a challenge - be the first to post a any tank with an air craft kill on the game end screen. Bonus points it the tank is a Stuart.
  22. Thanks, I am glad you like it. Yes, the installer should have set that up actually. But it is pretty easy to do manually. Here is what you do (I used Win10 but similar steps will work for Win7 - just some commands might be in slightly different places): Open the start menu and scroll to the Whose Turn Is It group and expand it Right click on the Whose Turn Is It short cut and select More | Open file location That will open windows file explorer showing the shortcut for Whose Turn Is It. Copy the short cut (select it <ctrl>c or right click copy) In that windows file explorer click on the Startup folder - it is at the same level as the folder you are currently viewing likely a few lines above it on the left hand folder view Paste the short cut into the Startup folder Next time you restart WTII will start up as well.
  23. Except for mods that chance text. For example Vin's animated text mod. Those will no longer work.
  24. Well this clinches it. I'm dl'ing this once it is available. The portraits are one thing I have never bothered with but you are putting so much into this... I'll reward your efforts the only way I can - by using them!
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