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Everything posted by weapon2010

  1. Any chance this ever comes back as a feature?It was in CMX1.Not vital to game play but very cool and I loved it.
  2. Sometimes I can never find the hit decals at all?Anyone run into this?
  3. I'd be leary of using fast in snow conditions with a panther,that asset is to valuable to lose to an immobilization due to ground condtions, if it can be avoided.
  4. I love the look of the heavy forest with no trees, it just looks like tanks only should be able to go through it with high a immobilization possibility, so I guess it was intedned to only be used with trees on top together
  5. Just wondering if you guys ever use heavy forest or light forest tiles without adding the trees?
  6. No offense to CMx1, played it for years and loved it,But I moved on as soon as CMx2 was available, why do people still buy CMx1 when CMx2 is available?I understand the "old guard" is still playing CMx1. Do some customers play both?
  7. of so you dropped the CMRT winter mods into CMBN ?sweet
  8. Steve, Is there anyway to forecast the lifespan of CMx2?and when CMx3 might begin?
  9. I don't understand this mindset.You have to have upgrades in order for it to be a value?The way I decide to purchase is wether or not I like the game and the overall direction and philosophy of the company. Will I have fun playing this new game?Absolutley, so I buy it.
  10. I think the look of fog has always been very dependent(more so than normal graphics) as to what kind of graphics card and computer you have , so you get a wide array of varying results.
  11. Is sound around the "listener" taken into consideration in getting a sound contact?In other words a tank would have a nearly impossible time hearing another tank due to their own engine noise?Or a squad directly next to a tank would have the same issue.Or perhaps close to an artillery barrage?If its windy and rainy, you cant hear anything.Does the engine model this?I havn't done any testing.
  12. I hope this behavior changes is CMFB and is patched in CMBN.
  13. The only time that occurs in the current 3.11 engine,is when the first 2 men to man the mg get killed leaving a 3 man crew, with a 3 man crew no one mans the .50 in any situation
  14. Why do the icons disappear after set up?I wish they didn't, very hard to find where you placed your mines, not so hard for the TR as it is bright orange.
  15. Since CMBO was made in "2000 for $45", I think $55 for CMFB in 2015 is more than fair, actually a little low, it should be priced around $65.You see,I want you guys to stay in business so you can keep making new stuff, so I can play new stuff.
  16. Has the price for CMFB been announced?if so what will it be?
  17. I cant remember, what was the initial price of CMBO in 1998?
  18. your initial argument is describing "one instance", now your altering it to "not the first time at all", and I'll take your word for that, all as I can tell you is I have had very few issues with smoke and smoke direction, infact BF tweeked smoke so you could choose the directon, initialy it was an ai decision agree on improvement,in smoke and a lot of other issues, were all in agreement on improvement , disagree on "far from optimal"
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