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Everything posted by LJFHutch

  1. I just tried it then and couldn't get that at all. There's clear depth of field going on there (hehe).
  2. Thirty five you mean. I'm torn between "but the last modules were only $25 :(" and "but it's going to BF so that's ok".
  3. Yeah I cleared some bocage with a few battleships, probably not the most effective application of them though
  4. Hedges look like someone got all the fresh lawn cuttings and arranged them in a line. I don't use them all that often, occasionally when I'm doing scattered bocage I'll use them on the ends of the low bocage stuff but mostly I just leave them out, mostly.
  5. Perhaps t34 meant will we [have] some extra QB maps in the CW module?
  6. Why does download and mail cost $10 more than mail only? There surely aren't any extra costs involved in throwing in an immediate download are there? How are serials handled in such a case?
  7. So the real question is what's the estimated release date? How long before release were the preorders opened up for past modules?
  8. Yeah, you have to let them change direction before deploying or that will happen. It would be good if units would be a bit more independent and take responsibility.
  9. I've never had that before, though my guys did sit there trying to destroy an empty jeep for ages once
  10. Some strange things happen, I just had an 3 AT teams in a row fail to destroy a Sherman parked within 10m of tall bocage. I tried coming at it from behind, the side, and finally charging up to the bocage. It spotted my tiny infantry (2 were 1 man teams btw) and fired upon them before they could spot it. Strikes me as a bit odd.
  11. You're sure about that? I've never seen an engine that re-sizes textures, especially for models (they're UV mapped to the [square] texture, so size is irrelevant). The following is a comparison of two tiles, dirt red and dirt, using two different sizes of my grass texture. Dirt Red Standard size is 1024 Current size is 1024 (same size) Dirt Standard size is 1024 Current size is 4096 (4x size) The improvement is visible even in the small image below: Here's a larger version: http://img845.imageshack.us/img845/3356/cmnormandy2012011811205.jpg
  12. Yes they certainly become more detailed, when I bumped the standard textures from 1024 to 2048 it was noticeably crisper. Now of course, there are two downsides to this: firstly, because the textures are much larger it's more difficult to edit them (the .xcf for the main grass texture is 220mb and while editing I was seriously running out of ram and running on the HDD) and also it has real consequences for performance (a large map will stutter occasionally due to struggling with the memory. Since then I have lowered the resolution on a few "minor" textures and it seems to be fine. For the release I just wasn't sure if I'd have time to finish it, but yesterday I pretty much completed it so I'd say most likely it's a yes, uploading won't be super fun, I haven't uploaded multiple parts before, just submit separate files? Edit: Comparison between 1024 and 2048, I can't believe how close those camera angles are
  13. I had forgotten that probe even existed, I'm not sure I've ever played one.
  14. [in advance, Aris' mod was running alongside it, hence the sky, that's the only element visible from that though]. Texture mod in full swing now, mostly new textures although a few stock have been adjusted. I have no idea if or how I'll release it though, it's over 300mb already due to double sized textures These are all unedited shots of course.
  15. Ofp was such an awesome game. I'll probably release a new map pack soon, I'm worn out
  16. Definitely, very cool textures man, nicely done
  17. I can honestly say that despite a few annoying flaws and omissions, the CM editor is the most enjoyable editor I've ever used
  18. Not sure to be honest, but I'd love to see something a bit earlier, panzer 3s and the like, also, snow In any case BF has more of a handle on the Eastern Front than I do and I'm sure they'll do it well
  19. Quite true I was going off the wiki numbers, where it says there were almost 3 times as many Russians to Germans and they took roughly half the casualties (deaths, does not list wounded for Germans). 350,000 (German) to 180,000 (Soviet), they're pretty good numbers for a major assault by the Soviets I suppose my main problem with it is that although it was an absolutely epic fight it doesn't allow for much, I don't know, I would be happy to be proved wrong.
  20. Just looking over Bagration on wiki and it seem to be a strange setting. As I understand it the Russians just unleashed a devastating artillery barrage and rolled through the defenses while devastating the Germans. I can't imagine an incredibly diverse bunch of scenarios you could create within Bagration. Wouldn't it be "Russians bombard and overrun German positions while taking minimal casualties" again and again?
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