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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. I recall after modding my CMBB game that i gave the Germans one color for tracer rounds and the Russians another. That would be nice to be able to do in CMx2 games. Perhaps it is and i just am not aware?

    You are correct with cmx1. I did that set up as well prefering more distinct color tracers between axix and allied. This option is not available as both sides share the same file in Cmx2. It would be cool if BF added another tracer file to make this possible again.

  2. My experience has been the opposite. It probably depends on how well the AI plan is setup, but I have found the AI more proficient using artillery than at using infantry or armor.

    Same here. I would say I take more casualties to AI arty than anything else. With tanks and infantry I think it can lose the "I" in AI. Not too bright in many cases especialy on the attack. On defense it can be ok, but that all depends on the scenario designer in setting ambushes.

  3. I did some extensive testing on this with a test map I made awhile back. The bad news is usually a tank will go from bright green status (no damage) to dark green status (-1 damage) after going over a single object. The good news is it can go over as much as ten or more obstacles depending on what they are without it changing to yellow (-2 damage). Stonewalls will changes damage status quicker though. Also avoid going over hedges with wheeled vehicles like armored cars. They can go only through a few before they become immobile.

  4. So far, the suggestion for MG teams to issue a Move order and give Face and Deploy orders at the end/destination waypoint seems to be working for me. (Don't start a turn by issuing a Deploy order.)

    Thanks as I missed this suggestion mj. I'll give it a go. As long as there is workaround it might not be too bad for now. I just have to remember to get used to giving the order sequence as suggested.

    Hope they fix all these problems soon though. Especially the crew dispersion I show above. Like I said this is happening with MORTARS too. I gave a crew a move order with the same spread out wich seems to be effecting pathfinding too. They went in a totaly unpredicted path right into a mine field. Boom! I am sorry I didn't take a shot of it, but I can post some of the casualties :(

  5. I do not know if the problem I am reporting here is related to the deploy bug in buildings as others have posted about, but I keep seeing this problem too with MG’s and mortars. The team dispersion is all screwy since 2.0. You can see in the screens, which are of two separate teams that the spread is crazy (unit bases are chevrons, and highlighted up and lower part of screens). Happens with mortars too, but here are only shown MG’s deploying, but what I want to point out is the teams members spread out so far. (soldier stat text mod; D=deploy, >>>>> = moving)



  6. we definitely side with the "it's really not that big of a deal" side of things.

    I'm curious what the perceived link is between formation purchasing and RT play? Because I'm pretty much baffled by that comment.


    I agree. For me something like being able to save a set up to reload is definitely on the “Would be nice” list. There are other features of priority as far as I am concerned that I am more interested in seeing in future builds. At any rate the new system is SO much better than CMSF’s was, and is a step in a good direction to please more people. Overall, I like the CMBN system.

    As for RT, I am guessing the desire is to make purchasing quicker to get a QB game going faster, but I could be wrong.


    Why not allow you to save your selections in a file for future QB use. Then each game you would not have to go through the task of deselcting. Most players have a handful of typ. set ups they like to use for a certain size battle anyway. So it would be a great time saver to just have them saved in a file you could reselect, pull it up. Still be able to make adjustments, then proceed. It would also let you see how you once created forces and keep track of adjustments you come up with as you try different formations with time.

    I like the import Idea as I have a force orginazation I seem to use rather consistently. I am so happy BF returned to allowing the player the freedom to cherry pick. Putting the force together as one sees fit is part of the fun IMO.

  8. Timmyc69, as you are realizing CM is a complex game that takes PATEINECE, practice and learning to master. We were all new to CMx2 at one point just as you, and have gone through the growing pains to now be veterans. Some people pick up on it faster than others, but here are some tips I recommend when diving into the game:


    Start with the single player missions. DO NOT jump into the campaigns.

    Consider single player missions your training. Form plans then execute. If a turn goes bad, reload it and try again with a different tactic. Learn from what you did wrong, and learn from what turned out good. Experiment by trying different things with advice from the forum for tactics. I would start in basic training level, and move on to veteran as soon as possible. Don’t worry about moving beyond veteran for now. Veteran is a good level to play at that is more like the rest with sighting.


    Once you have gone through the single missions you should be more seasoned, and can try a campaign. DO NOT do “Courage and Fortitude” first. DO the German campaign, as it is much easier.


    Game day! This is what you have been training for, and where the game shines the most. There are no do overs, and you are going against real intelligent beings. Play a few games against someone who will be willing to train you as you play letting you know what mistakes you made. You will probably lose at first, but look at it as part of learning.

    Like a real troop you must be willing to train, train, and train some more to get good. Eventually you will be the one replying to a post like this as a veteran helping a newbie who had the same problems you did.

    Good luck! This is a good community with many experienced players that will help you earn your stripes. Just search for answers, and if you cannot find the answer ask and the vets will help you. Remember the greater the challenge, the greater the reward. Hang in there.

  9. Just to chime in... we definitely do intend on implementing what we have termed the TCP/IP WeGo Compromise feature. And that is real time WeGo over TCP/IP, but without replay capability. Which we know is a sacrifice to lose the replay, but we're trying to be realistic with our limited development resources. This form of play is not the emphasis of the game and there's reasonable work arounds. It's better for everybody if we don't tie up a few months on any one feature ever, but especially not on a feature that only a fraction of the user base would wind up using.

    Trust me... nobody hates the fact that we have to make choices like this more than we do. But life ain't too fair, in case any of you haven't figured that out yet. Given the average age of our customers, I tend to doubt many haven't ;)


    That sounds unique in that I do not know of another game that has that mode. How do you plan the time?, Like speed chess. 30 sec, or 60 sec alternate order phase, then action phase with no replay? No time limit to make your moves? That could make for a long game if a dude takes a half hour to give all his orders. I am more inclined to 30 sec or 60 sec interval. The pace would still be quick, but not as fast as pure RT. More in between. Perhaps more pure WEGO guys will be less tentative to get into it.

    I hope one day the concept is realized in something more than 1v1 multiplayer. For me RTS is a team play thing. If you ever do it I think 3v3 ( each player a company, or platoon with a few tanks) with an observer slot per side. Sudden Strike had it this way and it was awesome. What drew me to it was the teamwork aspect of it. The observer slot was used to train, supreme commander games (this person would coordinate the other players (In other words an RTS where you control real intelligent humans), or just for watching as spectator. You have to admit it would be totally cool. Someday I really hope you can do it. I think that would open CM to a different market that it does not hit. Popular RTS games are more team play orientated, where as WEGO PBEM is more 1v1 orientated. There is'nt a former Sudden Striker who wouldn’t be into that game. That game was what we all used to wish Sudden Strike was. I’d get Fireglow’s database, and hit it with emal if you ever get to that direction. Honestly, RTS wise team play is where it is at that draws the player to it. I'm an RTs guy, but play CM much more in WEGO because of the lack of more than 1v1 play.

  10. I am - in how it models combat. When I'm in the mood for a quick game, give me some infantry and a few tanks.

    I couldn’t have said that any better pktaskess . I want the combat, and terrain interaction to be realistic. This to me is what is most important, and makes CM realistic. The rest needs to be seen in a fun game aspect I think. It’s all about giving the players options to play as they wish while maintaining the most important aspects for realism, which is the combat. The option to be flexible is there along with strictness if one wishes.

  11. When picking units there are pros and cons to buyng individuals. Buy a company of infantry, and a platoon of tanks, and the tanks will be cheaper, but not on the same C2 link as the infantry. On the other hand buying indivudal tanks cost more, but then you can assign them to the infantry company which keeps them on the same C2 as the rest of the force. I tend to buy indivduals for better C2. The same goes for teams. Buy 4th platoon, or buy teams for the infantry platoon. The latter cost more, but makes C2 easier in spreading out.

    I am so much happier being able to tailor my force as I see fit, as it is more effective than what the official order of battle is. In this way I truly feel in command rather than having to use what another commander says I should have.

    Anything is better than what CMSF had. That is where trying to be too real backfired in balanced playability for quick battles. One guy could end up with just armored cars, and the other all tanks. Made for some short "I can't wait till they change this" QB battles. One was basicly limited to scenarios for PBEM's. Overall I think the CMBN method isn't bad.

  12. I have a Win 7 64bit computer. I'm currently using the free version on FRAPS then touching up the shots with PhotoShop, but I'm not happy with the quality of the original shots. Some of the photos posted here are very clear and detailed. What is the best program for screenshots? Free or othetwise.


    I think screen shots are saved at the resolution of the PC no matter using FRAPS, or using paint. When you take into photoshop, and then save it gives you options for quality for it to be saved at so check that. Also, when you upload to photobucket, or whatever you use there are quality settings there. I would check both your photoshop save settings, and upload settings for whatever you use to upload to.

  13. Very well done sir!

    My volcano is coming along slowly, but should be available soon™. Caldera full of burning vehicles makes for a nice plume.

    Thanks. I thought about doing one with some volcanoes too. I’d like to do a female figure for my next one with the volcanoes as double image for the breast. Good luck with what you are working on Schultz.

    This was a lot of fun to create, but much more addicting to put down than playing. When playing I can turn it off more easily after a turn or two. The editor has no set stopping point so it was either all night sessions, or not working on it at all. No in-between.

  14. It definitely would be cool, but I have a “FOLLOW” command on my most priority list. Replays were one of the great features Sudden Strike had. I would record multiplayer games and watch later. The great thing was you could freely move the camera during it so you could see your game from different perspectives, and also see how your teammates played.

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