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Posts posted by Vinnart

  1. Nothing negative.. I'm just not a fan of Kandinsky and his ilk.. I have realist leanings and consider most modern art to be more decoration than art. ;)

    Van Gogh of course I have much admiration for, his bold use of color and the brush have always awed me.

    Personally, Vincent Monaco is my favorite artist ;) (Sorry, couldn’t resist a plug)

    Enjoying this AAR as usual Bil. Bummer about the windy conditions. Some calmer wind smoke would definitely make closing the distance easier.

  2. Based on what I'm seeing here, I strongly disagree on all points. Nevertheless, once I have the game in my hands, I will try it to see if it looks any differently when I play on it. But here, it just looks dark and washed out. I find it actually harder to pick out details like subtle contours of the ground. If you could turn up the brightness and contrast on your monitor, I'd be happier but maybe you wouldn't.


    I don't know how I will feel about the movie mode lighting when I have the game too, but from the screens my thoughts are the same as Micheal’s. I find it too washed out for my taste. At least it can be toggled on and off to individual preference.

  3. "Therefore, just as water retains no constant shape, so in warfare there are no constant conditions...He who can modify his tactics in relation to his opponent, and thereby succeed in winning, may be called a heaven-born captain."

    Sun Tzu

    That is the best quote of the game, as it is such truth. I accredit my signature quote “Be Like Water” to Bruce Lee since I first heard it in an interview with him, but I am sure he learned it from Sun Tzu. If one learns one thing from this game it should be this philosophy. It can be applied to many facets of life.

  4. I just dont enjoy them for some reason. Maybe it is because of how I play them, with the forces so balenced in general, i take my time and play a game that waits and takes advantage on any weakness i find within what i see in the opponants play. So it normally takes a lot of time and slow play to get the results i want, I find it boring and unrealistic as to what one would normally be doing in a real battle conflict, that is all.

    I think the reason they can become stalemates waiting for an opening is mainly because of many of the maps, and placement/size of victory locations. Many of the maps are symmetric balanced mirror images with one VL right in the middle.

    As far as QB maps go I enjoyed Cmx1 better with the random map generator. It made more natural looking non-mirrored maps. Not to say that there are no good QB maps in CMx2, but many are very cookie cutter IMO. This maps that GaJ, and Bil played didn’t look too bad. Both had hills and valley’s, but not perfectly mirrored. The VL wasn’t jut a single one in the middle too.

    When it comes to VL’s having one single VL right in the middle invites a battle that can become very slow, and stalemate feeling waiting for an opening. Another mistake designers make is making VL location too big, which makes it too easy to get a single unit on it when the other player may have most of it dominated. A map with many smaller VL’s spread out makes for much more interesting battles that can offer more approaches than just a rush to single VL in the middle.

  5. A huge part of any QB is the force selection. That will drive the battle. I have muffed that portion of a QB many times. :)

    I agree choosing a good force suited for the terrain is critical. Also, the player who has had more experience on a particular map has an edge. If one has played a map a few times while the other player has never played that map the player who knows it better has the advantage. Each map has its sweet spots. Because of this I like to do at least one dry run against the AI before a QB on a map I have no experience on. This helps in ironing out plans, force selection, and getting acquainted with good positions that each map offers. Doing homework, and training for a fight never hurts.

  6. Look for the "Vin's Animated Text" mod. After you try it, you won't be able to play without it. It's available for CMBN, CMFI, and CMSF.

    Make sure you are using a compatible version of the animated text mod, or the text will look all screwy. All the versions that are available are for the LATEST builds. The CMBN version up presently will only work with CMBN V2.01. This mod must also be updated with each patch. Like Martyr said it will better help distinguish the actions of each soldier in the soldier stat display making this area of th GUI much more interesting, and useful.


  7. I brought up RT multiplayer way back, and although Steve thought it would be fun they had no immediate plans, or budget to go that way which is unfortunate. Real Time shines the most multiplayer that is more than 1v1. It is like the difference playing a shooter alone, or with a bunch of people. The teamwork with a bunch of intelligent humans is much more satisfying, and fun.

    My concept of such a game is based on my experience playing the real time ww2 game “Sudden Strike”. For CM I imagine games that are either battalion, or company size battles per side with the max being a 5v5. Each player would command a platoon, or company. The game would have active, and passive observer slots per side. The passive observer can watch the game, but does not control any units. The active observer would command the higher HQ units only. This type of approach actually offers much realism, as in reality different people are commanders working together. I have been meaning to put this concept game into a visual presentation. I think I will finally get it together as I think other would have interest in the concept. I know I would be interested in playing CM like that.

  8. Usually when they cycle aiming, firing, (and not actually firing) that means LOF is blocked even though may look like it shouldn’t be.

    I believe the answer is what I said before about the Sherman not firing. The LINE OF FIRE was blocked somehow from my understanding of the physics of the game according to what I recall in the manual, and from experience. Perhaps with the abstraction of the rock terrain it is not as obvious since although it appears flat it has abstracted height. With CMBN it happens most with hedgerows as others have said. It is hard to detect where LOF will be blocked as the line of sight tool can mislead showing a light blue line. Luckily it does not happen frequently. When it does reorienting the tank is all one can do because it will not fire where it is. One can either back up, and move up again at another spot, or move forward a bit to get a clear line of fire.

    In this case sometimes lady luck shines on you, and well, other times she gives you swift kick to the balls. Get some ice Bil, you’ll feel better ;)

  9. .unfortunately my Sherman sat in that beautiful hull down position for over 30 seconds without taking a shot.. it cycled between spotting - aiming - firing and never pulled the trigger.

    Usually when they cycle aiming, firing, (and not actually firing) that means LOF is blocked even though may look like it shouldn’t be.

  10. An activity log might be nice as well, clicking on a unit could display recent spot reports, actions and casualties. It might be nice as well for an MG symbol to not just turn into a question mark, after contact. As you said, a section leader is not going to forget the former position of an enemy MG. Perhaps, for that unit an MG? not just a ?.

    For a battle log check out "The Roster" concept under thread title "Know all at a glance". http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=104982&highlight=roster

    There is a FOW icon for MG's built into the game, but currently the game does not utilize it and they still show as regular infantry FOW icon. I addressed this awhile back when the new FOW icons were first introduced so I hope BF will fix this. It would be nice if the game could start using it when an MG is positively identified especially now that the MG’s are now so deadly.

  11. Bil, don't worry about having to put on a show in regard to boredom. Play as you normally would without the whole world watching ;). Patience can definitely pay off as I’m sure you know. The best is if the other guy does not have it to be used to mess with him psychologically. The guys are lucky they weren’t watching me on Niscemi Highway on the attack. I would have put them to sleep. I spent at least 2/3 of time developing with little action till I mass assaulted the monastery toward the end.

  12. This is true. Mud is the worst.

    Cudos Ian. I didn't get as involved with keeping stats in my testing, but both of us came up with similar results. The tanks I tested were six Sherman M4A3 (76)W(early). There definitely is a randomness to track damage like many other parts of the game like a role of the dice, and perhaps it varies a little depending on tank.

  13. I deliberately didn't bring transport. I figured that in a 1.5 hours QB with indefensible VLs, there's no particular rush to get the whole force anywhere. GaJ

    To each his own, but I would have bought some transport for a map like this. I think you would find they give a logistical edge if you have to shift troops quickly + ammo.Too late now.

    Good luck with the flank attack GAJ!

    By the way going slow or fast over a wall makes no difference in minimizing chances of track damage. The reason is that no matter the speed the unit automatically goes slow when in contact with the wall, or object. I made a test map awhile back, and did some extensive testing. One can go though around 6 walls to go from no track damage to yellow, and about 12 wood/wire fences/hedges. Once it goes dark green it usually takes a number of breeches to go yellow. Wheeled vehicles do very poorly with hedges so avoid breeching them with jeeps/ armored cars.

    Each track damage does dimish speed, but the difference between light and dark green is not great. Yelllow cuts speed in half. I set up a race on the test map I made.

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