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Everything posted by scottsmm

  1. What whole world mod are you talking about? There are several.
  2. China convoy script, Manchukuo, etc on Operation Z. If you play as the allies all you have to do is bomb the hell out of Port Arthur and then Japan get's 0 mpps for the respected territory. If you don't believe me that's fine, but all you would have to do is look at Bill’s (answer to convoy question #3) post and you’ll see that he stated the same exact thing. If you’re talking about the land units part however I might be off slightly, but not by much, maybe 7-8 units with the Japanese Korean Army.
  3. To be honest with you yolo911, convoy scripts are more times a pain in the you know what for however is supposedly benefiting from the convoy. AKA you're better off not to have a convoy in most cases, because if you have one, there are two big ways you lose some serious mpps than if you didn't. One would be to bomb the port of the convoy and then you get absolutely nothing. The other way would be to have subs raid the convoy. As for your difficulties in China all you have to do is purchase 4 cheap units without upgrades (AA’s, or AT’s), and this will enable you with 8-9 Japanese land units (Tanks and Armies) to take china out easily.
  4. Thanks guys, I appreciate your quick responses.
  5. I just have a question on Convoys #3, when I just bombed Port Arthur to test this I noticed that Japan's cumulative income went down by about 30 mpps (32 to be exact). The convoy typically yields 64 mpps, if all the cities are at full strength. 8x8= 64, I understand this part, but what's 32x2 (64?), in other words it seems to me that when you knock Port Arthur out, Japan then gains what she would normally gain if Manchukuo was a part of her own industry, 8x4= 32 mpps, and she would get this because she has a 50% industrial modifier, 1/2 times 8= 4.
  6. I'm considering buying this Theatre of War 2 game, but I have a few general questions I would like to get answered first. First of all how well would this game run on a Dell XPS M1530 Intel Core Duo T9300 processor, 250 gigs of space, Vista Home premium 32 bit, 256MB NVIDIA® GeForce® 8600M GT video card, a creative sound card (direct X compatible). Next question would be how much fun is this game on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being the highest, and 1 being the lowest? Finally could someone just give me a brief summary of the game? Thanks, btw I have played the demo, and I do think it’s fun, I just don’t think there is enough on the demo to determine that about the entire game.
  7. What I personally always do is, go to recent places and its right there (Save folder). There is of course another way which will always work, and that is to go to wherever you saved the game to. There should also be a folder named battlefront, and in it you should find all the battlefront games you purchased. From here go to SC PT, and then scroll down to the folder named save and open it. It's up to you to then to find the relevant turn file and send it to the appropriate people. In order to get to the save folder the easy way simply open up the editor, and this will make it so all you have to do is go to recent places like I do, and attach the turn. Good luck, and let me know if you need any further assistance.
  8. All you have to do RevJack is attach the file in an email to someone who works for SC.
  9. "Blaming guns for crime is like blaming Rosie O’Donnell being fat", along with a lot of other things, just ask the person with the mat head and he will happily inform you. lol.
  10. Very simple, the game is conspiring against you this year, but ask your opponent next year what weather has on during the same months. What you will notice is that you will have good weather were as your opponent will not, don’t worry you’re not missing any settings or anything like that. Hope this helps.
  11. yolo911, don't worry about it, in my first couple of games I made the same mistake, as I tried to invade Finland with the USSR (right around the winter war starting point), and of course all that happened was the Finnish army was upgraded for Barbarossa, and it was a major pain, because I had to actually keep "decent troops" on the Finnish border to prevent them from making a breakout. As for supply, you'll find that "practice makes perfect", and eventually you won't make this sort of mistake ever again.
  12. Run over Japan with your mouse and take a look at the percentage which should say Japan 50% Axis, in order to invade a country you must first declare war on them (if neutral) but you must also be able to invade them with a country which is totally activated 100% on your side. In other words Japan isn't at war right now so she won't be able to invade any other countries, or take any measurements of war (attacking enemy units, cities, etc). If Japan however was at a 100% Axis then there is a problem with the game/mod. Hope this helps.
  13. Nupremal do you have any plans for creating an Axis AI by any chance?
  14. How about this very simple change which will give major countries the capability to switch sides, from Axis to allied, and vice versa. Realistically the US in the pre-war years was an ally of Japan supplying them with oil, and the USSR was an ally of Germany in the pre-war years as well. It would therefore be a good idea to give major countries the ability to switch sides, after all you can do it to minor countries so why not major countries? Then again this could have already been addressed?
  15. Well then I still think it's a good idea, but seriously SeaMonkey it still needs some strict guidelines. I've also come to the conclusion if this is implemented into SC then everyone who is on the SC team definitely has their work cut out for them, with all the countries this could happen to, what's the chance you get the desired effect, or what if GB diplomatic mission backfires when that country get's word of a practiced invasion close to its own shores.
  16. Good idea SeaMonkey only problem is the war could be over before it's started, so although it's a good idea there needs to be strict guidelines for it to ever have a chance to be in any SC game imo. Because after all if you win the game by simply inserting 5 diplomatic chits against an AI which inserts 3 then it's not really fun at all, and this is supposed to be a game in which you have fun right? So basically what I'm saying is have the situation be similar to storm of steel in which 5/6of the major combatants were neutral. Only have it be (since it's a Global game) set to 37’ with the Second Sino Japanese war. This way Europe is neutral, and with good guidelines will give the player the opportunity to prepare his or her troops for battle, but not upset the game balance too greatly.
  17. can see where you are coming Colin, but I think it would be nice to have these great units play a bigger role in the game. Of course if you wanted to (expecting they don't change the editor too greatly and its freedoms) you could design these units yourself, it's just then you would have to get rid of another unit (likely SF). Unless they allow you to create your own units from scratch with the editor (I'd love this) ....
  18. So you basically build your own special units? If this is the case it definitely will raise quite a few questions. Personally what I would like to see in global SC is special units such as the Imperial Guard, the SS Leibstandarte, the British SAS and other important special units have a class of their own with the best attack defense values because nations such as Nazi Germany and Japan made sure this units where always equipped and trained with the latest advancements. In other words I want to see super powerful select group of units which will simply brush other normal enemy units aside, and when these units clash whoever wins the clash I think should lead to a morale boast to all units of that respected country, and it should also demoralize the super unit's side which lost, especially in that area in which the unit fell. After all if the strongest unit in a faction such as Nazi Germany fell then other inferior German units wouldn't feel so invincible. Of course the number of these super units will need to be low no more than 2 per major country (not counting Italy, China, or France) these countries can have 1 super unit.
  19. Tim you surprised me with your attack on China being strictly in the North, so I moved my units from river positions near Ichang to combat you at Sian. It was a good learning experience for me as it differed from the usual attack. btw if you didn't go north like you did you would have created a WWI trench scenario as I can hold that river line well into 43', and that means China losses very few cities none of them are capitals or industry centers. January 44'- I wasn't going to let any Japanese forces escape from justice in India, I made a promise and I was determined to keep that promise. No Japanese military figure would step foot on Indian soil and be able to return to Japan, unless that individual was in a coffin. June 44'- Yep I was still at 2 advanced aircraft even though I had level 4 intel and 5 chits invested in this tech for over 5 months. It petrified me when I launched a carrier raid off the coast of Burma at aircraft strength of 8 and one Japanese carrier in the port of Hanoi intercepted it and made it strength of 1. Once I got level three however it was one level after another in rapid succession and I wasn't able to upgrade my carriers to the full potential unfortunately as the port faculties simply weren't available for such a huge CV force. If you invaded Australia I had quite a few US units waiting for you at Brisbane with many more including the US Navy on their way. However in the end this force saved India not Austraila. If you look back to the early post/emails I sent you, you would notice that I was constantly informing you that the British were preparing for an amphibious assault, so when it finally came I wasn't even remotely surprised. I suppose this would counter the fact I sent so many troops into Rangoon it's just the bait was to good for me to resist so I had to go just to delay you from capturing Diampur (we all know what happened when you did capture). I suppose you could call it a great irony. In Mid 43'- I'm thrilled to hear that you didn't know the true scope of the forces off the coast of Australia, in reality what you saw was about 2/3 the navy force that you would see fighting in India, DEI, Malaya, Philippines, etc. I just wished I knew for sure what you did know at that time. I kind of panicked let's just say. I never had anti sub level 2 I think you are remembering back to SC2 days and there expansions which had carriers have an anti sub tech (there best use if you ask me). I only had level 1 at around early 42' and I never bothered to research any higher, it simply wasn't needed and I knew that. I must admit I take a lot of pride in looking at what you said pre British counter attack compared to the aftermath of the British counter-attack. It's not that I'm trying to stick it to you it just seems to me that you were a bit over cocky in this theater of operations, and maybe you underestimated my skill and desire to keep India alive. Dec 44'- Probably closer to 32 or so ships carriers included. Looking back on it I should have used my navy to cut off this transport route and looking back on it the only reason I didn't do this was because of my over joy at attacking Japan, and other areas in which all of them I was winning and pushing forward. Not to mention I was still a little fearful of your navy. Big dumb mistake on my part, but then again I had the end game strategy already in mind, and that of course was 20 or so allied airstrikes with a paratrooper unit landing in Tokyo once all other victory cities where in my hands.
  20. Tim the whole point of building those fortifications was to save China from surrendering and because I knew you would need Changyeh before China would surrender and because of its terrain it would take a lot of time for you to make any sizable advance. In the end I realized that if I fought you around Chungking all I would have done is doomed China to surrender, as there would be no units left to defend Changyeh once Chungking/Kunming would inevitable fall.
  21. I just want to add a few things to what SM has said and that would be to use something similar to Nupremal's mod's Europe, I personally think his map of Europe is absolutely as close to perfect as possible (Europe), but I'm against all the restricted area's in his map as I think it takes some of the fun away, because you have to play by the history books. Maybe one small change to his Europe map would be to add in more sea tiles in the English Channel to make an invasion easier. Obviously use PT as the base engine, as I think a lot of us have really enjoyed all the new features that have come up in this expansion . Make places like Africa smaller (besides northern Africa) as this will enable the creator to make more important areas bigger such as Asia, etc. Finally this is likely going to happen either way, make it so you can add major countries without having to get rid of another major country. For example don't get rid of France as a major country so that Japan can be a major, etc. That's all for now.
  22. Congrats to you too Tim, after all you were the one who took the side of the underdog and you had me on the ropes for quite a portion of the campaign. I honestly feel that I did my best against you and I thought for a while that I was going to lose both India and China and therefore get publically humiliated on this forum. In the end however I got a bit of luck and from there I had the huge industry mite of the US industries and that ultimately won the game for me. Some things that I noticed that you could have done better with would have been to be much more aggressive in the early going (capture all initial objectives by Feb 42' not Aug 42'. To have kept any worthless unit on Diampur once you captured it to make China fall. The last thing I think you could have done better at is something which could have backfired on you if it failed and that is to have your entire navy engage me in one big titanic battle. If you won this then you would have almost certainly of had a much better chance to get at least a stalemate. However if you lost this battle I would have become extremely aggressive and would have moved on Japan much earlier then what I did (I was still rushed when I did launch my attack on the Japanese home islands). You also could have chose to move your 13 strength army into Kyoto at the very end of the campaign and this would have postponed the ending, but I wonder if you did this purposely as you probably observed the hopelessness of your situation. Some of the mistakes I made in this campaign would be the disaster of the British navy early on in the game, giving away my navy units locations because of pointless small islands spotting them, and a few times when I had Chinese units attack your Japanese units which in experience your units where much stronger then mine (this didn't happen a lot). I'm sure you noted some other mistakes that I made in this campaign and I look forward to hearing how I could better myself. Once again I have to thank you on a most interesting struggle, it was a blast . btw I haven't forgotten about your diary and I look forward to seeing that too.
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