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Everything posted by arado234

  1. Another reason is the fact that hitler didnt really trust anyone.So how can you expect germany to win when the head man doesnt trust the armed forces commanders.Its a loosing situation.He also loved to play one person against the other.No cooperation.When the army,the navy and the airforce are all pitted against one another even though they are supposed to be on the same side,YOUR DONE.It also didnt help that almost all of the abwher.were committed to see hitler fail.Its amazing the germans were able to come as close as they did to winning.
  2. Blashy when you bump up allied mpps did you find the game almost unwinable for germany.(like it really was).
  3. Rambo it looks like you came the closest to dethroning the champ.Then you would have gotten your wish and we all would have called you PRESIDENT JON_J_RAMBO.
  4. jjr i usually shell the mines up in norway with the brits.fleet and the mines dont shoot back,so im assuning they wouldnt shoot at planes either?
  5. Yea after the habs went down i was cheering for ottawa because i figured they had the best chance to win the cup.Now you see again the free agency market went nuts.I guess some of these owners arent so poor afterall.
  6. Blashy whats the average house price in your area?In vanc.its $750,000.Luckly we bought our home 7 years ago.Now there is no way we could afford it.
  7. Hey peter,i live in vanc.british columbia.Hey blashy you a hockey fan?If so, the habs?
  8. Peter if you want to play me my email address is tomnichols@shaw.ca
  9. Peter ill play you.You may pick sides.Im from canada(british columbia).Welcome to the group.
  10. I get a kick out of evryone who says we are the good guys trying to rid the bad guys.Then why are we so selctive.I dont see any of us "good guys"offering our military help to oust that evil rotten regime in china.Is it because they can shoot back or maybe(greed)its because we have so many 100s of billions of dollars tied up in expoliting their work force and utter lack of environmental(750,000 chinese die from pollution each year)concerns that it might actually effect our economys.I thought people came first.Or does that only apply when it involves the "good guys"
  11. Russia may have taken the equivalent of two doz.abomb hits but WITHOUT the radioactive fallout.Add that to the mix and i dont think stalin would have been flapping gums.Just ask the people of chernobyl.
  12. That is true targul but atleast you would have about 60%chance of getting the right weather predictions(I know im being optimistic about the wetherman).
  13. I dont know if this has been brought up before but could it be possible to have a actual weather forcast popup like in panzer general which would give a two week prediction?This could allow for some minor adjustments to planned attacks.Of course being a forcast it wouldnt be 100%accurate.
  14. Liam if the bad guys were planning a war they may have started loading more resources into an atomic program than the good guys.We are very lucky we never had to find out.Just imagine three major players developing it at about the same time.
  15. I use my U.S.fleet to patrol what i consider home waters(no more than 7 hexes out)only.The reason i ask is because one of my opponents had spain get angry at him and he wasnt near spain.
  16. How close can the american ships get to spain before they make spain angry?
  17. I think Liam and JerseyJohn your forgetting about one important thing. If this alliance did hold together for a while(i doubt it would)it surely would mean a long conflict would arise.In that case who gets the war winning atomic bomb first.THAT would be the trump card for whoever.If germany got it and pursued her rocket program,look out.
  18. I think what we have all come to realise is that people and nations have been fighting(for whatever reason no matter how stupid) since they have been able to throw rocks.All thats improved is the ability to throw bigger and more dangerous rocks further.Politicians have always and will always try to force their will on other nations.
  19. Thats true rambo,in a round about way germany and japan "won"ww2.We rebuilt them after the war.
  20. You have to wonder what would have happened if germany and japan actually tried to work together instead of just having a common enemy and doing their own thing.I guess the big problem with that was the two countries had differnt goals with the same enemy blocking them(plus being seperated by thousands of kilometers didnt help).We had ultra and would have known what was up.
  21. I knew he admired the brits and that was one of the reasons he didnt plan for an attack on england.I had the opportunity to talk with german pilots who fought in the battle of britain and hitlers mindset was that he really didnt want to fight england.As far as mein kampf(i call it my kamping trip)goes yes when i read it the third time i was wondering what planet is this guy on.I thought no wonder he did what he did.It all made sense to him.You are right in that it is very hard to read.
  22. You guys make some valid rational points about an armistice but hitler WASNT rational.I doubt if he would agree to anything the brits would accept.Also if britain was open to peace talks hitler may have taken that as sign of weakness and asked for so much knowing the brits wouldnt accept(this way he could try and blame britain for the continuation of the war).Ive read mein kampf three times to try and figure out what made him so looney and from what i read i dont think he would ever stick to any agreemnet with anyone.Under winston the british were prepared to continue the fight from canada(even though it would have been pretty hopless)so i really cant see any type of deal reached if churchill was in power.He knew that hitlers guarantees guaranteed nothing.
  23. Blashy does that mean you can adjust the ship attacking ability of planes?
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