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Lt Belenko

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Posts posted by Lt Belenko

  1. Another key to winning is proper use of arty. By that I mean timing. Drop the shells as your infantry start out across an open field. And as the barrage lets up as they are in position to gun down the stunned enemy.

    Me? I send my troops to get 50% gunned down by unharrassed enemy. They reach the enemy lines as the arty falls and takes out the other 50% of my men. Timing is the key.

  2. You've laid out long term picture of the Ostfront with 5 games, each one covering a year with several modules.

    And we're aware of the West front there will be Bulge game with modules covering up to the end of the war.

    What are the plans for Italy game? Such as time frame and region for each module? One game total or more than one?

    As for the cost factor, I'm swearing off cigars in 2013 and will use the excess funds for game/module/upgrade purchases.

  3. From the book:

    FACE: If you do so, then the last waypoint will be automatically highlighted so the Face Command will apply to that last waypoint, not the current position.

    TARGET ARC: After placing an arc, the unit will rotate its main gun turret - if available - to face the center of the designated target arc, to minimize acquisition delays

    and maximize spotting abilities. Infantry units will shift their facing accordingly.

    I think Target Arc is the answer while moving. Face is used when stopped. Yes, you need to adjust the arc at every waypoint. This thread reminded me of the "Star of Death" series of commands that was posted on Shock Force a few years back.

  4. but do QB PBEMs work? The only thing I play in CMBN and they do not work in my "upgrade" 2.0

    There seems to be a QB-PBEM issue with human selected troops. You cant get past 5% of turn 002. Not good. :mad:

    I'm running a fairly quick gaming machine. I see little speed performance with 2.0 but the shading appears much smoother.


    1. Polish Airborne

    2. Scratch Kampfgruppen (including first ever CM appearance of German Naval ground forces)

    3. New vehicles and weaponry, some applicable backwards to June 1944

    4. Dutch specific terrain models and artwork

    5. Custom made historical bridges.

    Probably some other stuff I'm not remembering to include.


    Tulips and windmills.

  5. I bought the original CMBN with the really cool armor plated-tin CD box:cool:. And I also bought CW with disk/download. However, comma, I only bought the download version of 2.0. And I plan to buy CM-OMG and the final catch-all release with disk.


    Can ya'll provide a printed 2.0 CD label (pdf) in the repository, so I (and others) can paste it on the backup 1.11/2.0 disk? :confused: Then it will match the other disks in the tin box. I have access to label printer and stomper.

    What's the worst that can happen?...they can say no.:eek:

    And one more thing no I didn't read the EULA. :D

  6. Yea, this is purely an "action spot" issue. It is frustrating at times. In my opinion they should make walls target-able as well, independent of the 'action spot' system. Hedgerows should be treated as walls in this respect so that units can use area fire on hedgerows themselves instead of the ground in front of the hedgerow.


    Additional info: plus one if too short to post

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