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Everything posted by Lethaface

  1. Ask the Turks :). I do know Turks but none that I know is, AFAIK, interested in wargaming or things like that. Almost nobody that I know is, so at least it seems not to be related to their home country ;-). So I can't help you there, but there might be Turkish speaking members on the forum? There was a Turkish forum member Togi / Togisan, he even had a youtube channel Gamer Tactic. Not sure how many people would hear the difference, I would.
  2. Indeed you seem to have achieved valuable observation on a substantial part of the enemy forces. Regarding the mistaken T-55s, in my experience the T-55 vs T-62 in CMSF didn't make a big difference capability wise. Especially when playing against them as BLUE. I don't have a lot of experience with those C2's, but think any T-62 or T-55 is definitely handicapped vs the C2.
  3. It was a specialized version of the Bo105 dedicated for the anti tank role. However, only as a stop gap measure although they were upgraded around 1990. I'm not an expert but not sure they would have been send to Syria as an attack helicopter in 2008. I'd rather have a real combat helicopter capability if the choice was there. I had hoped the Eurocopter Tiger to be included in the game. It was still undergoing trials in 2008, but had it's first combat flights in Afghanistan in 2009 (at least with the French).
  4. Maybe it just boils down to having limited options available in UI. How long would the list be if you offered 0 t/m 30 minutes. What problem does it solve over just offering a few at 0/5/10/15 etc? Is it worth it making a select from list button, do we have space for that, etc. Don't know really, but might not be that straightforward.
  5. Sharp analysis. Another thing that supports your position is 'why bother with a TRP for a position already easily observed?'. Anyway, one of the things I have learned (the hard way) while playing CM is to generally stay away from the best positions, unless one has the capability to directly dominate with superior firepower (and apart from sneaky hiding etc). Not that I'm trying to school the master here I have 'appreciated' that lesson especially as the RED forces in CMSF, one of my favorites in CMx2. FWIW my RED vs BLUE doctrine basically had evolved to: * You have been seen; Assume you have been observed and or are currently under observation if not hard blocked by terrain or hiding with good concealment. * You will die; Assume any forces in (virtually) any contact will stop existing as an effective force after said contact, even if the engagement is successful (i.e. significant casualties are caused) * So, always be ambushing; hide troops and only open fire (relative) close. If possible let the enemy move between your lines before opening fire. Locally overwhelm, maximum risk and maximum result. -- I also do like your ambush there with 2nd platoon, especially with the BMP-2s in overwatch. While their observation is poor and have virtually no armor, the 30mm provides quite some firepower. If they manage to actually get a ATGM off on target, it's a big bonus. I'm rooting for RED, keep it up!
  6. I was able to fix the warning locally, but there is no favicon to be seen. I think it's normal place is in the website root, preferably called 'favicon.ico'.
  7. Perhaps the redirect to the 'unsafe' http url is on webserver level? I vaguely remember something about having to edit apache vhost config files with regards to favicons. Anyway that's what I think chrome is saying also: something requested a favicon, but that request resolved into 'http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?p=404' which is not https and therefore unsafe. I don't think it has to do with local browser cache, but not 100% sure. EDIT: It is/was browser cache in the mix. I was somehow able to clean up the cache it seems (clearing all data since beginning and clicking around in the inspecter), and now the store page loads without unsafe warnings (and without any favicon requests or mentions).
  8. When I inspect the site with chrome the console says: "Mixed Content: The page at 'https://battlefront.com/' was loaded over HTTPS, but requested an insecure favicon 'http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?p=404'. This request has been blocked; the content must be served over HTTPS."
  9. I have checked all my orders and they all seem fine, also afghanistan.
  10. Nice! Any chance of having some screens of your troops and their vehicles?
  11. In CMSF they had the Eryx and Carl Gustaf, IIRC. The Carl Gustaf mainly came with anti infantry rounds, afaik. No Javelins for any Nato module forces.
  12. Doesn't it scale with the forces selected? I.e. Republican guards have different tank formations compared to regular, etc.
  13. Nice force composition, I'm curious what you can achieve with it. Especially the ATGMs are very dangerous for basically any BLUE vehicle.
  14. On holidays in Morocco last month we rented a 4 door Jeep Wrangler and had the hard top removed. Great vehicle for driving there (especially in the desert like mountains) and having no roof is sure nice when its 35+ C, but when the sun is down it gets cold very quick (even with 25+ C. ambient temperature), due to the wind at higher speeds. And yes, we ate some dust when we went off the road :-).
  15. Wow. Here in Utrecht they're asking a bloody €250k for an old ****ty 55m2 appartment.
  16. Than somehow your DNS didn't update yet, for which there might be various reasons. You can try changing your nameservers to, see Google also has nameservers available if you don't mind them. Another option is to try to flushdns, but this will only work if the caching is local. The last option is to just wait, probably it will fix itself today or tomorrow.
  17. Yeah they acknowledged a problem with that, same for me: "Quick note... we are aware of problems with old orders not having the full data shown in My Orders. The data is definitely safe and sound, but there's something wrong with the display. New orders are fine. We'll get it fixed soon!
  18. Ahhh, DNS. I have 'some' experience with DNS while working with a domainname registrar myself a while back. That is, basically my IT career started when I decided to learn programming and develop a DNS manage tool for customers, after I/we got tired of directly editing zonefiles in the nameservers themselves and manually commiting them for propagation in the console. Good old days of the internet :-) Anyway, Godaddy should have been able to inspect the actual zonefile in their nameservers (instead of what is stored in the customer portal domain DNS profile), but at a company the size of godaddy the issue is finding the right person that can actually do that or even knows about it. The great thing of DNS is that when there is any issue with a host, the fix will only show up after the TTL at the respective ISP has expired. Now try explaining that to customers who's website is offline. Of course they always have an expensive ad campaign running right when they do domain transfers or host transfers and TTL suddenly enters their reality.
  19. Since the move to the new website seems to have been a DNS change, the only logical explanation for that should be DNS caching at your providers and the TTL setting of the domain at the time someone with your provider last visited it. If the TTL (TimeToLive) was set at 10 hours, it will only do a dns lookup at the authorative nameservers 10 hours after the last time it did that. Anyway, the new website does show for me. It looks a lot more modern I like the new menu's functionality and the new header images with great screenshots of the game. One thing I noticed is that those images seem to be aligned right on the main page, while being aligned left on a product page. See attached screenshots, I do have a 2560x1440 screen and chrome (and I did clear browser cache just in case). The only thing I did is that I clicked on the CMFI image in the header:
  20. Maybe when CMSF2 comes out? I do like me some pbems but finding the time throughout the duration is always a pita.
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