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Everything posted by targul

  1. Deleting the engineers is just silly. Why should we want something as useful as the engineer be removed? Are they corps size no. But that doesnt mean they have no function. I was once in a unit called the 15th Support Brigade (Crit). This was a brigade of engineers capable of deployment within 24 hours with complete TOE anywhere. I remember the unit once deploying to Nam to do some construction. We were there for about a month completed the project and returned. Sometimes only companies would be deployed sometime battalions but they were always ready for quick deployment to make airfields, supply dumps, fortifications or anything else the military might require rapidly. Here we have a functioning unit that does not break the game or make it. It simply has a purpose of development of forts for us. I would like to see some more stuff for them to do but regardless I would not like to see them disappear.
  2. Please do not stop writting suggestions. I enjoy reading them and one might be just what the doctor ordered. No one person has all the ideas. Even this Edwin guy whom I do not know.
  3. Closest I have come to Bullfighting is on my Dad's farm. Mabel a Charle Heffer with horns sharp and long one day decided to exit while we were bringing in the corn. She charged me. I decided I would stand my ground and not let her out the gate. Well my dad who was on the wagon jumped from the wagon kicked Mabel and knocked her out. He told me not to be stupid and stand in front of a charging animal. My dad is a very intelligent man whom I respect dearly so I have heeded that advice. So both he and I are still here this day to continue to let the cows out.
  4. 30 divisions is correct. Just finished rewatching my copy or The World at War documentary and that is what they say. Also though the reading go back and forth on the subject most agree between 20 and 30 with 1000-1200 air and around 1000 tanks some of which where T34. The first action seen by these fresh troops was just outside of Moscow where the German General was surprised to see them and astounded by the quality of the T34. Have his quote somewhere since he said it better then I did need to look it up.
  5. I am Buddhist so I have lite some incense. This should do the trick. If not let me know I could also say some mantra's for it.
  6. What I find more funny is you think as the English I wouldnt have built air anyway. Sorry but I do not play this game verses humans as a norm because players feel some strange need to play conquer every country in lieu of WWII. Watch it you could lose my vote. I have yet to recieve that bribe.
  7. Our prices are about the same for Cigs and beer. Luckily for me I no longer use either because if I did I could not afford to survive. Gasoline is always expensive in Europe. I lived there for 6 years and it was never cheap. Good thing about Europe over US when it comes to gas is you rarely if ever need a car. Mass transit is simply awesome there. I live in a little town outside of Nuremburg and worked in Erlangen. I would hop on the bus which showed up every 30 minutes from 4AM to 11PM and traveled to the train depot. Grab a train and bang there was a streetcar. It was extremely inexpensive compared to car use even if gas had been cheap which it wasnt. Same case when I lived in Rodelheim and worked in Heidleburg. Grab a streetcar outside my home. To train station in Frankfurt change train to Heidleburg and back on a street car. Both of these would have been long car trips to and from work through mind numbing traffic in Los Angeles where I live now but there I found them enjoyable and relaxing. But most of all inexpensive.
  8. Havent tried the Rockets you win idea but I am very doubtful they are the key to victory. Not sure why with your extra air range you couldnt sit out of range and elimate those rocketeers.
  9. Which if I am reading what Hubert said correctly be why I have no problem as I use 4GB of RAM. Between the large video card and RAM it can maintain both sides without a need to dump.
  10. Thanks again for the update. August/September doesnt sound bad to me. I will buy it for my birthday present since the best present are the ones you give yourself.
  11. Easy to say we have low taxes but you fail to add up all our hidden taxes which are plentiful. Gas is taxed at horrific rates. Cigarettes and Alcohol are also taxed heavily. But you add state, local, sales, luxery, death, land, school and more taxes you begin to wonder if they really are allowing you the live. I can even remember in PA they had a right to work tax but if you didnt work you had a right not to work tax. Americas overall taxes are near the same but we lack services. Social Security is a joke. Healthcare is die on the streets we dont care, Our government does not care for our old or disabaled. We are now ranked low in modern nations for our education level and it is droppoing due to lack of funding. The homeless problem is American is huge with according to present reports more then half of them being Vets. Our standard of living has deteriorated for many years in American and continues to decline. While many other nations have made great gains. American has not understood yet that we should work on the major American problems at home prior to invading other countries so that we can then rebuld them. We are both not in charge of the world nor should we be. Rant done I have said too much already.
  12. CEAW is a good game but not as polished as SC2. I enjoy both. I find SC2 better in AI and overall plsy but I must admit CEAW draws me constantly because I really prefer hexes over squares. I like the shock and navy convoys are an improvement. But CEAW is so unbalanced it is unplayable as the allies. AI is horrible if not Russia or France. Totally unplayable without PBEM/IP. But as it stands no replay of PBEM and IP is hard to get it working. CEAW needs much work but give it the years this game has and patches it could be better but since we are having another expansion this summer I suspect it will fall farther behind.
  13. Like them both. I like PBEM because it allows me to play many games and people at same time. I like IP because it has more continuous play and easier to keep up with.
  14. This question on everyones mind. I expected to see some proposed date and cost but I guess I thought the announcement meant game was almost ready but I was obviously incorrect. I says summer so that is through August so still another month ifn no problems raise there there ugly bit heads.
  15. Yea I am stuck in that VA crap at the moment. As I said just had the physical now wait for results. They gave me meds and pay for the doctors stuff since I am a purple heart person otherwise I too would have to pay while I wait for them to decide. As to depression, I have never been depressed life is what it is. I cant change it so I will survive regardless of what happens or I will die and not care either way no reason for me to be depressed. I had a sister who suffered from depression. I was really unable to have empathy for her. I do not know how other people handle things but when I overdrank as a teenager I decided that was stupid and quit. After smoking for about 20 years I found evidence that I believed that smoking was bad so I quit. When I feel that life is mistreating I simply try and think about the good times. When I consider my son who died which I consider the worst thing to ever happen in my life I try to remember the good times we had together. Sure I cry and feel sorry for myself but only because I miss him so much. Since I believe in a diety I have th confort to know we shall someday be reunited. Without that I do not know how one can survive some of the things that happen to us. As to advertising my problems I would never do that. We do what we must to care for our families. I made these boys and love them dearly so money really isnt important when it comes to them. I only mentioned it in here because so many were talking about bumms collecting wrongfully. I just hoped to remind them that yes there maybe some fraud but let's not forget there are people in great need and we should attempt to help them and deal with the fraud as a seperate issue.
  16. Win XP never looked at resolution 4 Gig Ram 512 ATI Video Card
  17. I will play to the end if the opponent desires it. I always offer to start a new game if the other player is losing badly. Surrenders in real life are not always last man standing and they should not be in games. Game should immediately cease if one side or the other is no longer having fun. Whole objective is to have fun. So first rule in all these games is if you are no longer having fun the opponent should happily let you out of the game.
  18. Need to be careful though. Yes there is fraud in the system but there are alot of people in need also. My youngest son died in November of Lukemia he never received anything because they are so worried about fraud it took six months for his benefits to creep in and then since he died the day the SSI and Medical was to start they cancelled his checks. Leaving me with horrendous bills which I had to sell 3 pieces of my land to pay so I will now not have enough for my retirement. In March my oldest son had a stroke. He is still receiving nothing since they continue to investigate first. Additional he was born in China so they threatened to deport him because I could not locate his birth certicate fromt he embassy. That issue is still not resolved. I am not poor but I am paying all these medical bills etc. Since they are both adults I am not responsible but they are my children and a man always takes care of his own. I am preparing to sell another piece of property to pay his expenses. That will leave me with Social Security. No one in this nation can live on Social Security so I am actually considering returning to work but at my age and since I have been retired for 12 years who would hire me. I certainly would not enjoy working at McDonald's or Wal Mart. What the solution I really do not know. I feel this country desperately needs Socialized Medicine. Both my sons were working but there jobs did not provide health coverage. That isnt there fault. Neither did anything to cause there illness. Hell the IRS will not even allow the deduction of the Medical Expenses as they are not mine. But if I do return to the work force I am certain the state will want that 300K we have been fighting over and simply remove it from my check since they will then have the power. When I got out of the military they gave me a letter saying I was 30% disabled. I took that to Walter Reed which was required for processing. I spent a week waiting and never was seen with an appointment. Finally I just left and they got to keep the disability. Probably why they never saw me in the first place. Now I recently contacted the VA again and just had my medical exam only took 6 months for an appointment but they did see me. Looks like that organization has gotten a little better. Our government on a whole though has become so unfriendly and disassociated with those it serves that we have no chance of finding fraud or helping those in actual need.
  19. I have made my move in my choosen scenario in my choosen module. Your turn.
  20. I too wonder about Norway. I normally take it because I am a historical player but sometimes I do not if I am behind schedule. I do like placing an air unit Norway to help keep the Allies honest. As the Axis I have never and will never invade Sweden. It is a pro Axis neutral who provides me my Iron Ore. Would I jepordize that in real life no I would not nor did the Axis so I will try and defend it but no invasion there for me. If I were an Allied player though Sweden would be open season if I had away to get there so Norway/Sweden makes sense.
  21. Not sure you can really call me a vet other then for my military service. I have only played one human in this game and had decided to never play another because people play too ahistorically for me. I like a game where history is considered. I dont mind a little variance but I want the game to run along the lines of WWII. I am a veteran gamer and have played thousands of games but only one of this one verses a Human. I have played many verses AI. My favorite of the AI games is A3R. Good solid game that sends me back many years.
  22. My proceeding comments may have been a bit tough but I have been fighting the IRS over that extra money they wanted for 12 years. I just recently won and they decided I was correct. It cost me about 200K to make this fight. But do they return that nope. They dont even admit they were wrong just okay we release you from further liability for those years. Time to party. Nope the state still wants the 300k that the IRS reported to them. It is crazy. They dont listen. They refuse to look at documents they just say we are right and you must pay. This battle will continue until they to know I will not be cheated simply for their incompetence. Fair taxes I dont think anyone minds and when I paid them what was correct I did not complain but when they wanted more and refused to acknowledge poof they were wrong I got pissed. Guess I should really thank them though since who knows when and if I would have retired without them forcing me to examine why I was working.
  23. Peter I will play you. I do not normally play Humans since they play this game ahistorically but I play historically so you will see a normal WWII game. Choose the side you feel comfortable with.
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