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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. I have noticed this too with MG’s, and with rifles ect... Plenty of times I have thought if these guys were real troops they would not get the minimum score to even qualify with their weapons. I have come to the conclusion though that it is the way it is as an abstraction to make the game playable. It probably is a case where extreme realism just may not translate into playability for a game similar to how artillery was in the first cmbn demo, and how it now. The same case probably with small arms. Too accurate ( a few shot for a kill) just might not translate to good playability. That being said I do see the need for more 45 cal availability to be on a more even keel with the Axis availability of 9mm because it takes more shots to get a kill due to abstraction. That, and less deadly pistols are my only real request for changes for small arms.

  2. Before I come off as an arrogant prick (I’m more of a confident prick ;) let me say I NEVER underestimate my opponent, and always manage to have fun playing whether it has been against good players, and not so good players. I even have fun playing against the AI, which has been my worst opponent. I have had close games, and everyone from best to worst has gotten some kills on me. Have I been playing against general Patton types? No, but the friends I have played against have been compatible in the types of battles (mainly medium sized meeting engagements) we prefer so it works out that way. I haven’t lost one yet Cmx2 to my friends I have played, but like I said every dog has his day. There is a bullet out there with my name on it. I just haven’t got hit with it yet. I’m just not gung ho serious enough to get involved with any of the leagues, but I agree I probably could use some tougher competition, which I am confident enough to to battle against.

    Now, back to the topic at hand. I want my panzerfaust to come back from the twilight zone! :)

  3. This really is the most polished CM demo yet, and am enjoying the new added features such as FOW icons, and adjustable waypoints. I am working on a floating icons mod, and see there is a FOW icon for heavy weapons with a HMG as the silhouette. I am not seeing this in the game though. The HMG goes to a regular infantry FOW icon during play. Why is this if there is a FOW icon for it? Is this just in the demo? Anyone see the FOW icon for heavy weapons during play?

  4. What you're suggesting takes no account of damaged weapon, or - perhaps more importantly - that soldiers on all sides in WWII routinely left weapons (and a whole bunch of other claggage) behind.

    I understand the desire, as a player, to extract maximum efficiency out of every asset available, but it just isn't realistic to think, or play, that way.

    Yes, much more realistic for the panzerfaust on the guys back to magically disappear when he picks up another weapon from buddy aid. In reality I would certainly drop the panzerfaust so I could carry both an MG42, and a rifle especially if enemy armor is in the area ;). The game does not, nor should it model damaged infantry weapons for playability reasons. Doing so would just create frustration, and there is no fun in that.

    I do not think, or play the way other want me to think, or play. This seems to serve me well as I have not lost a single PBEM in CMx2 as of yet. When one puts themselves in a box they cannot think outside of it.

  5. This has been brought up here before by myself included. The last time I brought it up I had a panzerfaust magically disappear after doing some medic aid. I definitely would like more flexibility of control with the acquire command when it comes to buddy aid, and getting ammo from vehicles. Currently one does not have to enter a vehicle to get ammo, but it will happen on its own when the troop runs out, and is close enough to a vehicle. Tip: Park a jeep, or half track behind a building with troops to keep them supplied from the vehicle without having to enter it. That being said being able to acquire without entering would streamline the process especially for wego.

    With buddy aid I believe no weapons should be left. If the troop doing the aid cannot carry more then the picked up weapon should appear on another troop in the squad who can carry it. If I am going into a tight fight I want SMG's. If he skips the SMG because he has no ammo for it then I'll get some ammo to him for it via a vehicle. The point is I want to have control over what the dude will pick up or not. Currently to better the chances of picking up different weapons I try to give a little of each ammo type to squads who are currently not carrying all weapon types. Tip: Do this for vehicle crews then send them out as medics. They will pick up good stuff to replace pistols. (although you might want to keep the pistols ;)

  6. 1. Infantry cannot use AT rockets from the cover of buildings, even partially destroyed buildings.

    2. Infantry cannot use building corners as cover to fire around.

    3. Tank crews have instant borg communication. When one crew member spots a target the tank instantly begins rotating to target.

    4. No gun elevation limits. Tanks can fire at targets straight above them and, more importantly, right next to them. Tanks can even if necessary fire through their own hulls to hit close assaulting infantry.

    5. Tank crews are more reluctant to abandon a tank after penetrations than they should be. How much so is hard to say, but even BFC has said it's too optimistic right now.

    6. Tank crews that take a casualty but do not bail out continue to operate without missing a beat.

    7. Although hard to prove that it's unrealistic, tanks seem really, really good at spotting while moving, even while buttoned.

    8. Tanks are more accurate while firing on the move than in reality.

    1.As I understand it these weapons cannot be fired from buildings safely due to the back blast, but if they did ala cmx1 I would be fine with that.

    2.That would be cool, but I am guessing that would have to be AI controlled programming vs player controlled since one cannot give a target order to something they cannot see. If BF could find a way to do that I am all for it, but sounds tough programming wise even from my little knowledge of it. In the mean time remember one can “shoot and scoot” with infantry, and not just with armor.

    3.Since the tank crew is on intercom I would expect very quick communication between the crew. Also tanks in good C2 with the rest of the force will rotate to enemy direction on its own when enemy info is received.

    4.I think the elevation issue is just one of those programming things I am sure BF would like to implement if they could. Just one of those things at this point we have to live with, but would create more limitations on armor.

    5.I have had crews bail out quick, and other times not.

    6.I haven’t experienced this often, but some crews seem to be able to carry on while others panic.

    7.I don’t know either as I was not a tanker, nor have I ever been in one.

    8. I don’t know how accurate tanks of the day were on the move while firing. I do know that gyrostabilizer units should be able to hit on the move, as that is what the gyrostabilizer is designed for. I have hit, and missed while firng on the move.

    As others have said I believe the God view is a dynamic that is exclusive to RTS, so no matter how realistic there will always be this element since reality is reality, and games are games that must be playable. Some of the suggestions such as the inf being able to fire AT weapons from inside buildings would certainly make ambushing armor easier, but in the end I think it all comes down to force balance that keeps the playing field level. I can only recall one game where I was dominated by armor, and it was because I was not given anything that could take out enemy armor until some tank destroyers showed up late in the game. Other than that I have not been dominated by enemy armor as long as I have something that can take them out. Good force balance in having something to counter with is the key to keeping things even. After that it comes down to tactics, which is the way it should be. I would say I have lost more infantry to enemy artillery vs. enemy armor.

  7. I think due to the limitations of the men being able to spread out that the arty is hard to model, but it is DEFINITLY better than when the original demo came out. It was way too powerful in regard to the limited spreading out. Single rounds were taking out entire squads, and sometime entire platoons really killing the fun. It is definitely better now, but probably will never be perfect. One thought that would change the possibilities of spreading men out would be the exploration of 1:1 action squares like Sudden Strike" used. That game used 1:1 action squares, and had a command called “Scatter”. Each time the player hit that command the men would spread out further. 1:1 action squares also offers the possibilities of formations.

  8. I have had pinheads do this too, but rarely. Unfortunately I just had it happen in the CMBN campaign I am playing. I gave a short quick move to a scout team. One guy went where he was he was ordered to, and the other ran straight toward the enemy till he got killed. They were not broken, or in the red, but believe they were perhaps rattled. My only conclusion it is a path finding bug that happens now and then.

  9. There are a a couple of lonnnng threads about how tough School is, and some of the rest of the campaign. It's trying to do something a bit unusual, as a campaign, and I'm not convinced it quite works.

    I think I could make it through "School” with a lot less casualties if I had approached it with more patience, and used my arty differently. I am so used to rolling over the AI that I took it too lightly. The key to that mission is extreme patience, and luck with arty.

  10. How many games into the campaign is that vinnart? I will try to play it tomorrow.

    I think it is the third mission. I have played much CM, but this mission is the toughest I have ever played. I hate static battles. Tough everything. Between the conditions, the choke point bridge, and the relentless enemy arty that just keeps coming this should have been called “Bloody Bridge”. I knocked two mortar bunkers out, and the enemy arty just keeps chewing up my force. The limited spotting has cost me 2 tanks so far since no troops saw the AT guns, and has cost me many arty rounds taking out those AT guns. I’m almost out, so it is going to be a LONG campaign.

    Try this mission if you have any doubts how difficult spotting can be.

  11. I am playing “School of hard knocks” mission from the “Courage and Fortitude” campaign in CMBN right now, and can say spotting has not been easy at all. It is misty, and my infantry did not see any AT guns till they opened up on tanks. They are behind sanbags in the open. Very hard mission with very hard spotting.

  12. I have been playing some small combined arms quick battles in hotseat mode against myself. The more I play them the more I learn about how the spotting in this game works. I am convinced that most of the time it feels right.

    I haven't been keeping any statistics about spotting, but damn, it's really hard to beat yourself. It's a lot of fun and unsurprisingly usually ends up in a draw with a lot of dead pixeltruppen. I highly recommend it if you want to improve your playing skills! :D

    I agree completely. One will learn exactly what Zebulon Pleasure Beast II states as my expereince in playing myself hotseat draws the same conclusions. The spotting seams right to me, and as stated you will learn much about this game from doing tests such as this. Also, one can learn much from making test maps. The easiest way is to put an enemy in a corner surrounded by high walls, so you can move friendly units around to test with. I did one not long ago to learn more about track damage going through obsticles. From my test I know SO much more about it. Usually what I find is the game is modeled right. For intance in regard to the "track damage" test I did I my thoughts were the track damage was too fragile, but after testing I have concluded it is modled fine. Same with spotting. With so many aspects of this game there are MANY variables that come into play that give different outcomes. Learning these subtles makes all the difference in understanding the complexity of the game.

  13. I just uploaded it to the repository so it should be available shortly. Thanks again to Marco for bringing my mod concept to a new level with the graphics he made. Salute! I wouldn't want to play without it, and I encourage all to try this mod if you want to improve your situational awareness at a glance. Just remember this mod is different than most, and MUST be updated with each patch/update to stay compatible. If you notice strange happenings with the text in the GUI you are running an incompatible version. Removing the mod, and installing the updated version fixes this problem.

  14. Not knowing Sudden Strike3, what kind of problems were there?

    Up until Sudden Strike 3 the series was immensely popular for at least 5 yrs or so selling 2 million copies (at least this is what they claim). Of the entire series Sudden Strike 2 was their most realized, and most popular version. To find, and join games players used the Sudden Strike lobby in Gamespy Arcade. People would post their IP address there, and players would put that IP in the game to join.

    When Sudden Strike 3 came out it had much better graphics than it’s predecessors, but that was it! Command and control wise they took some steps backward, and their greatest mistake that caused it to fail was the piss poor support for what made it popular in the first place, which was Co-Op multiplayer. They abandoned Gamespy, and tried a lobby feature that was in the game. It sucked! It did not show games listed, so no one could find games to join. Hence it failed. Talk about stupid decisions. Fireglow put all that work making the game, and failed to have support for the very thing that made it a hit in the first place.

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