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Everything posted by Buzz

  1. The Skull Candy Land looks great. Wouldn't it be fine to have a ZED Mod to battle in this surreal landscape meeting engagment map:D
  2. Gave Zawiya Uprising a start yesterday. Only time for a brief RT approach. Got whacked about by the folks resisting my going "shopping":)
  3. Wonder if this file extension naming is the issue with some older PC sound mods not not audible in CMSF Mac?
  4. Redwolf, I get no files listed with the terminal code but I moved my user directory on the boot HD and my graphics options were recognized and retained after that. My issue was in CMFI but I suspect it is the same for CMBN/CW FI & SF in Mac. NOTE* When I deleted the user directory on the NON boot HD (CMFI) I had to run the gsClean utility and use an activation to get CMFI running again. The Helpdesk was very prompt and clear on their instructions so if using the terminal code can't help you fix your graphic option changes retention and you decide to move your user directory to fix the problem you would be well advised to contact the Helpdesk. I can say graphic option changes retention is a time saver for as often as I start and stop the CM games.
  5. Not at repository. US Marines are tasked to storm an enemy HQ situated in the Old City Hall, in the heart of an old city district. A bloody MOUT battle is imminent! Note: Play as Blue only (has no Red AI plans). Designer's battfront.com handle or name::Thomm
  6. Thanks Mord & Ultradave. Yes I deleted the Z folder, created a new on and ran only Mords, sound mods individually to make sure. I know your sound mods work in Boot Camp in CMSF. Back to CMSF Mac Quick ZZ prefix test. US AFV Radio Chatter Mod stock sounds but no Radio Chatter. Vocal Mayhem Mod stock sounds are audible but Vocal Mayhem. "I wonder if they changed the wav file names in the Mac version? Or if they changed the bit rates?" I wondered about this as well.
  7. Just noticed this CMSF Log File folder in my User's folder. Is it safe to delete this w/o upsetting CMSF Mac?:confused:
  8. Thanks for the links Mord. I tried your sound mods in CMSF Mac and could not hear any changes! Emptied my Z folder put your individual mods, Vocal Mayhem Mod Army & Marines, US AFV Radio Chatter Mod, etc. and got no audible sounds in game. In fact the stock voices were no longer audible with the Vocal Mayhem Mod in place. Odd! I removed all mods and the stock sounds returned. I took out your individual sound files... "vehicle loop engine idle" etc and I can hear the mods just fine via iTunes playback. The sounds are just fine but for some reason in CMSF Mac they appear to block standard game sounds but don't play themselves in the game. Do I need to add ZZs in front of the Vocal Mayhem Mod, etc. for the Mac? Thanks,
  9. I am going to get there. Just having gotten CMSF Mac I am fumbling around with the new module components in the "standard" game.
  10. Broadsword56 "Until you get tired of fighting your way uphill, ridge to ridge, mountain to mountain -- and then the bocage and CMBN may start to look pretty good to you again...:-) Correct and Anzio is uphill I think:)
  11. MD -"The big difference between CMBN and CMSF - wait til you see the first anti-tank guided missile travelling the length of the map heading towards your tank column." You mean like in NATO Bier und Brezel for my New Years eve pyrotechnics paradise:) As for 'must-haves'? There is so much extra material out for CMSF Mac I really have not had time to compare it all. Need to review the sound mods. Simply running CMSF Mac straight up is fun. I have loaded Mikey's T55 T62 MEGA MOD, Marco Bergman's T72 (All versions) Sand/Green, Aris, HD Explosion, Flames SlowMo, Tank Muzzle Fire, Dust and Smoke, Muzzle Fire Tracers, Wolfe Geometric Floating-Icons 1.0, NATO floating icons... to start. Then you have theatre level mods that change the game... CMSF Euroscape v 1.0, Mord's Civil War Mod V1.0 & Mixed Combatant Mod.... and this does not count the hundreds of user made scenarios across all the modules. CMFI CMBN/CW are fun and look real pretty (got them both) but Modern is quick and the "BANGs!" are bigger. I have been mesmerized by the anti-tank guided missile travelling the length of the map to destroy my forces:D
  12. Ultra-D, Collingwood is correct. Your CMSF Mac fireworks are on the way. Pop a another bottle. Enjoy!
  13. Are there any plans for an in game utility to transfer the literally many hundreds of CMSF 1 scenarios, campaigns, maps, (mods) etc. into CMSF 2 Mac? Seems like it would be a huge plus if this is possible and cost justified. I reckon many previous CMSF 1 customers would want to romp through their favorite v1.32 game files with the new CMSF 2.+ goodness. I am really enjoying CMSF MAC! Had the game less than a week. I didn't realize what I was missing with ALL the modules. NATO & Euroscape version 1.0 by Dpabrams and all the CMSF crew kicks arse! Mord's Civil War Mod is great for red on red scenarios. This is what got me wondering about the treasure of work done for CMSF1. Would be a shame to leave it all behind. Happy New Year!
  14. Thanks Sequoia, Will search them up and now I know how to find Eureka! 6 different Abrams variants for the Army and 2 for the Marines....It is like Christmas all over again huh...
  15. Now that CMSF Mac is out we have all the vehicles from all the modules! That is plenty of material to ponder. I wonder if there are any "CMSF Full Dealership" game files that would put all available units on display? Maybe something like this exists in the Repository? I found CMFI Italian, German, US Army Dealership and CMBN Base Game US Army, German Dealership game files very helpful. Helps a me, non grog, pick out the units for play easier and helps comparing, choosing mod applications. Thanks,
  16. I suspect your machine configuration is the issue. I had a similar Mac won't hold graphic options issue on one of my Macs. I also had my user directory on a different, non boot HD. I moved my user directory on the boot HD and my graphics options were recognized and retained.
  17. I play pig iron, cast iron, wrought iron and uber-no-tanium difficulty. I have fun in every level when the difficulty level matches my mood and time to play a game.
  18. Aris / Fuser your labors express the enthusiasm you have for art. We (CM Community) are lucky you picked CM MODS to as a vehicle to express your talents through.
  19. Thanks Mikey. Grabbed MikeyD's "T55 T62 Mega Mod Pack". Looks Great. Thanks for the reminders for all the CMSF MAC Phoenixes Rising!
  20. Happy New to You and Yours Phil, Rock out in "USMC the old city". I know I have many any times. Thanks Thomm.
  21. Some folks won't get it…worse... don't want to get it. Our current CM "Magic Carpet Ride" = many years of dreams, Blood Sweat & Tears as well as some Aladdin's lamp nubby. Well, you don't know what we can find Why don't you come with me little girl On a magic carpet ride Close your eyes girl Look inside girl Let the sound take you away On a magic carpet ride Oh, but it cost $10 for the magic carpet ride! Off to clean the hog guts off my boots, me and then play someCM magic carpet ride. Satisfied Customer of CMFI, CMBN / CW V2.0 & CMSF MAC.
  22. The Italian soldier gets a bad rap because .........You got to know when to pragmatic or be a dead rabid zealot cause dead is dead. No "better tomorrow" n such. "As for the original intent of this post, I think CMFI is one of the finest games Battlefront has ever made." Steve As of now.. Maybe? I am kicking the heck out of CMFI. I LIKE IT! Honestly I got more CM (with CMFI/ CMBN/CW v2.0 & now CMSF v1+ for MAC) than I can manage to play. Just this AM I consolidated >2 GB (over 300 ) Scenarios of CMSF! Take your time to up the game(s) as most regular customers are over their heads with game play opportunities. Off to set some traps and bring in some tactical bacon for the New Year.
  23. "CMSF and its modules are really fantastic games." I could not agree more. Makes me wonder what a CMSF 2 is going to play like....jaw-dropping? I have plenty of time as just loading the many GBs of CMSF scenarios and campaigns will take me a while. Replaying them on a MAC will be more than a treat. Thanks to ALL the CMSF MAC crew.
  24. Peter Panzer, Got a moment to catch up on the road. I am not running OSX (Mountain Lion) yet. I am on Lion 10.7.5 on an old ATI Radeon HD 4870 512 MB card. In the past it has been said "… OpenGL Nvidia has generally done a better job." I suspect the most recent drivers make a major difference in performance of any graphics card. My old ATI 512 MB card works but stumbles with my "Z" folder filled with > 1 GB of Mods. I do often set models and textures to BEST with antialiasing & shaders but w/o shadows. CMBN, CMFI and CMSF are all 'single-threaded' games as far as I know so that can't make use of multi-core CPUs. Per Schrullenhaft > 1 year ago, "The issue that you're seeing with the "ground constantly changing" is due to video/memory management that CMBN is doing internally. The game has to decide when to switch out textures for lower resolution versions (LODs, "Level of Detail" models and textures) in order to maintain a certain amount of performance and memory availability. Unfortunately at this time the calculation is done strictly within the code with few user inputs. Perhaps in the future there will be some more specific user tweaks to adjust this video behavior, but that may be a 'family' or two away (CMBN most likely will NOT see such user configurable options)." So since I don't have an Nvidia card (yet) I can't give you 1st hand data. Warloch's 680 GTX 4gb is a very, very top of the line card! He should have no GPU issues with memory at all. Warloch or Kilroy Lurking (NVIDIA GTX 670 another fine GPU) may better be able to address tweaking ability of Nvidia cards OS (Mountain Lion). Sorry I don't have more real Nvidia facts for you as I understand how great the CM series of games are and look when everything (including the fantastic mods available). As I stated before, I may simply make the time to build my own hackintosh and I will go the Nvidia GPU route. BTW - Aris / Fuser noted "Mods may slow down (few seconds,...) loading times, (after all, the exe loads whatever it finds in Z) but once in game, the difference is not noticeable. 3D objects are huge frame rate eaters. Trees and foliage, specially, and making them translucent or not is not going to improve performance since 3D objects are still there (although transparent). Huge battles, with many soldiers, logically slow down performance too, but not because there are many textures, but because there are many 3D objects and polygons." This seems to indicate if you plan on huge battles you will benefit from more GPU memory?
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