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Everything posted by weapon2010

  1. Any thoughts on the most effective ones against German heavy tanks?Ill be defending a large Town.
  2. cut down the elst master map, the weird part is I messed around with some defense options last night and tonight, and the setup zones were working perfectly fine, everything where it should be, I go on later tonight and wammo . I tried like 6 times reloading , and cant get it back
  3. Has anyone seen this lately?I set up a nice attk/def , so I go to set up my def , and my deployment zone is now my attacking opponents deployment zone, so frustrating
  4. Is there a way of getting a 76mm at gun into a bunker for americans?I only see 57mm in bunkers
  5. I appreciate the replys,but these are not it and I don't see it, it came out days after CW module and it simply converted the stock circular green icons to a circulalar beige icon
  6. so a casualty from a 105he round at 65m would be "realistic"?
  7. Has anyone done a chart or data on the kill radius of the different caliber HE shells?How does the engine handle that?does it track individual shrapnel coming from the expolsion point?I had a soldier get killed at 65m away from the where an American 105HE shell landed.Is that realistic?
  8. this is strange, his other mods work in all games, just not the panthers
  9. they also wont work in cmfi, only in cmrt
  10. Why would these mods have no problem showing up in CMRT?, but I cant get them to show up in CMBN?
  11. I thought that some german tanks with their superior optics would spot better at long range (1500m+ ) in a buttoned position.
  12. What weapons/tanks are equipped to fire this in the game?
  13. Does anyone know where the old original beige british icon mod is?
  14. Has anyone done tests on wether or not certain tanks spot armor at distance better when they are buttoned up ?
  15. almost every vehicle/tank has heavy foliage camoflouge, should be in cm
  16. It has a coax mg and regular mg listed in its equipment, but in game I only see 1 mg firing
  17. Question to the author: The scenario talks about a river crossing, obviously there is no river but there is also no explanation, is this supposed to be dried up riverbed?
  18. Im not asking for a release timeframe because I know its not wise(nor would I ever get it) for BF to ever make that commitment, just wondering about the delay process?On jul 10 an update stated that we would here see something on Bulge "quite soon" ,that was well over 3 months ago
  19. love the concept, love the effort, just to bright for me
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