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Everything posted by Runaway!!!

  1. (Space Lobsters) Arthropodicus Intergalacticus.
  2. I asked Steve about concrete bunkers too, but he said no, just cement bunkers are in alongside paper mache tanks.
  3. I'm not sure about how the trenches will work or even look in CM:LOL/OMG/WTF? I asked Steve a while back if there were cement bunkers where you could stow infantry, not just MG & gun pill boxes and wooden MG bunkers, and he said yes.
  4. "The vortex from the Globemaster engine created the image of a "smoke angel" in the sky." That's no smoke angel. That's the Flying Spaghetti Monster.
  5. Still think getting stoned isn't as dangerous as drinking and driving?
  6. I guess no one could've seen this coming after they developed the anti car theft devise "The Auto Weight".
  7. If indeed the terms being used are "teach the controversy", I would be concerned for those poor students "learning" about global climate change, especially since these same catch phrases have been propped up to try and discredit the scientific theory of evolution with opposing pseudo science, fallacies, and propaganda. If the "debate" is between scientists on the cause of global warming rather than whether or not it's occurring, then it's nothing to get your mouth frothed up over. But the terminology is highly suspect, and I don't know about the use of the word astrological being all that credible, but I wouldn't be surprised considering the recent demise of the Texas educational system by the state board and their newly redesigning of several textbooks. This could be another one of those epic fails brought to us by our democratically elected. It's a tossup between local control over our school's curriculum and a universal one between all states. At least with local control these disasters are "usually"... well, localized to one state and not all. If anyone is interested in the science of global climate change, check out this series by potholer54 on youtube. 1. Climate Change -- the scientific debate www.youtube.com/watch?v=52KLGqDSAjo
  8. How do we know you're really Steve? =/ What's the missing eight letter word? Space _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  9. This CM Normandy update is brought to you by, Cheetos. Umm umm....Cheesy.
  10. Baseless assertions offered up as fact and able to operate with impunity. Yeah, that's got to be faith.
  11. No, that's to be expected. You're going to want to find a pig farm though.
  12. I can't take it anymore. I'm going to have to pull an Eric Cartman waiting for this game and freeze myself till it comes out. Who's going to defrost me when it does?
  13. What Panzerfest said. "Are fords going to be in it?"
  14. And here I am thinking something was being discussed about the game. But no, just another day at the zoo. I needed this game to be out yesterday.
  15. I'd rather see a WWII Pacific theatre before a Vietnam one. But that's just me.
  16. Thank you captain obvious. I did mention FTW, didn't I?
  17. I hereby invoke the power that is the Refresh Monkeys.
  18. You only lost 10 - 15 minutes of work? Lighten up. Try building a massive map that takes hours to make, saving roughly every 20 - 30 minutes, then getting near completion only to have the power snap off and on only to realize you havn't made a save in over an hour. :mad:
  19. Congratulations on your sales Battlefront. I Will throw money at any CM title you can offer up, *cough* Normandy.
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