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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. Yes, your troops armed with weapons that use 7.92 can also use 7.92AP. You can use the acquire command to specifically add some of that ammo to their load or you can let the automatic sharing happen. They will however use their own stocks before they start automatically picking up mags and belts from the HT.
  2. Excellent - I hate reading Yeah icons can be tricky especially since the text you have on the first two could easily be used on the first button. Which I think is the main issue with choosing an icon for those two. I have to admit I like "Flee".
  3. Wait hold the presses. What happened to those great quick command icons you ceated? Are they at least optional?
  4. Good two is better than zero. I am sure there are more and eventually they will all be there...
  5. So, the transition to the new scenario depot is still a work in progress. If you go to the CMRT top page on the scenario depot site you will noticed it does not have a direct link to campaigns but the CMBN does: http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/battle-for-normandy/ @Bootie is working on it in the mean time try this link: http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/search-2/#search/category=CM+RED+THUNDER+[CAMPAIGNS] which is what the top level campain link for CMRT will eventually connect to. As you can see the list is short which means stuff has not been moved over yet.
  6. No, the stance of the model is what counts for hit testing. This is correct. Every bullet yes. Shrapnel I am not 100% sure. I remember reading once that shrapnel was more abstract but I cannot find the reference to that any more.
  7. Double click now does the same. Which is now my preferred way.
  8. OK thanks for clarifying. I have to be honest I really don't see it as a problem. It the HT is buttoned but the gunner is getting replaced anyway that would be a problem. But if the gunner is up then they are in fighting mode and the gunner should be replaced.
  9. Indeed. I see HT's backing up in fear pretty regularly though. If the HT is buttoned up does that stop the on by one slaughter?
  10. Lol. My Vista machine is nearly retired. Got my wife moved off last week just have to verify the all important files are moved or backed up before clearing the HD. Vista was OK but I agree XP and win7 were both great platforms in their day. I was always Leary about the new UI and never liked win8. I am mostly happy with win10 though. I suspect it will end up being well regarded like XP and win7 were.
  11. I am afraid to ask (not afraid of what you might say but of continuing this thread ) but just want to make sure no problems are left out. What problems are left unresolved in your opinion?
  12. 1.20 is the latest. 1.12 is the latest patch for the v2 version of the engine. When CMFI was upgraded to use the v3 engine it's version number was bumped up to 1.2. If you have the highest version number then you have the latest version. No need for any angst
  13. Nope. In real life tanks were very dangerous to infantry but even then they were not uber destroyers of all that opposed them. They did not just drive around where ever they liked. TCs were plenty causios about where they went preferring to take on enemy infantry from stand off ranges rather than driving around like they were impervious. So regardless of if the close assault feature is to powerful according to some it has to stay that way or tanks would dominate the entire game even more than they do now. I have not had much experience with Italian infantry close assaulting tanks so I cannot tell if it really is less effective than when other armies do it but making that feature harder for infantry would be a disaster for the game. IMHO
  14. It is true that there is no camouflage nets etc in the game. Your scouts and recon use can be optimized somewhat. Use techniques like move and quick out of site to approach the vantage point and slow move into your final position behind cover. Use small teams since they are harder to spot. Let them stay in one place so they have a chance to see stuff. Moving troops don't spot as well as stationary ones (doh). The hide command is not a good thing to use for spotting the enemy. In the game hide means keep your head down and do not look for the enemy. It is useful for staying down if you are caught in a barrage.
  15. My quick search found that M$ is offering free upgrades for win7 and win8 users but not older. There is also talk that a workaround exists that lets older OS owners get it too. I did not read up on how difficult that work around is to do. As for the auto update my only comlayis that you don't have enough control about when the update happens. I often leave my machine in a specific state in order to continue my work the next day or I leave it doing some long task over night. With win10 I sometimes wake up in the morning disappointed that the damn thing has rebooted and I lost the results of some image processing work or I have to spent time setting up some testing scenario again. So far it has been a mild irratent. Most people will not even notice and so far nothing has broken.
  16. This is tricky stuff. On the one hand no one wants to claim to support an OS that they cannot test and that the company that made it does not support any longer. On the other hand M$ does a pretty good job of keeping things compatible. Most programs written for old OS's work just fine. Not long ago Adobe dropped support for Vista in their latest versyof light room. I tried out the public beta and it worked fine. So I bought the release. The bums actually added code to prevent it from installing on Vista. Man I was pissed off about that. To me it seemed like a waste of effort to do work like that. But Adobe does odd things from time to time. I have moved on from Vista so I cannot speak to it working but you could wait and see if some brave soul tries it out and hoevit goes for them.
  17. I think you just answered your own question. I have no idea how a user could make things so hard on themselves as you describe. Mods cannot make major changes to the way the UI works. Just reskin things.
  18. Oh yes that is a great feature. I also use it to make sure i dont forget to order a supporting unit to stop firing. Instead of having to remember to cancel a target order I can set the target briefly to 1:15 and instead remember to extened the time if needed.
  19. I agree. Just for clarification I was referring to the HT gunners stance that was adjusted awhile back. HT gunners are already working well IMHO. My thoughts exactly.
  20. Just reporting in that I logged the issue with the seated animation. Make sure to set your expectations accordingly - though. As in way lower than the portrayal as uber transports many people posting here seem to be hoping for. I strongly suspect but have no real say in anything that this is too late in the game for a change in CMFB - so I wouldn't expect it. I did not ask for German HTs to become uber transports (nor would BFC ever grant such a thing). All of us gamers that are handling them in an a historical way should expect that they will continue to disappoint us. None of this has anything to do with the gunner - they already got a stance change and frankly are pretty damn hard to kill from the front now at sensible distances.
  21. Speaking of direct fire here: The problem with target briefly is after the timer runs down it stops even if the team has not adjusted their aim. A useful technique is to use target light. That will use a slower rate of fire. Many people find it very handy.
  22. Wow, @Raptorx7 is right. Wait that did not sound right. @Raptorx7 is right - wow, I did not notice that... You have the option set for forces to be chosen by humans for both sides. So, even in single layer as the Russians you have to pick the Ukrainian forces too. Go ahead and keep going and you should be playing as the Russians against the Ukrainian forces you picked. Or change the Ukrainian side to be selected automatically. Good catch @Raptorx7
  23. Thanks for the screen shots explaining it. I'll have a try at reproducing it tomorrow unless someone beats me to it...
  24. Meanwhile a bunch of other people are thrilled to have what if different versions of some scenarios - it is a different kind of fun. As with everything we each have to decide if something appeals to us enough to make it worth buying or not. No one release of everything will make ever single customer totally happy - I know not news to you are any one else really...
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