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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Indeed. We really should go back to the more important question: How do we help people learn this game? Once someone has some "training" then they are much less likely to get frustrated and rage quite when they hit a tough scenario because they will realize it is tough and they have to learn more to get through it rather than be frustrated because the know they cannot eve handle some basic troop movements and coordination. Agreed. This scenario is unique for me in that it is the only one I have played multiple times (not counting design testing). And you are right the added "perfect" knowledge made very little difference. I think that is because you already know where the enemy is and what they are capable of (from the briefing) and the specific info about exact numbers matters very little. A very well done scenario.
  2. There are no current plans for a multi player campaign at theBlitz that I am aware of. A few have been organized here - you could get the ball rolling again :-)
  3. The Blitz is running three scenarios this month. Sign up for the September (yes we skipped July and August) Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMBN: Attack on Verrieries Ridge CMFI: Palma di Montechiaro CMRT: Minsk Express The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  4. The Blitz is running three scenarios this month. Sign up for the September (yes we skipped July and August) Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMBN: Attack on Verrieries Ridge CMFI: Palma di Montechiaro CMRT: Minsk Express The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  5. The Blitz is running three scenarios this month. Sign up for the September (yes we skipped July and August) Scenario of the Month has started over at the Blitz. This month the scenarios are: CMBN: Attack on Verrieries Ridge CMFI: Palma di Montechiaro CMRT: Minsk Express The form post on theBlitz for sign up.
  6. You are making this harder than it has to be. Yes, when a new patch or upgrade comes out to keep playing existing games the right thing to do is keep a second install around with the older version. But that is all you have to do. After those games end you delete the install. The most I have have ever had was two extra copies of games - something like 10-15Gb. Trying to have installs hanging around for ever combination of versions and modules is silly. If you really found some one who had an old version I would spend more time convincing them to upgrade than install an older version. But I suppose you could. Modules are totally not part of this picture - with a small exception see below. The argument that only starting new games using the newest version is some how reducing the player population just does not hold water. Over at the bliz - where I play most of my games this is standard procedure and I still have too many people to play. I have to several times a week say no sorry I cannot play you I have too many games already on the go. So, if the player base is shrinking I'm not feeling it and I see not indication that is happening. With scenarios this is easy and totally not an issue. When you select a scenario in the battle list the required modules light up at the bottom of the screen. So if you have all the modules and you to play some one that has none then it is easy as pie to select a scenario that they can play. The only place there is even an issue is Quick Battles. In that case you have to crack open the manual or the announcement page to remember what orders of battle you can and cannot pick from to support. So there is an inconvenience here. I personally would like to see an addition of an module needed indicator in the QB force choice screen. Hopefully someday. To me it looks like you are basing an entire dooms day argument on one small thing that is not convenient.
  7. I have to admit that I interpreted what you said the same way @Vanir Ausf B did. Sounds like we should reverse the burden of proof and ask that @Lanzfeld find the quote form Steve
  8. Defects like this have been found and fixed a few times. One message from BFC is that while they have made things much better in this regard it is still possible that we may run into other ways / scenarios that cause this kind of problem. The thing is just saying it happened to you really leads to nothing more then an opportunity for people to be funny. What is a tester supposed to do with this? You did not share what version of the game this happened to you in. You did not say if you had a saved game that could be passed on to development. Sure someone could fire up the scenario and try to reproduce it but there is so little information it would be like trying to find a particular strand of hay in a hay stack. Did this happen with initial deployment right from the setup? Was the gun towed into place? Was it moved by the crew? Where was it deployed - as it next to what? I recommend that when this happens to you save the game. Make a screen shot. Describe what was happening before and what you orders were like. Report back here.
  9. I agree that we need some easy on the brain training missions. I think what Bill H is doing is the way to go for that kind of thing: http://battledrill.blogspot.ca/ This scenario is *not* an easy training scenario it is challenging. It is not clear to me why people think small = easy.
  10. You changed the conditions of the test eh? Promotion for you then:D
  11. Oh, I would so love this...... Please, please, pretty please.
  12. Totally cool suggestions for orchards. I always played it straight in the past - but not after this.
  13. In other words instead of managing the clickfest of a) through e) allow all the units near the truck to execute a acquire command and have them wait for an appropriate amount of time before they get going again. It should probably be a variable time based on how much ammo was requested and it should be cancel able so if you asked for a lot of ammo for a full squad and it is taking minutes you can say OK they have enough now get going and forget the rest I asked for.
  14. Tons of excellent advice I don't have much to add but I do disagree with a couple of things - hopefully in a constructive way OK I lied: I don't disagree entirely with this it is a very useful tile but I do not use it under roads because I find it tends to slow down vehicles. I forget if it slows them down when they are on the road but pathing done by the AI sometimes strays a bit off the road which always slows vehicles down. If they touch grass or weeds the slow down is not too bad but if they hit forest it can really slow them down, especially wheeled vehicles. Again not really in totally disagreement but the number of trees per tile should not be fixed to one setting, instead it depends on what kind of forest you are creating. Some larger forests can be pretty dense. Heck small ones can be pretty dense especially in the middle. What I usually do is create the centre of the forested area using the highest density of trees but create some "clearings" too and move to lower density and shorter trees as I get towards the edge. Again depending on what you are trying to create - as @JonS said if the forest is small or not very dense then never using the highest density of tree is the right way to go. Also while many forests do have some tree variety many also have large areas that are the same variety too so don't be afraid to have a large patch that is the same tree type - vary the density and the ground cover some to make it more interesting. Having a few weed tiles with a lower density of tree added can make a nice looking clearing that is not too open.
  15. You got your basic answer on tree types. One of the choices for tree density has little lines on it that means they will line up with trees in other tiles and look like humans planted them. Whereas the other choice with one tree will put a single tree in a random place and thus create a sparse forest rather than an orchard.
  16. Experience - I am not really even sure what range your guys will start throwing. Just get them close and they will start pitching. Re attacking bunkers - there was a long post a few days about about it... searching... http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1549335&postcount=3
  17. LOL I think you guys are having trouble understanding blackmail. It only works if it is a secret he does not want publicly known. Kudos to @bobo this thread is awesome - keeps some of the silly threads down and very entertaining.
  18. I like that idea too. Even though it will make icons mods more work. I run into this every now and then too, especially after a chaotic fire fight and I want to get the platoon back in good order there is a lot of clicking and memory work to get the split squads back into some kind of formation.
  19. I can not speak for the UK, or other Commonwealth nations, but in Canada it does not get much more attention. In fact even in the day the Canadians who fought in Italy were called D-Day Dodgers. There was a little bit of attention recently after a documentary came out about it - but I mean a little it was a documentary after all:) I just looked it up and it was not just the Canadians who were referred to as D-Day Dodgers but all Allied Service personnel. In fact it seems they often called them selves that - in a sarcastic way - referring to the fact that their sacrifices and hardship was largely ignored after the Normandy invasion.
  20. Ah, I see. That I get. Although you could make the counter argument that they could let the modders keep doing what they do and *not* update the graphics and instead focus on adding new content. But I will not make that argument because they should strive to make the game look good out of the box. Understood. I often wonder about people's monitors when I hear the "its too bright" complaints. Monitor manufacturers have a habit of defaulting to as bright and saturated a screen as they can produce. Studies have indicated that in stores (you know where there is a wall of monitors) the brightest most saturated monitors are the ones people pick. My other hobby is photography so every computer I play the game on has a calibrated monitor. And without exception every monitor I have ever calibrated for the first time has needed the brightness reduced. Usually by quite a lot. So, it could be that I feel that my grass looks good because I am viewing it on a monitor whose brightness is turned down compared to yours.
  21. I think your idea is pretty cool and it could be used as a basis for various interesting things as you suggest. I am just not convinced that a) it would be easy or necessary. LOL you must be a manager. I can hear you now "that should take you a day how hard can it be". That is my way of teasing you to say that it is much more complex than you think - probably harder than I think.
  22. LOL I just have higher tolerance for green then - no tears at my house Ah got it. It could be considered to easy to back trace shots and see who is firing. We have a lot of power as the overlord player. I don't strongly disagree - I have Vin's flame mod.
  23. Well there are issues with having too many individual sound files. I personally would rather have a game that preforms well, that is the compromise that BFC have made: less individual sounds better performance. Nope - grass is spot on - I don't want to see it changed. Yes, I realize that you are not alone we have heard this before but when I go outside on a nice summers day that's what it looks like to me. Tracers follow the bullet paths and there are no lasers in game, so... Are you saying that you don't like the amount of tracers during combat because it is unrealistic? You might even be right. The problem with not having them is you would have a tough time figuring out what was going on. So really they are there for game play reasons - so you can have some idea what is going on. Who are your men firing at? How much incoming fire is there? How much outgoing? Not sure what the issue is here. Do you mean flames on burning vehicles or the newly added smoldering terrain? OK, these are mine Out of the box the things you are unhappy with I am actually very happy with. Other than the unique sound issue you can mod things to make it better for you.
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