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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by slug88

  1. Redwolf, care to provide a source for that 12 Mt figure? Because it's ridiculous and I'd love to see what other entertainment could be gleaned from that source.
  2. If helicopter sims are your thing, then you should be very very excited about DCS: Black Shark. It's a very in-depth study sim of the Ka-50 Black Shark, to be released in the next couple of months. By the looks of it, it is going to be the most detailed flight sim ever released to the public, and it's set to herald in a new age of consumer flight sims. Here's the website: Digitalcombatsimulator I was a huge fan of DI's Hind when I was growing up. If you look on the heli sim forums on www.simhq.com, there should be posts detailing how to get it to work on current systems. I doubt that you'd need to have the F-16 sim installed to play Hind, especially since I believe that DI never even made an F-16 sim, and so the two games in the bundle probably don't share anything more than a common publisher.
  3. Yeah, I've also seen this many times with wego in many different scenarios. Should be fixed.
  4. John, red air air only exists via a mod (my own creation ) which simply changes the aircraft names from A-10 to Su-25, and so on. I believe it's been hinted that it will appear properly in CMSF2.
  5. John, this game doesn't feature red tacair at the moment.
  6. Each time I've played I've managed to get the Apaches to destroy a very large fraction of the enemy force by using Area Target (maximum size) and Heavy. Any enemy that enters the designated area gets Hellfired.
  7. Wow, actually that is a pretty cool effect! Hats off to Battlefront, the game is still surprising me with its detail.
  8. I'm in the middle of 4 PBEM games at the moment, and I find that it's actually a lot of fun. And generally I play one or two turns of each game per day, I have yet to wait a week for an AT-14 to land.
  9. Did that squad happen to perform buddy aid during the scenario? Perhaps the SAW gunner acquired an M4 that way.
  10. Yes it's possible, by modifying the "strings.txt" filed packed in one of the *.brz files in the Data folder. For example, my Red Air Power Mod (http://www.cmmods.com/web/CMSFScen.nsf/1b148631ec5fb57e85256c5f005fd053/b96a5ad90adeb7548525743b001c4186!OpenDocument) changes the names of the American air support into Russian/Syrian equivalents via a change in strings.txt.
  11. Yes it does. So take good care of your men, or you might find later missions very difficult!
  12. 1. You can only edit individual scenarios; campaigns are locked. Some scenarios are "baked", which adds some extra AI functionality; baked scenarios can not be edited. 2. In the unit screen, just highlight the unit you wish to delete, and press the delete key on your keyboard. 3. *Left* click on a waypoint, or on the colored line leading to the waypoint, to select it. It will be highlighted when you've selected it.
  13. In the "Mod Tools" folder in your CMSF directory, there should be a Readme.txt. The section called Loading Order will explain this in detail. But, essentially, any mod that you place anywhere in the "Data" folder or any subdirectory of the Data folder will be loaded, it's just that depending on the loading order the stock Data may supersede it and you won't see the mod.
  14. Ah, I see. This is adressed in the manual somewhere, I can't give you the exact page as I'm not home at the moment. Anyway, from what I recall, the designation 'T-72M1V' was invented by Battlefront to differentiate between the stock Syrian T-72M1's and those upgraded with Kontakt-5. So, in reality, T-72M1V, T-72M1V (2001), and T-72M1V (Turms-T) are all called T-72M1.
  15. There is no friendly fire from small arms or grenads in Shock Force. Everything from RPG's up will cause friendly fire.
  16. I believe that it works as intended, the justification being, how is a unit supposed to target something it can't see yet? I believe, however, that area targeting from a waypoint will work if the unit doesn't have LOS prior to the waypoint. edit: actually, thinking about it, what I wrote above makes no sense, since if you can assign a unit an enemy target, then it must be able to see it in the first place. So disregard what I said, I'm not sure how this works.
  17. As missinginreality indicated, popping smoke at any given waypoint is possible, it's just that the purpler marker won't show up. But so long as the vehicle is actually capable and willing to pop smoke when it reaches the waypoint, it should do so. I only play PBEM and I utilize this function quite frequently.
  18. If I'm not mistaken, in-game SF are already wearing body armor that is equivalent to American protection.
  19. See if turning down your graphics settings help. It could just be low FPS. Which graphics card are you using?
  20. Definately check out PaperTiger's Hasrabit and Perdition campaigns for excellent red on red action. Webwing's Ghost Campaign is still a great choice for blue on red. As far as individual scenarios go, there are too many good ones to list. One of my personal favorite scenario designers is GeorgeMC, you'll find a few of his scenarios on CMMODS. As far as crucial mods go, all of them can be found on CMMODS. There are several mods that together will transform the Syrian Army into the Russian Army, with new uniforms, Russian speech, new camo, etc. I'm also partial to the UN mods that convert the US forces into UN peacekeepers.
  21. I've used Syrian engineers many times and have never encountered this. Either it's a rare bug, or really good timing on the part of an enemy RPG or tank
  22. I only use the mouse to move the camera, and only by holding down the left/right mouse buttons. I find it to be much smoother and more precise than moving it to the edge of the screen, and doubly so compared to the keyboard controls. It takes a little bit of effort to get used to it, but it offers the greatest control of any of the methods.
  23. Keep in mind that the Georgian "return fire" consisted of leveling of half of Tskhinvali via Grad missile barrage. I'm not so naive to think the Russians are guided by any sort of altruistic motives, by to me the Georgians lost any sort of credibility as the innocent victim when they employed unguided high explosives against a civilian center. Furthermore, ten Russian peacekeepers were killed as a result of the Georgian artillery, who were there by UN mandate. Neither side can claim to have the moral high ground here.
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