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Everything posted by Avwriter

  1. Thanks. I actually did read that. What I was really hoping for was a little more detail. For example, does a higher difficulty level cause the AI to actaully become smarter in its use of tactics/strategy? Or does this stay the same regardless of level. The manual does not mention this. If it only affects the strength and performance of weapons, then I can indeed see the advantage of playing at Verteran level from the start, since my enemy will face the same challenges that I will.
  2. Cool. Manuals can always be printed anyway. Obssessed mission designers are very VERY welcome here. We need guys like you. In the long run, I 'm sure there will be more tools availalbe to make the job easier.
  3. Could someone in the know explain a bit more about the effect of the different difficulty levels. Do they primarilly affect the intelligence of the AI? Do they primarily affect accuracy and dammage done by weapons? Does it affect both sides (AI vs. user) in the same way? What else? In the FAQ at the top of the forum, it is recomended to play only on veteran level. Could someone offer more insight on this topic. Mostly I;ve been playin on the normal level, but before I start fooling aroudn with the other levels, I would like to have a better idea of exactly what I am doing.
  4. Welcome aborad! You sound like someone who made a well-informed purchse decision. From the way you describe yourself, you sound like a good candidate for TOW. Did you order the download or the hard-copy version? The game is not perfect, but there is ton of fun to be had here, and the potential in it is huge. The only real problems in the game are simple growing pains that will pass as the product matures.
  5. Maybe they just need to make a dedicated whiners' forum (Oh yea, I forgot that's what this one is). All jokes aside, we really need a strat/tactics forum. Its the heart of the game. Come on, BFC, it would be a very nice gesture to your customers.
  6. TOW has far more depth than the whiners give it credit for. Thanks for posting something positive Freeboy. Sure, there are legitimate things to criticize, but the one's who go into emotional diatribes simply have no clue. Its an amazing accomplishment, and I look forward to seeing it develop further as we go along.
  7. We used to do that in Il-2 all the time. Only problem was that every time they released a patch, videos from before the patch would not work. Nevertheless, it was/is a very cool feature.
  8. If you will recall, the maps in the original Il-2 were also relatively small. As time went on, however, bigger and more detailed maps were added by the developers. I don't suppose that there is any way that the maps from Il-2 could be made compatible with TOW. Not all would be appropriate, of course, but some would be great. The Carpathian map (the one with tall mountains) for example would be fantastic. The Leningrad and Stalingrad maps would also be cool. Even if we cant enter the buildings, it would be great fun to fight form street to street.
  9. Post here if you would like show support for a separate Strategy/Tactics forum. The general forum has become so active with so many different topics, and so much ranting and whining that it is becoming chaotic and frankly a little unpleasant. Those of us who enjoy the game, and who are striving to become better at it, would benefit from having a more quiet place for serious discussions.
  10. This happened to me once after I had been controlling troops by drawing boxes around them. I managed to get the leaders and squads mixed up and separated on different parts of the map. Each leader is assigned to a specific squad and cannot be changed to another.
  11. Yes, you would think that the blitz krieg missions would have airsupport availalbe. Dunkirk also in real life was dominated by air power, and yet tit is not there in the little Dunkirk skimish in the game. Oh well, I guess we just have to wiat for the user-made battles to set it right.
  12. Not a bad review at all. I agree with most of it. Fair criticism and praise wehre it is due. I think many here underestimate this game. It will be a very different story once we get some good user-made campaigns & battles.
  13. BFC has yet to confirm that they have even been sent out.
  14. First off this is not intended as a criticism, nor as kindling for a flame war. This is more for the sake of curiosity than anything else. Most of the default battles included in TOW are of a relatively small scale, and generally depict individual skirmishes rather than entire battles. I was wondering about the intentions and efforts of those who designed the battles and campaigns. 1. Are the campaign battles intended to literally replicate specific skirmishes, or are they just generally inspired by the conditions of the historical battles? 2. Depending upon the answer to the above, are the maps included based on real locations of these skirmishes, or were they randomly generated?
  15. This would add so much to the game, and would also greatly improve the learning process. When I fininsh a battle it is not at all unusual for me to have a few unanswered questions about what happened. There is always some tank or squad that was wiped out when I wasn not watching, and I am left guessing when and how it happened. Let's keep this bumped up until we hear a response from Moon or MadMatt on the practicality of adding this feature.
  16. Are you sure that trenches are not permanently hardcoded into the maps?
  17. Pressing enter a second time unlocks you from 1st person. Then click on the mini-map to reposition youself where you want to be and rotate the scroll wheel on your mouse to choose your zoom level. It's a little tedious, but with practice it becomes second nature. I agree, its a little tediou, but it works pretty efficiently in the end.
  18. IS BFC going to host user made missions on the website? So far I don't see a section for it here.
  19. This will take some time, folks. It will probably be a few months befroe we start seeing high quality user-made missions. They will come, however, just be patient.
  20. Avwriter


    1. Thanks so much for putting you ideas together for us. I wonder if Elmar might do the same??? We need more advice along these lines by people who already know the game inside and out. 2. We also realy really need a separate strategy/tactics forum. Pretty please??? The general forum is getting clogged with whiners, bug finders, and general comments. I like this game, but its exhausting to have to read through all that stuff when all I want are useful tips and discussions on getting the most from the game.
  21. I believe what you heard was when MadMatt said he would try to have a downloadable misison pack ready before or by the time that the boxed DVDs are sent out. He never said the missions would be on the disk.
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