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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. If I recall correctly there is a head wound mod that could explain it. The way the mod works AFAICR is everyone gets a head wound - even the living. The only time it is visible in game is when a casualty's helmet comes off. Given that the issue causing the scare crow crew here is with the models if a hat or helmet is missing the wound would show in the "living" crew member.
  2. That sounds familiar Assuming you are talking about our game: Two comments: what makes you think it is a single AC firing on both targets? I am not really surprised you cannot see the firing unit(s). I spent many minutes maneuvering into that position tweaking positions after looking through the trees to get it just right. *I* was expecting them to die but am happy to see they are getting rounds on target - or at least close. Nope Don't give him any ideas
  3. I could not have said it better myself - well done. I look forward to the details of what is shown / not shown at each level. Bill what level are you can GAJ playing your game at?
  4. I cannot comment on their historical use but I will say - don't do it:D So far every game I have played that has a Priest or Priests one of them ended up in a huge fire ball. Believe me you do not want any of your troops or light vehicles any where near that fire ball. Go with the 105 Sherman instead. They pack just as much punch but they die less frequently (word of warning though if one does brew up it is only a matter of time before it too goes up in a huge fire ball).
  5. Yes, he does. Remember when GAJ KO'ed two HTs with one AT gun round Bill thought it was a burst from the M16.
  6. The dogs are kinda like the surrendering enemies - you cannot directly target them. I honestly have not noticed that there are barking dogs. Are you sure it is not a dog in your neighborhood? I promise to not eat chocolate for a few days and listen more carefully.
  7. Absolutely on both counts. While a single tree does not do much for hiding tanks, if you are at the edge of the woods staying back between trees makes a difference in staying hidden.
  8. I have no idea about how frequent that kind of thing was, but how often are you seeing this? I think I have seen it twice and once of those was a tank commander when the enemy missed just slightly high. There is always the chance that some poor soul will be directly in the round's path. I think it is much more likely that the AT gun is aiming area fire at the spot where they spotted enemy infantry.
  9. OK, I'll play. It will be released at 1600 (4pm) Tuesday afternoon on the 14th of May. Because they would not release it on my birth day as you suggest @Fuser.
  10. You know the saying "loose lips sink ships". The time line for this battle is tight so I cannot move too slow but at some point you will have to stop falling back. So far there have only been a handful of casualties but I have a feeling that is about to change. Now if I could just get my mortar teams to drop shells on your guys and not mine:(
  11. Oh I feel for you but I want to see more:D Are you going to survive all the extra work this will entail for each vehicle: "clean" [muddy] [whitewash] [whitewash][muddy] [olive] [olive][muddy] ... that is 7 x the work for every vehicle I love the thought of what you can do but honestly will you survive?
  12. They look fantastic. This is absolutely brilliant. What a great idea. I have a question though about the [muddy] tag. You say it will be used for wet weather. But what about generally dry conditions where there is some muddy terrain or fords. Will vehicles swap textures from "clean" to [muddy] if they drive through mud or a ford? I seem to recall reading that in a post but I cannot find it.
  13. No doubt they were a descendent of the person that that thought it was a good idea to go to war in a kilt.
  14. Well I am in that situation now in a PBEM game I am playing. I will let you guys know what happens. The calling unit (has one survivor) is denied - they cannot even see how long there is before the spotting rounds arrive. A recently arrived FO team is also denied because the battery is busy but at least they can see that rounds are 10min out. I hope the battery gives up quickly because 13 minute call times are pretty long...
  15. +1 to that. That thread is where I learned to do it. If there is no HE available use whatever is available. The other piece of advice that has proven fruitful is do not rush. Just because you can set way points to go from building to building all the way down the street does not mean you should Clear one or two buildings at a time. That way no one gets ahead of the supporting units and ends up facing the enemy on their own.
  16. I have had a lot of success with moving away and coming back especially for the long calls: 10min or 13min. I move my spotter back to good cover and then watch the clock. The artillery UI will tell you when you are getting close. If you are off a bit no biggie as long as they get in place soon after spotting rounds start falling. Mine have never been out of place for longer than 1min of spotting rounds so I do not know what the limit is. However I do have a game where the calling HQ died a minute after the call. There is 13 min before spotting rounds and then the question is how long do I have to wait before the battery gives up and I can use them again?
  17. I have completed five full games via PBEM and I have three on the go now. Lots of fun I still have more going on in CMBN. Only one scenario had a bunker but it was an infantry only game so no large caliber gun interaction. No one with the shipping game can play with Elephants yet and those that can can only discuss it in a restricted way:D
  18. Well I am bummed to hear they got away. My Sherman fired two AP shells and a few bursts of MG fire. I was wondering why it stopped firing but when I looked closer I found the bunker destroyed. Well that was easy. This was head on from 75 - 100m ish (I did not check).
  19. I wish Bill would put the time on his:) Is that turn the file number? Or is it the real turn number - remember both players watch the movie of the same minute so two turn files actually represent the same turn.
  20. I vote go with the clock. It is the only thing you can just look at while you are watching and taking screen shots. Going by file numbers or memory or some other cheat sheet means further record keeping but going from the clock can always be checked (it is right there in each screen shot).
  21. This kind of thing just reminds me how much I love this game. It is so fantastic to have true FOW. No one sided information or umpire in a miniature game. No, each side gets x blank counters to confuse the enemy of the old hex games. We get to play with the information we have got.
  22. +1 to that. In CM1x would you have a house rule that you had to pretend that only the unit that initially spotted an enemy unit could act on that information? You cannot unsee what you have seen. It is much better to let the game deal the FOW out to each player and just accept what you get - at least in the context of a particular game.
  23. I'll take the Bren carrier over the jeep - those are tough little buggers.
  24. Sounds very interesting. I have not seen any one attack straight away from a defensive QB. And with a bunch of Tigers. I am looking forward to this!
  25. Canada came pretty darned close. We enacted conscription late in the war (November 1944) and only 2463 conscripted troops actually made it to the front lines in Europe. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscription_Crisis_of_1944 OK, so it seems that there was conscription for home defense and what they did in November 44 was start the process of sending 17 000 of them overseas.
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