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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. Somtimes I get too comfortable against the AI, and bunch up. Of course that is just when the arty comes in balls accurate. Other than that I would say bad choices by the AI path choice gets me most of my moments. A good example is deciding to go in the door on the side that is known to be covered by enemy rather than going in on the side that is not. I find myself yelling at the screen "where are you going you dumb asses!" Sure enough they run right into the fire and get waisted.

  2. This is a custom floating icon set I made for myself that I think others may find useful. I would like to share it with the community if there are no objections from the original modders Wolfe, Juju, and Bil (engineer symbol) from whose mods I used as a base to make this. For my part I did the necessary color changes, and made the geometric FOW icons with some other new alternates than I experimented with that can be swapped out if desired. I think many will find this to be practical, and useful in reading the enemy contacts especially when many FOW icons are present.

    This mod has two unique features: Geometric FOW icons, and a 2-color code system per side.

    Geometric FOW icons –


    *Makes FOW icons smaller by losing the “?” which is no longer necessary.

    *Gives each FOW icon it’s own unique shape to make them more distinct.

    2 Color coding system per side that incorporates colors from CMSF, and CMBN for function -


    *Allows much greater visual distinction of SPOTTED enemy contacts from FOW enemy contacts.

    *Spotted icons pop out from the FOW icons giving the player a more organized view of the enemy situation. One will see through eye directing that they concentrate easier on what is spotted from a sea of FOW icons. Player’s will notice the spotted icons stand out while FOW icons become more unnoticeable unless you want to notice them.


  3. Come on guys. I cannot believe people are crying, and making a big deal out of $10! That is not a lot of money by anyone standards unless you are 5 yrs old. If they were charging $35 or so I could see that as unreasonable since full games go for around $50, but $10 is reasonable considering there is probably is a lot more work involved in it than one may think. The reality is they have a business to run, and MUST make a certain profit margin to stay in business. This is a fact in EVERY business, or they do not stay in business for long. If anyone has never been in business then they may not understand that. Remember also that this is a QUALITY product that gives the player at least a year to few years of play. If they were putting out junk it would be a different story. STOP the bitching on this because it makes one sound like a cheap, entitlement, everything in the world should be free mentality, but I should be paid when I work! Well the team needs to eat too, so they can continue making quality products for all of us to enjoy.

    For me personally I would rather shell out pocket change of $10, than have to wait for features in a whole new game which will run $50 which is how it is in every other game I have played. Sadly some people will bitch no matter what. Even if it were free I know some would be saying, “This sucks! They left this, or that out, and I am never buying here again”. Grow up complainers, and STOP making a big deal over petty cash of $10. They work hard, care about making quality, and deserve to be paid for their labor.

  4. I have learned to keep jeeps, trucks, H - tracks behind troops (within1 action square) in the best cover as possible. In this way infantry will automatically acquire about 20 rounds a pop of its ammo when out. This works best when troops are in a building with the vehicle hidden behind it. It even works if troops are on higher story buildings. Best success has been with light machine guns that run through ammo quick, and don’t carry as much as heavies. One can keep them supplied with low maintenance this way. You do not need to keep loading the troops in the vehicle to acquire. This also gives use of the radio if the vehicle has one.

  5. I just now tried adding the CMFI version of this mod into CMBN. I didn't have a lot of time for testing, but everything seemed to work normally both in the scenario editor and in play. I didn't see any obviously misnamed units or weird text behavior, and the mod seemed to work as designed.

    Vin (or anyone who knows how this mod actually works), is there any reason why the CMFI version shouldn't be fine for CMBN 1.11? Are there under-the-hood differences to worry about?

    Thanks for the heads up Martyr. Marco Bergman would be more knowledgeable of the under the hood aspect then myself, but it appears CMBN 1.11 is already being set up to 2.0 even though new features are not added yet. My guess is if one looks at the text file for 1.11 it is closer to 2.0 text with added text for “target briefly” for example. This would make it more compatible with the CMFI 2.0 text file version line for line. As long as it is working fine that is what is most important. If the CMFI version is working fine as you say it will make things easier for future releases as separate versions will not be needed.

  6. Brought to my attention the current build of the mod IS NOT compatible with the latest patch CMBN 1.11. Please uninstall this mod until a compatible version of the mod is made. Not uninstalling the mod will affect the text in the game in negative ways.

    Hopefully Marco Bergman will adjust the mod to make it compatible with the latest v.1.11 so all of us can continue to enjoy the graphics he produced for my mod concept. Unfortunately I do not know how he created the higher end graphics, or I would fix it. I only know how to make the original version, which is made only with standard keyboard symbols, which definitely is not as impressive as the graphic version he contributed to the concept bringing it to a higher level. Be patient guys, and I am sure it will be up and running soon.

  7. What would speed up gameplay a great deal is being able to select a unit by clicking on its waypoint or line (as one can in CM1).

    When one has many units it takes time to go back to select the actual unit itself just so one can then go to its waypoint elsewhere to move it.

    I agree this a was a convenient feature from CMx1, and would like to see it's return in the future to minimize unnessary camera moves.

  8. Beyond the benefits of a future “Follow” command already discussed here is the best advise to minimize mouse clicks: I have said it before, and I'll say it again. Get a Nostromo speedpad, and a mouse with as many programmable buttons. The more hot keys used at the fingertips makes for fewer mice clicks, and controls the game very efficiently. I can honestly say I control CM about as fast as any other RTS I have played with the aid of those devises. Even if you just have a mouse with two side buttons one can program these for free with a program called “Mouse X”. For these buttons I suggest programming them to “tab”(center camera on selected unit), and the “=” key (select next unit). Try it and see.

  9. How does the "Follow" command work when the vehicle your unit has been ordered to follow suddenly breaks into an interpretive dance impression of the 4th of July?

    Troubleshooting different scenarios is good. If the unit that the unit is ordered to follow is destroyed I would hope it would cancel the "Follow" order. In a convoy situation the player would have to give the order to each unit to follow its immediate unit ahead. The follow condition would tell the unit behind it to follow the same path, and keep the set interval. If the unit in front stops, the unit behind also does to keep the interval, avoiding traffic jams. I’m sure BF would think through how to make it work well. From my limited knowledge of programming the “follow” condition would have a “copy” effect in functioning. In this way if a lead unit starts freaking out, and begins to reverse then the one following will reverse too to mimic, and keep the interval. Imagine the amount of mouse clicks it would save. Would have been great for moving formations through blown gabs in boccage especially in moving reinforcements up.

    In regard to FORMATIONS, personally I see it more useful for squads vs. large formations. The problem I see with giving larger groups I.E. platoons, Coy ect.. formation orders is it assumes “everything fits in a nice little box”, and we all know life, and the game plans in reality do not. I think it better to micro mange placements of larger groups made easier now with the adjustable waypoints. For squads having them assume a skirmish line,”V”, or wedge, rather than a column in many situations is preferred not only in the game, but in reality. Ever notice the squad leader is the first to die in the game because he is always on point? It has been a very long time since I went through training, but I recall the formation positioning I learned kept the squad leader more in the middle, rather than in the front. The formation chosen depends on conditions, and terrain.

  10. I think a FOLLOW command would very useful to streamline logistics; especially where moving convoys is concerned. Ideally following units would keep their interval of spacing from when the order was given. The speed of the flowing unit would adjust to the lead unit to maintain the set interval. I have always found a FOLLOW command of the best ways to improve logistics in every RTS game I have played that offered the command, and could see it being just as, or more useful for CM.

  11. I think the pricing reasonable in that I have always found much value for the buck from BF games. I bought CMBN end of 2011, and I still have not played through the entire single player. $55 for a years play is not bad at all compared to the money I blow on women. If I could get a years play out of a chick for $55 bucks I would be VERY happy ;)

  12. Nice attack Bil. I haven’t played this map as the attacker yet, but I would take the same route you did through the gully. I was starting to think your tanks attacking at the villa got too far ahead of the infantry, but it looks like they caught up just in time.

    Great back and forth in this battle, and really shows why the cliffhanger aspect of this game is so addicting. Can’t wait to see what will happen next. Thanks for putting together such a nice AAR for all of us to be entertained by.

  13. Now that I am playing this map from Dude’s perspective I am relating to this battle much more that I just read through all the turns. I like Bil’s attack route, but having the tanks get ahead of the infantry is definitely costing him. Nice left hook with the probe in the west with the Sherman. Looks like he should have little problems sweeping Bil’s rear to recapture the orchard.

    Also, I am learning the hard way about the new terrain. Evidently vineyards are the new hedges, and are not too vehicle friendly. I gave a general quick move up to the villa, and the driver of the halftrack went straight through the vineyard only to become immobilized :(

    Very nice, easy to follow presentation especially with the top view graphics ND.

  14. @Georgie, As far as mods go I have found all the ones i have work in CMFI that I have for CMBN, so there is much stuff out there in CMBN repository to explore. If you use Vin's animated text mod that one must use the right game version to work right, and is not cross compatible. There are game specific versions in each repository container. I havn't got the full game yet as I am still playing around with the demo, but am already modding floating icons to my preference to better distinguish FOW from spotted so I think it is practical. I'll share what i make down the road when I can get to the full game to test. I am also looking forward to getting to the overlay feature to have a little double imagry map making fun.

    One thing I have to say is this is the best artistic debut from previous games. Much better choices for landscape colors, and textures than when CMBN first came out. Some units like the cammo Sherman certainly do not need any modding IMO looking so good right out out of the box. Salute to the artist. Great job guys!

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