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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. LOL security from what exactly? The narrative that Western Europe or Eastern Europe or the US is some how a direct territorial threat to Russia is just made up.
  2. Well given that is not what he said your point is - well not a point. I personally still think there is an issue here and I am continuing to create a test case I can bring forward...
  3. Sounds cool. The file is embedded in the .jar file. Monday once I am back to an actual PC I can tell you how to get it and we can see if you can change it and have it work. If you are interested I could look at the code needed to actually support multiple languages for v2.0 that I am currently working on and make it an official feature.
  4. I cannot find an actual post from Steve but I thought he has said in the past the he doesn't want everything from the inner workings to be public. We players should learn how to play the game like we do life by experience. See above. I'll just add I'm not sure that would be a valuable thing for Steve to do. I'd rather he work on the design stuff he is currently doing. Everyone here knows how to get something fixed. Share saves. Reproduction odd happenings and conduce research to show what we see is incorrect. Many of us already do that officially and unofficially. This is the biggest mystery. It's mind boggling actually. I love playing this game and I don't need to know why evey little thing happens. In fact I think that would detract from some of the fun. Go play.
  5. I must admit to being confused. What do you guys want? What is really the problem? A large part of threads like this seem to be based around a story of something happening and the a long thread of speculation and complaints. The majority of the time no reliable evidence is shown that the event is common in any way. Heck half the time I'm not convinced it even did happen for the reasons people give. Am I reading these posts correctly? Do you want BFC to officially comment on why a particular event happened? Do you want a detailed explanation of how the inner workings are calculating this stuff. Do you think there should be a fix to something? And more importantly how is our inability to grok the inner workings of the game in any way a road block to enjoying it? We should go play the game - you guys and me. Or investigate actual reportable bugs - me
  6. Check out the FAQ post: check out the New to Multiplayer section.
  7. I have not fully implemented support for translation. But I also have put the strings in a file. I don't have the ability to translate into any other languages. So, I would need to do some coding work and have someone do a translation or two.
  8. I was not planning on it. I, personally, am not a big fan of dings and bongs so I didn't think of it. Sounds like a good option.
  9. I was not planning on it. I, personally, am not a big fan of dings and bongs so I didn't think of it. Sounds like a good option.
  10. That is an issue. If you don't have the archive directory specified there will be nothing to .zip up. The archive command just looks at the archive folder. So, I should disable that command if you are not archiving turns.
  11. Correct. The TO&E system is a mixture of things are baked into a scenario and future changes to it are not made in existing scenarios but do show up when you add a new formation in the editor. Others automatically effect things everywhere. A general rule is if its "who reports to whom" that is baked in if its "who holds on to what weapon" it is not. But that is not a hard and fast rule either.
  12. Just to further clarify the issue first reported was reproduced in 4.01 by several testers. The 4.02 build fixed those reproducible test cases. We get that after that build was out people are still hitting the problem. Several of those same testers have been trying to create a reliable test case using the new build. A fix was made. It did fix some of the problem. Clearly not all. Still working on trying to reproduce it. If people have a game they started in 4.02 that exhibits this problem please share a save. Any saves should be for newly started games using the 4.02 build. Do not share saves from games that were started in 4.00 or 4.01 - please.
  13. I just checked - this bug has been logged. I agree with @Swant that if an FO has called a few missions and those missions are still on going they should be able to adjust any one and have that adjustment only apply to the parameters of that one mission and leave the other ongoing missions alone.
  14. That video looks like it was working correctly - the internal paths of the .zip file are just - shall we say - interesting.
  15. Refresh is performing the transfer of files to and from the drop box folder and the game files folders. It is designed to leave only the latest files in each of those locations. Part of that process should be keeping copies of them in a folder under the archive directory. That copy step seems to be not working properly in your example. I see in the first video that your archive directory does have some sub folders. Are those sub folder names the names from other games you have played? Do those sub folders have .ema files inside them?
  16. Thanks for the video that clears up my understanding of what you are seeing. Something is wrong though and am not sure what it is. The archive process takes all the files in the archive directory sub folder named after the game you are playing and then deletes the files under the game files and the drop box share. In your example there should be a folder named "Quick Battle" under the archive directory. Each time you play a turn and files are transfered to and from the drop box folder copies should also be placed in the archive folder. At any given time there should be one file in the incoming folder, one file in the outgoing folder, one file in the drop box folder and a copy of all the files in the "Quick Battle" sub folder under the archive directory. In your example for some reason no folder named Quick Battle was created and no turn files were archived in such a folder. Further for some reason those extra files in the incoming and outgoing are not being cleaned up as expected. I do not know how that happened.
  17. OK wide spread. What should we expect to see? What I noticed is that typically Syrian forces has around 100 rounds per soldier (including the PKM man). US forces tended to have around 200 rounds per soldier while Canadian soldiers had around 400 rounds each. The Syrian numbers do feel low and the Canadian numbers do feel high. But on what basis do we assert that those numbers are wrong? If those numbers are a typical load out for those armies then there is not much we can do. Can anyone point to information that shows those numbers being off? I'll start a discussion internally too and see what info may already have gone into that decision or not. BTW this was tested using the QB system. I did not look at the scenario editor with its additional options.
  18. I do not experience crashes while playing the game. I suggest opening a support ticket - they might have a list of trouble shooting steps that could narrow things down. As for being an exercise in frustration - it sure can be. My advice would be two fold: a) don't reload just take the hit. No wasted time that way. b) when something like that happens think carefully about the orders you gave and how the TacAI reacted and make different choices next time. Yes, I know that is unfair / annoying but you really can learn how the TacAI "thinks" and as you do you will give orders that maximize the chances of your troops doing a good job and minimize goofy stuff. I was reminded of my advice again yesterday - I ordered a squad and a couple of other teams across a bridge. It so happens there is a ford on the map as well and the TacAI decided to send four guys off to the ford since the bridge became too crowded. Grrrr. Next set of guys I sent across the bridge got some pause orders to spread them out to prevent that from happening.
  19. I cannot find a listing for it - can you be more specific as to what formation this is for?
  20. Ah, Humm I should make that more clear and disable that command unless you have specified the "Turn archive root directory" (see the entry under the file management tab here https://www.lesliesoftware.com/products/WhoseTurnIsIt/gettingstarted.html). The archive game command .zips up all the turn files stored in the game sub folder of said archive directory. This really only works if you have specified a turn archive directory. I am assuming you do not have the "Turn archive root directory" set. If that value is blank then no archive will be created. Yes, if the archive directory is set then the notes file will get added to the .zip file. Or at least it is supposed to.
  21. I also want to say @wgbn1968 - thanks for the feedback. I appreciate it and can likely act on some of your requests in the future. Thanks for helping me get a full understandin of what you want to see as well.
  22. I am not sure what you are requesting here. The game notes directory can be specified where ever you would like (one directory for all notes). It should not be stored with the game turns since those folders are visible to your opponent and I elected for it to be different separately specified from the turn archive directory because so that people can store their notes locally and their archived files on a external drive or NAS if you want. Are you saying you would like the notes to be stored in the sub folder where the archived turns are being stored?
  23. Correct the code framework I am using does not have the ability to detect file changes so I was unable to update as files are changed. I see that a newer version now includes this so this is a feature I can add. In the mean time you can use the Refresh command (available from the system try icon and from the app's main menu).
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