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Everything posted by LJFHutch

  1. And that's the problem with them unfortunately Personally, I'd use them.
  2. I just tried them out, they seem ridiculous to me, surely they would be more expensive than they are. In terms of the game though, they're just plain madness, true they aren't that effective, but they got off all their munitions in 5 minutes with about 4-5 barrages that put so many rockets down their accuracy no longer mattered.
  3. I'm not sure of his chances for survival at that point if he tried to surrender, they might not realize he is unarmed or might "not realize" that he is unarmed.
  4. Reminds me of when I used to play Men of War, you were constantly looking for rustling bushes and felled trees - signs of enemy activity Means you had to be ultra-sneaky to avoid detection.
  5. Where you draw the line of "gamey" is a bit subjective though. I usually play quite "aggressively" which is probably considered gamey - you know: drop your ordnance, rush the objectives/advantageous positions and set up to grab any advantage I can.
  6. Numpad, but there are more commands than numpad keys.
  7. Yup, and those of us with larger screens (19-24) have a LOT of unused space. Only about 50% of my bottom screen has "stuff" on it, the rest is a useless black bar. This was my suggestion [back in SF]:
  8. Yeah but that still doesn't help you if you don't already know Combat Mission, then you see two games you've never seen before, and one of them is from about a decade ago.
  9. I feel CMBN needs some kind of quick overview video or trailer, there isn't really anything which sums up what the game is about, most videos are quite lengthy AARs and it's hard to introduce anyone to the game. A two to three minute, to-the-point, fast paced overview with commentary would be really good, outlining features, concepts, terrain, vehicles etc. If you don't know anything about the game at all the current videos wouldn't be the most enticing things out, and the only official video is the Steelbox one I think. You would have to persevere quite a lot and sift through lots of info.
  10. Love it, works really well About the gaps, I find that if you place any vegetation on the gap square it's really hard to see, especially bushes. I like to put a tree on at least one side of it, if you have a tree either side of the gap it's really easy to spot. Of course, you can't do this all the time or it'd look silly.
  11. From my understanding American involvement against the USSR in Afghanistan certainly didn't help the situation - yeah you killed that rat, but you used a hand grenade and now all your windows and furniture are broken and every time you go to sit down somewhere you get splinters. * I agree with the greater likelihood of Red/Red combat though, short of something really serious NATO isn't going to get involved.
  12. What about nvidia though, ever had an nvidia PC not even run?
  13. Oh right, my mate's problem was the game just refused to start, instant "stopped responding" error as soon as the second click was done.
  14. A friend of mine was having exactly that problem, couldn't get the game working but the demo worked fine, have you tried the demo?
  15. I seriously doubt NATO will commit any more ground troops to any more places in the world.
  16. Dang region restrictions Looks like a real good doco though.
  17. At first it's hard (only because it looks intimidating), but I can grab a company of infantry out of a battalion within 5 seconds. It's much better than trying to build a battalion anyhow.
  18. Just the other night I had a Javelin guy perform an arduous buddy aid on a fallen team member while the rest of the squad sat around watching as the T-72's tore their company apart - they were the only squad with a Javelin and eyes on the enemy
  19. Oh no, I mean the way the ArmA series went with a fictional conflict (similar to the way that CMSF did) but then each game continued on from the previous one, so after 4 (?) fictional conflicts the fictional game universe is so removed from reality it's laughable, especially since they made up whole countries too
  20. * Flip up menu - only appears when you have a unit selected. * Expanded menu for large/wide screens. * 2nd monitor configured for a top-down situational map or manual. * "Clutter" (flavour objects) auto-generate tool - places clutter around houses, maybe some beside roads, that kind of thing. * Ability to lock onto and take control of individual vehicles Yeah yeah I know, but it would be amusing.
  21. I do a bit of both - giving general orders to units but also micromanaging a few select/key units, but I play RT so I'm not doing anywhere near as much as you guys apparently are
  22. I think Crushing means if one side surrenders -> there is no real difference between KIA/WIA/MIA and all objectives are automatically given to the victor.
  23. Well regardless of whether bad HQs are worse than none, I assume seeing a squad wax your HQ probably wouldn't do wonders for morale and all that stuff =D
  24. I think I would almost rather step back 20 years or so to avoid that actually, a fictional cold war gone hot in the 1990's would be very interesting anyway. I only hope that with CMSF2 they don't continue on from CMSF1 - disregard the entire CMSF1 story and start again with another scenario. The alternative is ArmA, which has completely lost the plot now
  25. Classic! Personally I don't have many issues with the UI, it could be tweaked and smoothed over, but it's very nice as it is. Other RTS (well, RTT)s don't come even close to the level of control CM gives you.
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