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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by arado234

  1. Yes rambo the world is going capitalist but from what ive read if china and india grossly abuse the worlds natural resources and environment the way you say you do(the way americans and candians do right now)we would need 4 more worlds just to support our greed.Now lets talk about that nice clean air;especially in L.A.Breathe deeply.
  2. JJR,If capitalism is so great in america then why is your economy based on a 7 PLUS TRILLION DOLLAR DEBT.What will happen IF and or WHEN all these debts have to paid or other countries call your countries loans.You will all be bums wandering the streets or maybe you will see no other choice than to try and drag everyone else down with you.In other words use that giant military machine to try and force the rest of the world to comply.
  3. Exactly blashy.Capitalist greed just creates more greed which creates more greed and so on and so on.The problem is that it usually results in the suffering of alot of people.
  4. I think the major problem in the states is the capitalist system is to much for profit and it creates so much greed that alot of peoples main focus is money mo matter what the cost.Guns knives etc are just used to enforce their greed.
  5. Rambo you bring back prohibition and you may as well bring back capone.It doesnt work.How long have drugs been illegal?What 7 or 8 decades and look where trying to stop it has got us,NOWHERE.The money would be better spent elsewhere than putting someone who smokes pot in jail for life.Drugs have been around along time and you cant stop it.I know legalizing drugs will create a whole new set of problems but atleast you would severly cut down on the drug cartel.It could be taxed just like booze and alcohol.Remember no one is forcing anyone to take that first drink or smoke that first joint. Correct me if im wrong but isnt your prison system run for profit?
  6. Rambo some things arent ment to be done in moderation or at all.Adultry is one.As far as drugs and booze go(no i dont take drugs and i have the occasional beer)its ok in my book PROVIDED you in no way endanger anyone elses life.
  7. There are lots of micro breweries in b.c.especially vancouver.Ive enjoyed most of them.Its all about moderation rambo.
  8. noKnoK im with you,Battle of britain in a spitfire.I know this is real bad but i think it would be a rush flying a ME262 in combat.
  9. I think what we are trying to say is that humans are violent by nature.Look at all the wars fought past present and no doubt into the future.What matters the most is how us humans choose to control our violence or one day we wont be around to worry about.
  10. Being from canada and a firearms owner myself(avid hunter and fisherman) i have had the misfortune of having to threaten to waste a guy with my .12ga 870 wingmaster pump action.He was trying to come in through a basement window i heard the noise and confronted him.He had the choice to either see if i was bluffing(which i wasnt)or freeze.He chose to run,If i had shot him I would have been charged with murder.Within 1 week ALL the houses(even the cops house) were robbed except ours.When i confronted this punk i had no idea what his intentions were.Im glad i was armed.As far as guns causing violence, more people are killed each year in car accidents than with guns.If people(especially the ones who say nobody should own a gun for any purpose)were so interested in saving lives maybe they should start to lobby the auto ind.to lower the top speed of most cars.Where in north america are we allowed to drive at half the speed some of theses cars can go?Just think of how many lives would be saved if the S.O.B.'s who cause high speed police chases or street race KNEW FOR CERTIAN that they had no hope of outrunning a cop maybe they wouldnt do it.Yes i know cars can be modified but that would carry a minimum 5 years and it would be illlegal to sell the modifications(but wait that would hurt the economy).Ive got one even better solution:we could pass a law making it illegal for anyone who has a valid drivers license and acces to a car to have any alcohol in the home because you MAY drink and drive.We all know how many people are killed each year in drinking aand driving accidents.Its NOT about saving lives its about trying to be poltically correct(now theres two words that shouldnt be used in the same sentence)Remember a gun is an inatimit object and its illogical to blame an inatimit object for anything.Someone has to operate it.No matter how many laws get passed(i ought to know its insane what i have to go through)criminals will get guns no problem.I truley believe the big problem is peoples attitudes towards one another(no one gives a you know what)and a gun is just the tool used.
  11. That may be so rambo(canada soda pop worst on planet)but we have good beer and apparrently the best pot in the world.Let see you top that(lol).
  12. Targul do you think america would still sit back and let germany keep on winning?I would like to think that they would realise that hitler was bent on world domination and that one day they would be next.Weather he could convince the american population of this is another matter.I think once he got re elected he would just start to raise his military output.
  13. I remeber the first time i playyed the ai with 1.06 patch and just got killed trying to invade england.It actually tried to stop me(and did)The only problem i found was that it tends to react almost the same way to any given situation(once in a while it would suprise me).Once you figure that out its pretty hard to loose.Like kman says it keeps sending russians to their death.Like kman also says it matters what you do with the allies in the first 3 years that preps you for the counterattack in HvH.The last battle we had i took france in april 1940(thats good for me)but i couldnt take atvantage of it because he took a big chance and moved most of his navy to africa gambling that id go for africa next(which i did).I even had plus 2 gunnery for all my italian ships.It was abig battle but i wasted alot of time and mpps for nothing.When it came to russia i didnt have enough even though i had good tech.I lost in spring 1944.
  14. letifer we finally agree on something which is yes alot of tradtionalist and secular muslims"support"the radicals(this i think where we differ) only because they see the americans as colonialists.There will always be crazy people bent on wiping us out and/or forcing their religious beliefs on us.That will never end.My muslim friends(no im not muslim)Ive asked about this very subject say the vast majority dont care what we believe and have no interest in forcing islam upon us.I dont see the point in us making more enemies by attacking these countries.I also dont see how attacking iraq and going into afghanistan is going to prevent some nuts from smuggling in the components to build and set off an a bomb(all the info on how to build one is on the net).I believe(and you may disagree)that by attacking these countries we create MORE resentment and hate towards us not less.I also would like to know as far as these polls go what questions were asked and in what part of the muslim world they were asked.We both know that it matters what and how a question is asked especially if your looking for a certian response.I will say this, you are one of the very few people ive ever had the pleasure to have an actual level headed discussion on this topic.
  15. What would everyone thing to have it that if englands wiped out the american ind.production goes to the actual historical levels they were at at the time england fell?If this has been brought up before i apologise.
  16. Baron if the unit was only down to a one 1 factor then there wouldnt be 100.00 troops left to shoot at.I know the fact that a combined naval air attack can start pounding an army at full power and wipe it out is probably wrong,remember if the unit in question is at5 or above in supply it can be built back at a lesser cost.Maybe that is supposed to represnt the the pounding the unit took while not being completely destroyed but destroyed down to an amount that cant be represented in this game hence the lower cost to replace it.What do you think?
  17. letifer i work with people that have come from the middle east(iran and iraq).They dont see us so much as canadians brits americans etc they see us as westerners who want to occupy and rule their land.I know way back america wasnt in the middle east it was the brits. and the french mainly.They see the americans just replacing the other two countries.From what my friends have told me is that most middle easterns(muslims)DONOT hate us and dont want to fight us.Its the radicals that do and by us being over there we create more of them.They want to be left alone to sort out their own problems.
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