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Everything posted by Petrus58

  1. My thanks as well for your hard work - much appreciated.
  2. Very nice Egger - I like to use a mixture of mods and I rate yours as good as any.
  3. Another excellent addition - my thanks also.
  4. So you're critical of Beevor, yet cite Buchanan. Yeah, right.
  5. I actually think they look great as they are; in fact, they blend in suberbly with the terrain, plus they are, after all, photographs of Sicily....
  6. Sums up my feelings as well - thanks Fuser.
  7. I did manage to establish that some British and Canadian units got re-painted in England before being shipped out to Sicily, but I don't suppose this lasted very long given these conditions!
  8. Happy to stand corrected - and thanks for your amazing work!
  9. Fuser, I absolutely love all of your work, and I'm pretty sure I have everyone one of your mods installed. So this is not a criticism, but I just wondered whether US vehicles would be that dirty for the Sicily campaign? I must admit that I know nothing about when, and how often vehicles were repainted, (so would welcome any expert comments on this) but would vehicles not have been re-camouflaged following North Africa, and therefore might (initially at least) have had a pretty 'clean' appearance?
  10. I have read it and it's excellent. I would also thoroughly recommend Grossman's novel, Life and Fate, which is set during the war on the Eastern front, and is widely considered to be one of the 20th centuries literary masterpieces.
  11. I was looking to try and find details of the father of a friend who had fought with the Paras at Arnhem when I stumbled across this site: http://www.pegasusarchive.org/arnhem/main.htm I have no idea whether it is of any use, etc, but thought someone might want to have a look
  12. Erwin, If that's the impression you got, it was not what I intended. I agree with your views on Aris. I was just pointing out that sometimes modders do 'move on'. Nothing more than that. I obviously hope that if he wants to continue to work on CMBN/FI, then he does.
  13. What on earth are you talking about. Who is talking about forgetting Aris' work?
  14. I don't think that anyone has forgotten Aris and what he has done for this game, but he hasn't been around for quite sometime now. Maybe he's having a break and will return, but it could be that he's moved onto something else, something I've seen happen many times with other modders and other games.
  15. I used the ATI one and tried a scenario which had terrible shadow flickering on buildings. That's now gone, but the flickering has replaced by a kind of subtle wave effect. It is however an improvement! Forgot to mention - shadows are much better
  16. I just had a quick look. It loaded alright, and the only thing I noticed was that some of the vines were only 'appearing' at point blank range. Balanced settings.
  17. I'm a little behind thanking you for each vehicle, so thanks for these, and all of your recent ones. Outstanding work as always.
  18. My thanks as well - an amazing piece of work and much appreciated
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