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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Wiggum

  1. I just read the thread you mentioned in the BIS forums and now i rolling on the floor laughing... Did you know that CMSF is: ?? (Nice Videos too i had a hard time playing this scenario)
  2. Thanks for the quick answer. But i would like to hear Steve's opinion to that...maybe he could say more on that.
  3. Now, is there something like a final statement to the problem with the low draw distance on large maps ? I would love to see a option to incrase the draw distance in the NATO Module for CMSF and the Normandy game.
  4. But we talking about trees (woods) in a distance of 500m - 1km. If i look out of my window i can see woods ~5km away... I would say that a option to enable a bigger draw distance would be great, so everyone can do what he want or what his PC allow.
  5. Thanks for the answer Schrullenhaft (what a name ) ! I hope we will get such a option like you mentioned it, not only for the Normandy game...i hope for CMSF too. Maybe you should make some pressure on that !
  6. No way i will put my settings lower then Best/Best... Iam 100% sure that i have enough power to run large CMSF maps with max. settings and bigger draw distance. And im sure many more have PC's that can do the same. It seams like this is a old relict in the engine to cut of draw distance on large maps.
  7. Ok, but thats a bug in the engine for sure that needs to be fixed.
  8. Well, i just dont believe this. A few trees in the distance will drop my FPS from *runs amazing* to *stuttering* ?
  9. Wow, good firefight ! I had such a "beautifull CMSF-moment" a few days ago: I had two syrian squads in two buildings at the second floor. A enemy T-72 came across and stoped infront of the buildings (distance = 50m) I gave the order to attack to both squads and the first shot hit the tank... Then the tank turned his turret into the direction of my men. Second RPG hit...now the T-72 elevate his gun that is now pointing right to my guys at the second floor. But before he shot another RPG hits the tank and the crew bails out....WOW.
  10. Hi, maybe you know the problem with disappearing trees/road details at large maps. I came across this problem playing the "Road to Dinas" mission 3. I looks awful with such a short draw distance of trees... I have not a High-End PC but a good one and can play even big scenarios with max setting and AA+AF. And i think iam not the only one with such a powerfull PC. Battlefront should give players like me a option to get a bigger draw distance for trees ect. That would be a BIG improvement i think ! Here is my old thread, maybe no one looks in the tech forum. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=90147
  11. Agreed. I hope we will get a "official" aswer to this problem someday... EDIT: Just did some more testing and found out that not the distance is important to the draw distance problem. You can make a 2km x 200m map and see all trees still in 2km. It is annoying more and more the more i think about this...
  12. Yes, i played a tiny QB a few days ago with Syrian SF (Attack) against the Brits (Defend) and all i get are some Jackals standing in dump positions...so that after 5 shots of my RPG's the battle was over.
  13. I did some tests with the driver setting, but they changed anything. It looks like the draw distance of trees and bushes is hard coded so there is no way to raise it. Streets look like mud too in some distance ! At the moment i would say that there is no way to increase the draw distance. Can someone confirm this ?
  14. Yeah, i hope Battlefront will tell us how to do it...or fix it with the next patch !
  15. Hi, is it possible to set the draw distance of trees higher ? I have all options ingame on max. but the trees ect. disappear at some distance (you could see this on large maps only). Any way to change this ? EDIT: I just realised that this was asked many times, but none member of Battlefront ever answered this question. Now, PC's get more and more powerfull i wish there is some way to get more draw distance.
  16. @ Erwin.Rommel I just did a quick test with a Warrior against a BMP at 500m. 5 shots of APDS from the Warrior (Wrap2) and the BMP is destroyed, the crew bails out ( 1 WIA). Another test at 700m with nearly the same result...7 shots APDS and the BMP crew bails out (the BMP was maybe destroyed with shot 4 or 5).
  17. Syrian Soldiers during a counter-insurgency operation.
  18. One things i dont get is: How can i get my forces to stay where i put them in the editor ? The AI seams to do them anywhere, put not where i want. (No Setup Zones)
  19. I hope i will be introduced for CMSF with the NATO module or a future (maybe final) patch.
  20. I still hope to get the NATO Module before Christmas...
  21. Hi Mord, i just downloaded your Vocal Mayhem Mod and the "Mord & George MC's Cuss Mod Brits". Great work !! So i can put "Mords Vocal Mayhem Mod BASE" + Army or Marines + the "Cuss Mod Brits" folder in the z folder ? Anyone tried out having both (or all three) Army, Marines and Brits Vocal Mod into the z folder at the same time ? I dont care if Army and Marines Voices are mixed sometimes, or are they much different ? Eh, and Syrian Voices are not changed in any way ?
  22. Hey Pandur, how far are you with your redone Scenario ?
  23. Hi, im not sure but i think there are some tutorials out there that explain the use of Objectives and AI plans in the editor. But i cant find them. For a long time now i try to get something thogether in the editor but i dont get it.
  24. Something need to be done to the AI in this case ! A example: 3 enemy BMP's standing near a farm, i call in a helicopter to attack them. The first BMP gets destroyed...the others stand still. The second BMP gets destroyed...the third still dont move. If one of my vehicles gets under fire they pop smoke and drive back. But why are the third BMP's standing still ? Is he waiting for the next charge ?
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