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A Canadian Cat

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Everything posted by A Canadian Cat

  1. I'm sure more can be done to improve this but a while back the flashing icons were tweaked to flash when a unit's suppression has gone up a certain amount. I'm not sure the cut off but now icons flash not just for casualties but also for taking fire. Oh that would be nice. My prediction is we will not get this for CM2. The issue is the roads are not really a contiguous thing from the engine's point of view. They are just a bunch of tiles. That makes a road pathing system super hard. I'd love to be wrong. That would be nice yes. Actually I have learned what kinds of terrain cause the pathing a fit and add a few way points in key places to increase the chances that my guys will go where I think is best. But I hear ya.
  2. What springs to mind is Germany in WW2. I have been watching the YouTube channel that is covering the war week by week. It has been interesting to see the big picture instead of reading about some small part. It was obvious to see that certainly by 1943 Germany was not going to win. They had lost. All that remained was how it would end. There was lots of events along the way but an outside observer should have been able to conclude that Germany was done, likely before Jan 1943 but certainly after. I don't know when the Germany generals realized it but they must have known not that long afterwards.
  3. I think that's where the geneticists would disagree. The gene pool won't hardly have a ripple in it, given the timescales involved. All that conditioning leaves marks on psyches, not DNA, not in centuries. Yep, what @womble said. It's not a genetic difference that is causing that it the culture that people are exposed to. Sure variations on an individual level will dictate how that individual will react to the culture they are exposed to it still shapes them.
  4. Again, no. Why people drift into these or similar circles have social or cultural reasons. Biology plays no part in this. Culture is learned. Biology only plays as much of a part as: that's how we are all made - we grow up one place in one culture we turn out a certain way. If we grew up in another culture we would be different. Yes, I know individual nature plays a factor in how an individual turns out but for a society level analysis that's not really relevant.
  5. Sounds not to dissimilar to from 1984 by George Orwell
  6. 1. probably cheap. A small object at high velocity.. 2. really bad. Be best if we weren't using kinetic energy 3. Easier for us than China 4 Cheaper and faster for us. However winning at #3 and #4 is not as relevant if because of #2 nothing can stay operational very long.
  7. Thanks for that explanation. Its always nice to see the math for what you intuitively understand. This is an issue for sure. Even if tweaks were made to reduce the number of long blind periods we would still see a post every now and then complaining that spotting is broken. Honestly I suspect we would see that even if there was a cut off implemented. It's just the way we humans are wired. I don't think that would help though. Well not for this issue. If the number of spotting cycles was increased the probability of spotting things would also have to drop. As @Butschi points out that will still mean there will be data points on the log tail. Unless you are actually saying that everything should be easier to spot and the game should just be changed to make spotting easier. Honestly I think the feeling I get from seeing all this combat footage from Ukraine is that spotting the enemy is harder IRL than in the game now.
  8. Super image. To get maximum distance with your grenade throws, lengthen your neck as you release
  9. All the code is the same for each source. I play PBEM all the time and don't see anything like that. I have no reason to believe loading a PBEM is any different than loading from a save.
  10. They did. It was called the repository. Now everything is hosted at http://www.thefewgoodmen.com/cm-mod-warehouse/ for mods and https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/ for scenarios.
  11. To clarify this is typically scene with vehicles. If you give a vehicle a move order along a path such that the vehicle drives into its final position naturally facing north and you have a face command that tells it to face North East then it will execute the move and rotate to the desired direction. However if as the vehicle comes to the end of its movement it spots an enemy contact to the North West depending on your crew and how dangerous the threat is your crew may decide to finish your orders and then engage the enemy. Therefore I try to have the vehicle's last move order already be oriented in the direction I want them to face so they do not have an extra command to follow after they finish moving.
  12. Reasonable hypotheses. I should start watching out for those situations.
  13. Yes, that is a facing command indicator. I am not sure when that comes up automatically. I am in the habit of making sure my last movement segment is in the direction I want my unit to face as much as possible that way a face command that I gave it does not conflict with reality once they get to their destination. I find that if you explicitly give a face command the enemy appear in a different direction there can be a delay before your men engage because first the finish your orders which includes the face command. None of that is particularly helpful to answer your core question of why does it sometimes appear and other times not. Sorry I just don't know.
  14. It is isn't it The quality of Soviet tanks gets better with each new arrival. So, it will get better. If the Soviet tank does not have IR optics get the tank commander unbuttoned. Make sure you use hull down positions to where you think the enemy is. Good luck. Honestly against a human opponent I'm not sure if this scenario is will-able for the Soviets. It is hard.
  15. Funnily enough I saw a video this morning while killing time on Reddit of an excavator operator filling two kids' dump trucks with just the right amount of dirt. I cannot find the one I saw this morning but it turns out other people have had the same idea. Some skills: https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/y00mcy/construction_crew_filling_up_toy_dump_truck_with/ https://www.reddit.com/r/unexpectedwholesome/comments/12n2egx/excavator_fills_toy_dump_truck_with_dirt/
  16. I imagine they also are a lot like someone jumping up and down waving their arms saying "there is something valuable here worth protecting".
  17. That was my thought too. Hell man you are the one attacking and sending these guys to their death. If you don't have enough ammo for offensive operations they why the **** are you conducting them? I hope people watching this put 2 and 2 together and blame him for their deaths. Yeah I know - not likely...
  18. Having said that I have on occation created a situation where I can get to eye level of soldiers. It's tricky and sub optimal. In certain situations where soldiers are on a hill you can move the camera back or forward so you look through their eye level and then do the view magnification from there. This is a life hack that is not always possible and doesn't always work (soldiers in a forest for example) but sometimes is worth it. Plus, it is way more fiddly than it should be if we had game support.
  19. Yes, that's a good point I was going to mention but forgot: This only really works for vehicles. Lower camera and an automatic way to set the camera height to the selected unit's height (some issues to work out what that means) are high on my feature ask list.
  20. The issue is that the target end point simulates if your selected unit can see the ground at the location you are testing. It gives you some hints for a small amount of reverse slope. I find I like the camera method when my plan is to expose as little of my unit while still having a chance to spot something. My goal is usually to let my guys spend some time observing while exposing as little of their position as possible. So, I'm choosing marginal locations from a targeting the ground perspective and frequently the target tool just say "no" but I am trying to find a spot where if an enemy tank was there I have a shot at seeing it, or not.
  21. Seems like a good summary of where we are - not there yet. Fun tid bit in there he reports that some RA soldiers dug trenches in an animal grave yard and now have Anthrax. That is the first I have seen about that story. I don't remember reading about it on this thread. Did I miss it? Is it real?
  22. The only other method is to drop the camera down to the level of the unit and move the camera around looking for how to position your unit behind the hill crest and get LOS to that gap in the trees. I do that frequently when the method you describe isn't giving me the info I want.
  23. Unless... In general I am not too concerned about the "who done it" speculation but I did have one thought, as I was reading some of the posts here: how will this effect Putin's participation in the May 9th parade? It struck me, that the drone explosion was powerful enough to take out Putin and whomever was unlucky to be standing next to him - if it had gone off over the spectator stands at the May 9th parade. So, before this Putin was looking forward to the prospect of a drone or three flying over the parade and being a nuisance. Now he has to pick his least favourite body double to go stand and watch the parade. Are we there yet?
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