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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. Man you are one sick dude, and I love it. Not sure about fighting on it, but it is certainly a hoot to look at.

    Thanks Burke. Don’t be afraid to have some fun with it when I put it out. Obviously it is not historic, but should prove to make for some dynamic, fun meeting engagement battles. This map can be approached different ways strategically the way I have the objectives set, and because of it’s unique layout. Lets just say it is different than any other map.

    I’m testing it now against the AI, and it feels more like fighting in the pacific I think. I could imagine seeing something like this on Pelilu(yes I know I probably spelled it wrong :)

  2. This is my first map so I am not an expert, but I do have some tips to pass along.

    * Elevations cannot be more than 3 in difference or result is cliff. Learn to read the numbers, and visualize them. I used steps of 3 for most dramatic slopes.

    *I used a combination of typographical contour lines, and vertical, horizontal, and diagonal contour lines like those used in a 3D model.



  3. My first CM map! Just wanted to see how creative I could get with the editor. I originally intended to do a relief sculpture with more depth, but quickly found that due to the drastic slopes with the contour lines being too close together on the human skull it would only look cool, but not play well due to the creation of too many cliffs. I made this with as much depth as possible without cliffs where I did not want them. The end result I feel is a dynamic landscape that offers rather dynamic play. There looks to be lots of chances for flanking maneuvers on this map, and it not the typical objective just in the middle. It is like fighting in a surreal dreamscape.

    I am still tweaking, and checking pathfinding, but should have it for release soon. I think you guys will find this an interesting, fun meeting engagement map that is anything but cookie cutter. I am thinking of calling it “Death’s Head”.

    It looks different with different terrain packs, and with lighting. I used Birdstrike’s Syrope terrain for the design, but it looks cool in other terrains too. I recommend dawn, or dusk lighting.

    (This guy was definitely a heavy smoker ;))





  4. I actualy heard from Marco the day I uploaded this version which does not have his graphics. He said he is still interested in updating, so I anticipate I will be putting the updated graphics version up soon.

    Heres is LEGEND for what will propably a temp file

    Firing= (------------

    Aiming= \¤/

    Cowering= [X]

    Hiding= (???)

    Medic= (+)

    Casualty= †

    Packing up= (UP)

    Deploying= (D)

    Reloading= ®

    Moving= >>>>>

    Driving= » » »

  5. 45 here. It is nice to see a wide range, especially the younger dudes choosing an intellectual game as CM. The funny thing about CM is I was reluctant to get in to it for the longest time. I was more of ww2 RTS guy into games as big as 8 x 8 multiplayer. I liked the teamwork it offered and the adrenaline of rts multi.

    I had an old army bud keep trying to get me into a game of CM. When Sudden Strike ran its course I finally tried CMAK demo, and really liked the depth, and realism. It had many aspects I wished made Sudden Strike more like it. After my first PBEM, which I won against my old friend, I was hooked on the cliffhanger aspect. It’s like chess on steroids, but you really do use real military tactics. I wish it was around when I was in the military as I can see it’s uses for training in leadership courses. I think it has made me a better tactical thinker. Keeps my mind limber. It has also been very interesting seeing the development of the game from CMx1. Indeed 2.0 is the best to date.

  6. I live in Florida where it summer/spring all year round so I do not know what autumn really looks like anymore, But I think that looks good. Nice work. Always interesting to have variety.

    What is the secret to modding hedge? I modded it’s bitmap, but it does not show in game.

  7. Now that I have finally finished playing this map from both sides I feel I can comment more intelligently. This is definitely an attackers map as the monastery is just a big fat target for the Griles. Attacking at the western woods is the only real chance the USA has in this battle against a human. I played it both sides against AI, and won. One thing I differently did different than ND was to keep the engineers together in the west woods. They repelled a bunch of Italians, and then I kept them there till the reinforcements joined them to flank the rear to get the orchard. The Shermans did not do as well as I hoped against the German armor. Multiple hits to take out panzer M’s. I had two Sherman’s left at games end, and the Axis surrendered.

    I did much better as the Axis on the attack. Ironically the US AI attacked from the west woods toward the orchard as ND wanted to do. I was ready to counter by saving the orchard for last, by using the Italians in ambush then countering the Allied attack.

    All, and all a very entertaining AAR in presentation. Exellent easy to follow graphics. I agree with ND’s assessment that the defender must be more proactive for this map. Bil’s mistake IMO was not having enough troops push through the gully, and by trying to take orchard early. Saving for last I took few casualties with an Allied surrender. I found patience a big factor in not taking many casualties, and spent about 75% of the time developing my force with the real action coming at the end. Lot’s of sneaking, and hiding to the base of the monastery, and at the orchard. Also the terrain allows the attacker to divide the defenders force. I would much rather be attacker this map.

    All things considering I think ND played a good game, but if they went to time limit I believe Bil would have got the victory since it looked like he still had more troops to work with.

  8. Warrior. Anything above that is mostly UI embuggerance. There's a marginal disadvantage in C2 ranges in Iron, but other than that, the higher difficulty levels just make operating the game more difficult.

    I agree. Anything above warrior is just less convenient, and not much harder IMO. It is like getting up to change the channel, or using the remote control. The end result is the same. I have played all, and prefer warrior, or veteran. I liked Iron better in CMSF where you still got the enemy icons to show. Don't care for it with changes for CMBN. Where they make a big difference is in RT mode. Not so much in wego.

    Play the game however you want in making it most fun for you.

  9. I know the FOW icon is but a single pic but differs in its transparency as the FOW is lost. Is it possible to make the top level at a level of transparency that is just barely visible that way as it fades to the next level you cannot see it? Sometimes all those icons get on my last nerve.

    You could probably get what you want by taking the FOW icon into photoshop, and running the eraser over it at 10% to 20 % opacity. This should make it more transparent to start.

    With this mod one does not notice the FOW icons as much unless you want to. The eye goes straight to the spotted.

  10. From manual:

    From this thread i've understand that vehicle will not rotate its hull until it has stoped thus while moving it should turn it's turret to that direction. Am I wrong?

    You are wrong as it does not work that way now. The thread shows examples of a proposed change to the face command to allow it to direct the turret without restrictions while on the move without having to give a cover arc with the hull to follow the turret’s facing upon stopping. It does not work now as it is shown in the examples. The only way to do it presently is to create cover arcs.

  11. Vin, these look great! Have you tried to upload at CMMODS? The Rep probably won't be updated until after Christmas.

    Glad you like it mj, and thanks for letting me know the reposity updates are delayed due to Christmas vacation and that is why delay in not showing up. I uploaded twice a few days apart thinking I did something wrong the first time J.

    I ‘ll see about putting them up at cmmods.

  12. I am totally digging this! I am working on a unique map that is, let’s say different than anything anyone has seen before. I am not sure how long it will take to create what I am making, but I have to take caution in not getting too addicted to this new medium, or I will not get other things done.

    I have learned much from just playing, but If anyone knows of any visual tutorials in creating elevations, or good tips in working with them I would appreciate it. Searched, but haven’t found anything visual to look at to learn from. I want to learn as much as possible to cut down on production time in sculpting.

  13. It may take a few moments to get used to the FOW icons not having a ‘?” after playing that way for so long, but after you do you will see it is easier to concentrate on what is spotted and what is not. Your eye goes right to the spotted icons.

    It works like this:

    Axis (red = spotted, grey = FOW)

    Allied (blue = spotted, green = FOW)

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