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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Fizou

  1. @Erwin, @Frankster65, Thanks guys! ------------- A few of the Grenadiers that are able to get over the bridge without getting killed or pinned soon run into more trouble. A few groups of scouts are hiding in the field. With short cover arcs they soon take out the leading landser. Just as the turn ends another kraut is trying to find cover in the field. Intense end of the sixth turn. The Grenadier doesn't see it coming and is soon shot by both .30-06 and .45 cal at point blank range. One of the scout teams is to close to the river and from the other bank a Grenadier takes out revenge. Within a minute the whole team is taken out. Precise Mauser fire hits home. The teams hiding in the fields will slow down the Germans even more as they now really have to think twice about where to put their feet. That and a storm of MG and mortar fire. Things are looking rather good so far. On the down side, other than the dead team, is that my 75 mm pack howitzer mission is falling short. The FO doesn't seem to see the spotting rounds. I really need that harass mission to hit home around the bridge. This will even further slow down the Germans from crossing. Spotting round falls short and is dangerously close to a team of volunteers covering the bridge.
  2. Overview as we are two minutes into the battle. Red 1 & 2 are HMG setting up. Yellow 3 is the Kubel that was destroyed by MG fire. The Grenadiers are meet with a hail of MG fire and 60 mm mortar rounds as they try to push over the bridge. Notice in the top of the image, a 60 mm mortar round about to impact just behind this unlucky landser. In the background, the destroyed Kubel. The big smoke screen is a Grille 150 mm smoke shell that has fallen short. The Axis try to hit back, they fire 81 mm mortars blind towards the hill that covers the approach over the bridge. They are right in doing so as my FO and a couple MGs are set up there. My FO is key to my overall plan as I need him to direct the 75 mm pack howitzer battery with speed. The other officers take longer and with the German commanders favor of speed I wont get many opportunities to deliver the fire where It can have effect. Im forced to hide my FO and a MG as mortar fire are starting to drop on their position. The FO cant stay hidden for long as he is plotting a 75 mm pack howitzer battery. The excellent unit icons are by Bil Hardenberger. Mortar and MG fire keep raining down on the bridge and all who get close. A Grenadier goes down by a combination of .30 cal bullets and shrapnel. Overview after 4 minutes. Red 1, 2, 3 and 4 are HMGs, Im directing 60 mm mortars to take them out or at least harass them. The red fives, show three Grille SPA. I know the Germans have another two hiding somewhere.
  3. I finally have some time to continue this AAR. My original intent was to just have it run for a full PzC turn but just feel I want to finish what I started, so here we go again. Unfortunately, FRAPS is still giving me very gray colors so the screens are not as pretty as they used to. Fortunately this is not what I see in game, but I cant seem to get the true colors saved with any screen shot program. ----------- We are in the 10:00 to 12:00 AM period of the 20th July 1943. The operation has been underway since 08:00 PM 19th July 1943. The combined force of Rangers from 3rd Bn and Airborne from 2nd Bn 504th PIR have taken the victory location, and vital bridge over the Verdura river. The bridge is the main way leading west and bottlenecks the Axis reinforcement. This bridge is located just southwest of Ribera, the main settlement that also contains a VL in the AO. This was done during the last hour. We are now closer to 11 AM and the German PanzerGren of the 15th PzGren Div are counterattacking to take back the bridge, previously held by their Italian allies. The Paras and Rangers have taken up good defensive positions and only need to cover the one crossing as the Axis managed to destroy the other bridge in the area during the last hour. The Allied force has not had time to dig in though. ------- It doesn't take long for the Paras to spot the approaching enemy. A Grille SPA in overwatch, the Rangers of 3rd Bn have learned to fear these beasts during the morning of the 19th July. Beautiful art by Aris/Fuser. Just next to the bridge the first Grenadiers take up positions, ready to make the crossing. Down the main road a Kübel comes driving at high speed. During the morning hours we have learned that the Axis CO of 15th PanzerGren Div, General Major Kuderian, is really bold. He will use speed when ever possible to outflank and gain ground as quickly as possible. It also helps to draw fire from my concealed men. Kuderians men are truly inspired by their leader, crashing forward in this softskin. The Kubel grinds to a halt as it takes round after round of .30 cal to the engine and wheels. Grenadiers break for cover as their ride is rendered useless. No signs of casualties yet. A well coordinated smokescreen is deployed by the Axis mortars as the first Grenadiers start to make their way over the bridge. Some of my MGs have their LOS blocked by the smoke but several others can see over the bridge and starts to pour fire down range. In the same instant my first 60 mm mortar spotting rounds are starting to land around the bridge. Grenadiers about to get a warm welcome from the 504th PIR. My defense is depending on its MGs and that they can stay hidden from Axis view. As soon as positions are located I'm expecting 150 mm Grille rounds. As long as he is forced to fire blind into probable positions I have a good chance of slowing him down. The ability to remain unseen will determine for how long I can hold this bridge before forced to withdraw and reorganize for a counter attack.
  4. Thanks Sf.. downloaded and enjoying
  5. Cool! I think its really hard to have it work with everyones configurations so either compile together with other mods into a master or just release "yours" and people can renumber to fit their config. Thanks either way
  6. I did not know this, thanks for the information Combatintman!
  7. RCMP, you can only change one AS at a time, only exception is lowering or raising all AS at the same time. If you change the elevation at location X, the map surroundings will change in relation to that elevation. So if you change X and Y, the space between these will automaticaly change to fit, as best as possible, the new elevations. If all AS are set to 10 and you change X=9 and Y=20, being separated by 5 AS. You will get something like 9 11 13 15 17 19 20. If you want to creat a hill, you will most of the time have to set the location for both the top and the botom of the hill. If you only put in the top, all surrounding as will addapt to this and the elevation change will be spread over a very large area.
  8. Superwuzz, I think buddy aid works great as is. CM is not about being able to aquire the exact weapon composition of your squad or the ammo type to be used in various situations. This has always, and will continue to be duties of the TacAI. It wont change caused by a few outburst from spoiled brats. Why? Because BF does listen to their customers and they dont want what your asking. Majority rules.. I would like inf to pick up SMGs if their squad has lost theirs. A a simple request without being a douche. It is possible you know. On another note.. the SMG code, at longer ranges I think it could be looked at. The goal would be quick snappshots rather than bursts. IMO, and I have fired SMGs, is that at ranges longer than 50 meters, bursts are just a waste of ammo.
  9. Thanks RCMP! We have a shared dropbox. PM me with your email and I'll give you access. We have it all stored there but there is also a ongoing email conversation between me and the Axis CO about the rules for various situations that developes as we go along. First time arround so a lot to sort out. The campaign is going along nicely, we are at turn 10 of 11 in the PzC op layer. Im on vaccation soon and then I will have more time to getting back to this thread, bringing it up to speed. Most of the participants have enjoyed the campaign immensly so Im sure we will start a new session as soon as this one is finished. Question is what theatre to choose with all these options BF has given us (and there is PzC coverage for all of them). If you want to take part you're more than welcome.
  10. Any more progress Vein or will you hold of for v3?
  11. Im sure you will be back sooner or later Aris. CM tends to have that effect. Enjoy WOFF and thanks for all your hard work
  12. This is great news! Thans for letting us know ND!
  13. Thanks for your efforts SF.. the voices really ad to the immersion.
  14. Great video, and may I ask, what German face mod are you using?
  15. Juju, the beauty of the map is beyond what can be described with words.
  16. My experience of Alienware is that they are over priced. I do hope the new one will work out well for you. SSD disc is a must IMO
  17. I found the CMBO demo on a PC gamer demo CD i believe. Really liked it but couldent find where to buy the full game. A couple years later I read a review on CMBB, found the full game, bought it and have been hooked ever since.
  18. I think its about time BF gives us some news or a bone on whats next
  19. Vein, The Rangers have their own tag just like paras 82nd and 101st. Have you done something for them as well?
  20. How does winter uniforms work, are they tagged so they will show up whenever there is snow on a map or does one have to rename appropriately? Looking forward to this release
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