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Everything posted by dkchapuis

  1. I can already say that is going to be true. I am really excited about the improved QB system - so excited I cant keep from checking the forum every few hours. (I'm a huge BFC fan, but I must confess I was not happy with the CMSF QB system. Oh well, I got over it). The new rarity stuff seems better and (although I havent looked in detail yet) the adding units seems like it will feel better than the adding extras in CMx1 did. And getting to view the map before hand is a major game improvement over CMx1. Anyway, thanks for the responses. Co-play?
  2. That is fine. i was never trying to argue anything different. I'm just trying to point out to some that auto-maps is a game feature that was lost between CMx1 and CMx2, and I dont agree that it is irrelevant to gamers like myself. And I dont agree that having 300 or 3000 user created maps is the same as having auto generated maps. I'm sure there were well over 3000 user generated CMx1 maps (with better quality that auto-maps), but the majority of what I played on was auto-generated, because it was faster and suitable for what I did - I didnt have a problem with the quality of the maps. It really isnt that big of a deal to me - I already bought the game and expect to have great fun with it. But dont take away my instant delivery of starbucks, and then say I didnt really like the on-demand delivery because I can make a better cup of coffee myself.
  3. They wouldnt do it all the time if the majority of the time it happened it resulted in friendly casualties. Completely understandable. Speaking of priorities (yes, I quoted you just for the segue), where does co-play fit in the priority list? somebody posted that it wont make it until after the Bulge, East Front, and next Modern Warfare game. PLEASE make it not so. Are there really that many higher priority game-play features that are higher priority than co-play? What could they be? (And I dont mean to imply that co-play would be a small task) If we can get a CMSF QB-like gripe session going on the forums could it change your mind?
  4. Originally Posted by Echo Sorry, have to disagree with this. CMx1 generated maps were definitely not as good as user made ones, but I personally played hundreds of CMx1 generated maps. Just at the theblitz.org where I laddered, there were 1000's of games reported every year - just in that one place - the majority on generated maps. And you just cannot get that kind of replayability on the same maps - it gets old. And it does limit replayability because for me and people I play with, we dont want to play the same maps over and over. And 300 maps is a good starts, but I am not going to want to play on all of those, and I dont want to spend time looking for a map. So, yes, that is a big feature drop from CMx1 to CMx2 that will limit replayability for at least a segment of the CMBN users..
  5. I wasnt bad-mouthing the game. I pre-ordered and played a few of the 1.01 version. But it had lots of problems and I didnt enjoy it. i tried again about a year ago with the 1.21 patch (or something like that) and I didnt like it then either. What I dont understand is why some people think that anybody who doesnt worship CMSF is a blasphemer. Best tactical game on the market? Not for my money. CMBB and CMAK are still more fun for me than CMSF is. But I have high hopes for CMBN, although I am genuinely disappointed that acts like they are in the know said there will be no co-play for the next three game releases (not modules). Please BFC make it not be so.
  6. I bled CMx1 for years and years and years. Tried multiple times to play CMSF and just could never like it - although watching that automatic grenade launcher for the first time was AWESOME. Dont know if it was the setting (I didnt like CMAK battles in north africa too much) or the unbalanced forces or just the game engine. Or maybe I never found another human I enjoyed playing against - I only played human v human in CMx1. But I have pre-ordered CMBN and I am hoping for the best. And I am hoping that CMSF - and "getting the demo" - are not the real indicators if I like will like CMBN.
  7. Age of empires had a 'maximum pauses' setting so that you could limit the pause-unpause battle. Seems pretty straight forward.
  8. I sure hope that isnt correct. I would like to see the list of features that would add more to the game than co-play would. For me I dont think there is one (and before anybody goes loco, I know they arent making the game just for me). But seriously, what other game play features would you rather have than co-play. I can think of a short list of necessities for a Bulge game: - snow, ice, etc I guess it is a very short list.
  9. Co-play has always been the feature I most wanted in the new engine. More important than new graphics, 1:1, real time. Any chance in one of the cmbn modules?
  10. Didn't care for that at all. I think the first three episodes of BoB are my favorite war movies. And we were soldiers minus the last day fight.
  11. Somebody else asked this, but since it wasnt answered officially, I will throw it out there again. So the "end of April" is out? Or is that still possible? Is it now "middle of May"? I am not complaining if it needs to be bumped, but if it definitely isnt "end of April" then I think it would be courteous to let us know.
  12. I'm sure that is true, but that still doesnt change the fact that some people find them odd. I personally dont care. I love donuts. The more odd thing for me is that I saw soldiers crawling through the donuts. That just doesnt seem very realistic without a BIG BIG BIG glass of milk.
  13. Nah. They are all just people asking for the same old stuff while waiting for the game.
  14. BFC, you ought to consider releasing the manual now for download, especially for pre-order folks. I think this is actually a good idea. If you release it now, we will actually spend time reading it. If you wait until the game is ready to download, then who is really going to read the manual. This about the flood of forum posts and support emails this could save you.
  15. How accurate are those big guns at 15-20 miles. Could they accurately land a shell in a 25m square? How much does rough seas affect this?
  16. WHAT??!!! If my GIs wont take off their hats and throw them at Germans a la Tom Sizemore in Saving Private Ryan then I dont want this game. Now what am I going to do with this tin box.
  17. In the first Video AAR, was there a question about grenades being throw from inside a building through windows? Does that actually happen? Which leads me to another question - when assaulting a building do units pause to throw some grenades in first? And as a bonus point - when will the graphics of an infantry dude bashing in somebody's face with his helmet be included?
  18. that is not the way that it would need to be done. each vehicle wouldnt need to check to see if it could still see the other. they dont have to develop sophisticated convoy procedures. basically it is a means to give the same routing info to a series of units - that is very different. So just like you can select a number of units and give them all a movement order, the "follow unit" order would just have the "following unit" adopt the movement orders of the "lead unit", and then stop if the lead unit stops, and (probably) have it move to the lead units start location first.
  19. java, I am right there with you. I have just started playing a couple of games again (played at about the same time you did), and it definitely isnt as buggy. I dont see that the gameplay has been changed to a significant degree (from what I remember).
  20. this would be nice. Now that I am playing this again, I have instances where I spot opFor 200 - 300m out. It would be nice to know if my pixel troops thinks they have a very good/good/fair/dont-do-it chance of hitting the target ... because I dont have a clue. So I start cracking off shots whenever I see targets, rather than being able to logically think about if it is worth the risk of 1) exposing myself & 2) letting the enemy know that I see them. And, sorry, but forcing the gamer to learn by experience is not the right answer. since it has been mentioned that the game is so fluid that there isnt a "chance-to-hit", one option that you might consider is some sort of hotkey that can be used to "assess target". so while you have the target command going, one could hit a hotkey that does a "chance-to-hit" calc at the users request, and that would keep it from constantly trying to assess whenever the target command is issued. then you could throw in some cool sounds (similiar to your indirect fire messages) like "all to easy", or "easier than shooting womp-rats in beggars canyon", or "inconceivable"
  21. I agree with Paper Tiger ... Leto is an unbalanced individual. But that is why I LUUUUVVV him.
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