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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. LOL do you have a special cover for your monitor while reading the forum, or do you just use barf bags? Let me know, I am about to hop on another plane and I can grab some spares.
  2. You expected better from us? I thought all our threads were supposed to descend into banality.
  3. With admittedly very little real info I am wondering if it has to do with the fighting compartment being on the rear deck of the vehicle. I have only fought one battle with Marders and they never had the chance to test the ability to fire from behind bocage.
  4. I am with you on preferring as accurate a map as can be done, but I also get Paper Tiger's pont. As a creator of campaigns, the focus would be much more on the AI. How's this for a suggestion. Contract out the areas you'd like mapped for a campaign, then all you need do is work in the OoB and AI portion. Best of both worlds
  5. I am not so sure of that fidelity is so much the issue as getting the terrain to feel natural. It's the odd little things that can make a map more than just a 3d replication of a boardgame map. I still remember my second playing of Bois de Baugin and realizing JonS had stuffed crap INSIDE the barn. No I am not expecting folks to furnish buildings, but the flavor items, undulations in terrain, drainage etc etc all contribute to a more immersive playing experience. You are right in that the meta campaigns for the most part are meant for HTH play. They can't be predesigned for the AI as you have no idea what the flow of the battles will be.
  6. Damn how cool is that? I want my own urban dictionary page!!! Oh and Erwin, you are so busted when we email your wife a link to this page.
  7. oh great and he is from Phila. Well it isn't/wasn't me. I'm still wondering why Dr Who's time machine is in Syria.
  8. It was that .0188 that stopped the tank....
  9. Trying to make a direct comparison of any 2 insurrections is fraught with issues. While the Syrian rebels do not have a direct base of operations supported by a safe haven like Pakistan, they do have some support from Turkey, the Lebanese border and a very long hard to patrol border with Iraq. Syria has little or no ability to pressure it's neighbors on trying top shut down movement across those borders. The Assad regime is isolated internally and externally whereas the Karzai gov't has significant external support and no talk of sanctions against it. If the current trends continue, the Assad regime will have to have the full commitment of the Alawite minority in arms and shut down access to arms by the non Alawite majority. That could get pretty tricky if the Syrian non Alawite army units actually revolt and attempt to intervene. So far the Gov't has done a pretty good job of maintaining control over it's arms depots, but that could change rapidly. The problem with being a minority regime is you have to allow some access by the very folks you are fighting to continue to function. Personally I think things have gone too far, the Assad regime is not going to be able to restore full authority. It will simply move from crisis to crisis. How long it survives has more to do with how quickly the international community decides enough is enough and attempts to clamp down on the Syrian army. The first step has to be a truce and whether that comes from an agreement sponsored by Kofi Annan (unlikely now) or from a military response from the international community there will have to be a serious peace keeping force inserted as in Yugoslavia, with hopefully more success. Barring that, this will simply continue to spiral into an ethnic cleansing bloodbath. It seems too much to hope that Russia will see the handwriting on the wall and realize it will completely lose any position in the Mediterranean if the new gov't feels Russia supported the Assad regime to the bitter end.
  10. Don't sweat it. There is a lot of sarcasm on this forum, we come to expect it. Well we certainly don't have to experience every worst case scenario in every battle, but mentioning it in the briefing kind of prepares you for something the designer may want you unprepared for. Having it once in a while in a scenario can be interesting even enjoyable if the challenge created makes for a good game, but it isn't something I'd want to go through a lot. As it is the variety of stuff out there is pretty nice and folks are cranking out new material pretty quick. I was away for about 16 days and got home to I think 19 downloads between mods and scenarios.
  11. True, but we didn't target civilians and refugee camps, these guys will. They give the regime some mobility into areas the ground troops may not go. I also wouldn't count on China selling the rebels anything. They seem to be siding with the Russians on this. I wouldn't be surprised to see Turkey step up though.
  12. Oh Great!! LLF you were not supposed to discuss the bat creatures! How many times do I have to talk to you about OpSec?!
  13. That he is too busy to spend time on the forum sounds like what we really want. That means the ipad/iphone stuff is surely not it, they really do have something up their sleeve. That they have been at it for a quite a bit means whatever it is, it is not fluff. All good news to me.
  14. Yeah I spoke a little too soon, my Rangers (well some anyway) made it to the seawall and a few have scaled the hill and cleared the route for the rest. My engineers and some infantry made it on the other side so now I have a couple platoons on each end and the destroyer is pounding the defenses over towards the ranger side. May not be doing much damage, but the dust is working wonders. Forgot to mention, I have a great shot of a demo charge being tossed into an MG position. Not a bunker, just a standard MG in foxholes. And no, I did not try to order them to do so. So I have a couple platoons plus that have breached the seawall and started moving up. I sent in teams on either flank to draw the attention of the MG team and then sent men up to assault the position. I didn't quite expect this. The MG Nest Engineer tossing a demo charge German view of the toss The effect
  15. You know I was a bit skeptical simply because the landing itself never seemed to me a good topic for a scenario. Not much strategy and you are getting slaughtered essentially right from the start..... That was until I managed to get two almost complete platoons over to the left side away from the draw, blew the wire behind the sea wall, rushed up the hill, blew the wire in two more places and forced the MG team there to withdraw. I have a foothold on the hill now and damn it feels good. My Rangers aren't doing so well and the guys in the center got cut to pieces... but just getting some of my force off the beach feels pretty damn good. Nice job Crushingleek, you changed my mind about a beach assault scenario. Looking forward to the rest.
  16. NY Times article today on the introduction of heavy weapons on both sides and the continued sale by Russia of items like Attack helicopters. This keeps up and sooner or later someone is going to decide it is time for a no fly zone. How Russia will react if a few of those choppers become flying fireballs is anyone's guess. It will definitely push Putin into a macho corner. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/06/13/world/middleeast/violence-in-syria-continues-as-protesters-killed.html?_r=1&nl=todaysheadlines&emc=edit_th_20120613
  17. Not so sure it is a question of want. If it were something they thought they could realistically pull off, I don't doubt they would do it. The value add to the game would be immense. (at least in your and my opinions) I would even settle for the old style campaigns that would maintain position on the same map (I still fondly recall an old campaign from CMx1 that attempted to do the landing at Juno including Courseulles-sur-Mer to Carpriquet) and allow you to extend a battle almost as long as you'd like.
  18. LOL way too positive! I still cringe regardless of knowing the reality watching my guys get pummeled from the start. I guess though it is no different than doing the Omaha beach landing, but at least you start KNOWING you are in for a bloodbath. My first time playing school of hardknocks was tough. All seemed to be rolling along fine and then...
  19. This oughta do it http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=2090
  20. I have referenced the patch list and that a beta tester noted it was not an issue he was aware of and you gotta come back like that? You really ought to do something about that chip on your shoulder. Dispersion of mortar rounds sounds like exactly that, not dispersion of casualties from mortar rounds. You have this propensity to make sweeping characterizations and provide nothing but your impressions. With that you expect to be taken seriously AND get to make these crappy little smart ass swipes at folks. I think I would differ with Cpt_Mike about your being on the reasonable and polite list.
  21. foxholes tend to be one of those points where all the variables of action spots, LOS, unit positioning etc all hit the intersection at once. That I know that and understand some of the restrictions doesn't help sometimes. Like having a squad that now consists of 4 guys, but the 4 guys are different teams in the squad so they now still need two foxhole units to provide cover. I get why that is, but it is still a pain.
  22. Well first off again there was nothing listed in v1.10 addressing any issues regarding leaders. Womble noted something that might have had a possible related affect but only in certain given situations. Second your are replying to a beta tester who tells you there was no known bug (and he would kind of know seeing as he'd have been one of the guys testing) and telling him not only was there one, but it got fixed. I dunno, but I'd be real hesitant on correcting a beta tester on what was fixed and what wasn't....
  23. Sucker, this thread was just begun as a conspiracy to lure you out into the open. Seriously though thanks for the well reasoned response.
  24. Finally in position to catch up and it looks like I have a ton of stuff to download. Thanks DC can't wait to fire the game up with this stuff.
  25. PF range is 30 meters.I accept that you feel it is modelled incorrectly, but you don't give me enough info to alter mine. How far is far, what kind of fire are the gunners taking etc etc. Before you get snide it would be good to check your assumptions. Is a moving target harder to hit than a stationary one? You assume it is always true, I don't. How fast is it moving, how exposed it is, how big is it, what is the intervening terrain for the non moving object. All those are factors in your OP, you can't drop them to the most simplest form to then in turn prove your original point which was far more complicated. I am not stationed on a planet... I happen to live and have been born on Earth. Which one are you stationed on? You know I HAD to go for that one right? I suspect you said it that way just to see if I'd react. Well it is early, but I do have coffee.
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