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Everything posted by Mishga

  1. OK, bit outfield here but.. What if it was a buried 155mm detonated electronically like an IED. Would the crater be larger? And excuse the very silly question but would it matter what way the shell was pointing? Just a bog standard 155mm HE shell we are talking about in this situation.
  2. He did, I am witness to it. Random QB settings. M1's came stonking into a small village area and the conscripts in ambush opened up with what limited RPG fire they could and 3 tanks disabled and the 4th retreated and popped smoke. After the battle the main gun was damaged in the review. That explained it taking no more part in the battle. I think a crewmember was dead inside as well but cannot remember fully. A flushed red bottom can be fun too I suppose
  3. How did you get on? I am so glad that folks are getting a bit of a buzz out of my scenario's. They won't win any wargaming awards but 10 minutes of fun can be priceless
  4. Can I have a job? Morale Raiser First Class? Beverage Dispensing Officer?
  5. Noltyboy Your just across the bridge from me
  6. Please do. It's always nice to get pointers on how to improve the product Bear in mind though that they are more a "beer and pretzel" presentation rather than filet mignon.
  7. Scenario's sent, Dietrich. I don't check in here as often as I should.
  8. Dietrich, I feel really sorry for you now. Once some of the scenario's have been playtested a bit I will mail them out to you! Until then X X Falcon and Handi, Thanks for the feedback. Sent out a new one medium sized meeting engagement. Watch out, it's brutal! Mish
  9. Funny you should quote those statements. I run a guild in Warcraft that raids occasionally and I do play Eve online but quite more a casual player there. I would not class my self as Groggy or geeky as I love socialising and going out, having a few drinks etc. I cannot help it that the good Lord gave me brains and boobs! Having two kids does put a crimp on a social life I admit. To be honest about CMSF, I am much more interested in the WW2 setting. I cannot wait to see what the editor is like for that. I make scenario's for CMSF as all the tools are to hand. A little bit of thought and exploring the editor you can come up with some pretty good stuff. I am working on a map just now that's a multi-plan 1hour long battle that involves at least one ambush, one counter attack and static defence from the AI. If anyone wants to playtest it drop me an email.
  10. Yes I am still around. The Formula I was trying to work out was ammunition resupply percentages. My earlier work is quite rough around the edges compared to the stuff I can do now. Having a better grasp of the editor and what it can do. Meach supplies the technical ideas. "No, No a Battalion vs a Platoon is not a very fun fight for the Platoon!" But I don't let him loose on the editor as he makes maps like tabletops and plentiful supplies of artillery. Falconander please drop me an email and I will send you a small collection of what I have done. Be warned there is no chrome polishing in the way of fancy breifings as that is what I find the most time consuming. Using Fraps, then art packages to get nice combat images is time that the kids usually demand.
  11. Yes, Wiggum. All my stuff should work with 1.10. USMC scenarios obviously need the Marines Module. Other than that things should be ok. I am currently working on two new scenarios. They are at the playtest stage and should be ready soon.
  12. Thanks for the positive feedback folks
  13. This scenario is useable as a quick battle map and a scenario. Briefings are included. You do NOT need the marines module to play this fight. The scenario is called Battle Five and is available at the www.cmmods.com site Many thanks to Darkmage for his input and support throughout his playtesting.
  14. Battle Five is the codename for a small force setting up a surveillance post near the front line. Local spies have sent word to nearby Syrian forces which are now heading at full speed towards the location. US air and artillery have attacked the enemy column but they are still making progress and will make contact imminently. What happens next is up to you. Briefings are included. A scenario that can be played from both sides, used as a QB map and PBEM or LAN. Darkmage, once again added invaluable support and guidance. Get this fierce skirmish at www.cmmods.com under Mishga.
  15. They become the bridge. Tigers and Panthers drive over it.
  16. I look back over some of my early scenarios and recoil in horror at what I see.
  17. Look back toward your vehicle from the berm. If you can only see the turret your half ways there. Turret down is another step to being in defensive posture.
  18. Three casualties, one killed, two wounded. One damaged AAV and one damaged Assault boat. But I agree, it was the willingness to fight that counted. They would have kept up the fighting but the Governor ordered them to surrender.
  19. "Can't a man get a dump in peace? Don't you dare put this on Youtube, Jerry!"
  20. The QBG does this kind of thing regularly. I am kinda busy looking after the kids just now but check CMMODS.com for maps. As for skins and so on I don't think it would be difficult to package some skins in with a few maps if the designers put there heads together.
  21. There is another one on the way. A nice little skirmish. I don't tend to do huge battles as they consume far too much time and what with Kids running about it's a nightmare. Darkmage and Field Marshall check mail You boys are going to be my testers
  22. Just a little heads up in this forum too. New scenario posted at www.cmmods.com Night time tank clash, Playable over an hour. Many thanks to Darkmage as playtester.
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