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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Noticed on page 86 of the online manual it mentions White phosphorous as a smoke option. I have read a number of reports where US tankers learned to use WP to blind German tank gunners and in some cases even cause them to bail out. (IIRC many of these reports were from 4th Armored in Lorraine) In the reports I recall reading it would not be during the time period covered by CMBN, but is this behavior something that would be considered to be included for a Bulge period Module?
  2. No more questions about a release date until everyone has read the manual cover to cover. There will be a test.
  3. I can see it now. Once the commonwealth modules is released, all the user scenarios will be US vs British and vice versa with one partying getting smacked with Battleship artillery to begin the scenario. Ah isn't it great to be allies? I used to be a big Ambrose fan and still love reading his stuff, but there is enough information out there now about plagarism and inaccuracies that I just accept that I am reading fun fiction. I do really enjoy Macksey's First Clash. Maybe when CMSF 2 comes out it can be used to do a campaign.
  4. However in this case it wasn't the Americans who were the primary driving force for it. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Monte_Cassino#Destruction_of_the_abbey Yeah probably a fluke. Keyes and Clark probably disagreed just to be disagreeable. :-P
  5. Last word still up on Website has up to May 11th as within the time frame. I am being optimistic that Moon's statement suggests they are still within that time frame, but never having produced a game it may mean nothing of the sort.
  6. It was planned for Friday, but the Queen Mum asked for a delay as William would likely not have shown up. "sorry Kate, but my Company is pinned down under heavy fire!"
  7. perhaps not, but I believe it can be modded. :-P
  8. Be worth it just to see the map done, I'll be looking forward to it.
  9. probably a very smart idea. There are plenty of other strange threads we can start to kill time for two weeks.
  10. Sorry to hear that. It really messes your own life up to make assumptions that broadly about any other people. And try the gefilte fish- with horseradish it is quite good! The wine though I would pass on. It wasn't that you criticized BFC. You are correct, they do defend themslves quite well, certainly better than I can. The issue (mine anyway) is you completely mis read Steve's post, flamed him and the whole message board and then closed with this arrogant attitude as if to say "I can buy and sell all you useless morons". Like your financial position mattered one wit to anyone here. The whole post was just very objectionable.
  11. This just keeps getting better...sigh Well first of all Gundolf is the one who criticized CC. He doesn't like the graphics. Personally they don't do much for me either nor does the game play. But as far as anyone on this board is concerned another game option out there is usually a good thing. The larger the community, the better off we all are. Spritetards was just funny- independent of CC. What can I say I find a lot of things funny. As to am I a Jew? - when it comes to people like you, YES I AM. By the way I love Matrix stuff too and I can buy as many games as I want cause I am a rich Jew. Eat your heart out.
  12. Dude you insulted the whole mesage board in your flame or did you forget that. Hell I am still wondering what you meant when you posted this. Take some of that oodles of cash you make when you take your next dump and hire someone else who isn't such a pissy little spritetard to write your posts. heh heh I said spritetard.. heh heh Beavis you dumba**!!
  13. LOL I hadn't heard that one in a bit, though one of my coworkers periodically reminds me. I decided to google the church or Pastafarianism. **Around the time of Christmas, Hanukkah, and Kwanzaa, Pastafarians celebrate a vaguely defined holiday named "Holiday". Holiday does not take place on "a specific date so much as it is the Holiday season, itself". Because Pastafarians "reject dogma and formalism", there are no specific requirements for Holiday. Pastafarians are instructed to celebrate Holiday however they please.** Sooooo I could decide to celebrate "holiday" on the day CMBN is released and proceed to have a week off...... You know I'd have to wait for Ramadan for months. Okay count me out I think I just got converted!! Thanks Normal Dude for the reminder :-D
  14. Dude it was a beavis and butthead reference and actually as I read it had nothing to do with CC at all. He was laughing at the use of an expression which if you just take a moment to separate it from the discussion is rather funny - spritetards. C'mon lighten up, it is pretty dang funny. Hell I'll bet Steve starts calling his own units spritetards. By the way, you any relation to The Donald? I think that one pretty much summed you up and I am afraid you were found lacking.
  15. Would I get more holidays off to play CMBN than I do now with my faked christian beliefs? I figure Ramadan has got to be good for some "I am too weak to work as I haven't eaten all day" excuses and that lasts like a month. Was in Casablanca a couple years ago during Ramadan, and if that was anything to judge by I should be able to pull that off no problem. Is it worth investigating the religion with the most holidays to start preparing my boss for more absences?
  16. Bummer, the next couple weeks are gonna drag slowly, but thanks again for all the effort. It is very highly appreciated. Great now you add a new surprise to our angst. Oh you cruel cruel man.
  17. Those are poltergeist. It is the new surprise Tyrspawn referred to. Just because your pixeltruppen died, there is no reason they can't continue to have an impact in the game. In the TOE you will find a new unit, Papal Exorcism team. Didn't expect the Spanish Inquisition did ya?
  18. The 4 CD volume is available at Paperless archive for $99. Periodically they do sales as well at a decent discount.
  19. ohh man this is demented, but friggin hystercial.
  20. LOL yes that would be appropriate. Am having a blast with it. What I really like is now that I do have a better understanding of the objective, it is still playable. The first time around though was just awesome for the immersion level. Trying to figure out what the ammo situation was, how to regroup my forces to consolidate for a push and then realizing "oh crap, an hour is gone and I am just finding out where my guys are holed up." Nice job. And seeing as you just posted you have nothing to do......... Surely there is room in Ramadi for another scenario :-D
  21. As a second to that try playing LongLeftFlanks Ramadi scenario. I think you will find that knowing the map is about as helpful as head lice. Hell I am not even sure where the objective is. Just one example of what creative design can do to alter what the OP perceives as a problem.
  22. Well said Steve. Pawter there are also other ways of dealing with the issue of force concentration. Use the victory conditions to alter game play. Use bigger maps, smaller forces and distant objectives to force players to decide how split the forces at hand. Use different objectives for both sides forcing players to hold a force in reserve not knowing what the opponents goals might be. There are probably a lot of ways to alter the conditions such that just massing your forces using what you think is the best terrain just isn't going to get you where you need to be. I believe it has been noted before that good scenario design can probably handle what you preceive as problems with the game.
  23. Honestly I am still kind of confused about how you figure the reality part into this. Gameplay I understand, but you are the arbiter of everything one side does. How is it any more realistic to see everything any of your units see as opposed to just assuming you have a decent map of the area beforehand. Granted in reality you aren't always going to have that map, but never would you know the terrain just because some lowly private ammo bearer happened to look over the hill while stopping to take a leak. Unless of course it were tube guy. There just is no way to do a game like this at anything more than a first person shooter level that could realistically include knowledge of the map as FOW.
  24. The views from the American side watching the German infantry running across fence openings etc is just beautiful. Cinematic quality.
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