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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. I have to admit you completely lost me here. Steve explicitly states in the process of developing CMBB they decided the engine just wasn't capable of doing what they wanted to do and he and Charles then decided they would begin focusing on development of a new engine. What do you mean "establishing a commercial reason"? I can only assume that rather than accept at face value that the folks who created CM were intent on creating something they felt could be better developed to do what they wanted as they felt CMx1 was a dead end, you prefer instead think there is some secret other undocumented reason that no one can substantiate behind the move to CMx2. Honestly I feel a credibility gap forming here and it isn't on BFCs behalf. Most people don't post at all and yes we can certainly differ on how much we enjoy it or not. I'd be really surprised if there was a universal level of enjoyment on anything. The gist of this thread is totally subjective and was begun with a statement made with no corroborating data to show that it first of all wasn't a one off or that given variables that we are unable examine possibly expected behavior. No offense to the OP but there is nothing to work with there. He's not happy with the game, battles don't work the way he expects and he may not play it because of that. That's it, that's all we have. Yeah CM has issues, BFC readily admits that. Some are items they are unable to surmount right now (I am referring here to gun elevation treatment) others are design decisions that they made based on how other things interact (ammo sharing). Show me a comparable product however that even comes close. There are similar products in the genre, but nothing quite like this.
  2. Amateurs. Look at all the holes in the barrel. Now the barrel of the Kar 98 might be worth considering. You could try and do some shotgunning.. what... oh am I saying too much? aw c'mon you aren't saying you didn't.. oh you didn't.. never mind.
  3. ehh almost afraid to ask...where did that rumor come from? Here is BFC's explanation of why the move to CMx2 and it had nothing in it about trying to get a DOD contract. Fact of the matter was, they were not satisfied with what CMx1 could do. (note it was decided while still in the development of CMBB so fact is pretty early on in CMx1 still) http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1224501&postcount=1 And again this is all opinion, for me CMx2 is the sweet spot and Cmx1 falls a little short. Ever since I tried CMSF I was waiting for the day they would apply it to ww2. CMx1 games are now off the hard drive.
  4. well I am a far cry from an expert so I'll have to settle for being an enthusiast. Either way I am having a blast with this game. Splitting squads isn't new to CM, hell ASL had that. If you are asking if you have to enjoy trying to figure out tactical capabilities and plan an effective attack to succeed, well yeah isn't that the holy grail of any wargame? As to a shrinking base, you wouldn't be the first to claim some higher understanding of what BFC has in the way of a customer base but it seems to fly in the face of what little BFC has bothered to address on the topic which is, sales are good and the business is healthy. As to frequency of posting etc, I'll say this once again. Prior to CMBN I posted all of once. However I have been playing CMSF for years and enjoying it. Don't assume participation levels necessarily reflect anything about the user and the product other than the user cares to post or not.
  5. oh damn...... come and get em if you think you can
  6. I have to say, I notice these more in PBEM games. Can't say why, but I could post a ton of shots like this from any game I have played. JonS, look on the screenshot thread. Your Tiger kill is up. And I have started going back through your whole DAR with Elvis. It's as entertaining now as then only w/o the angst of waiting for the game. For those interested in reading back over that DAR http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=94496 There are a lot of really good topics in this that still pop up on threads for example creating really customized ToEs.
  7. It's funny how separate threads can end up leading back to the same subject. I was looking back at JonS DAR from prior to the release of CMBN off a link he provided in another thread, and then saw this note from Steve about some topics JonS had covered that led him to actually write up what amounts to a dissertation compared to the level of quiet we have now. It's worth reading again and may change your opinion at least of what they are trying to do. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1224501&postcount=1
  8. That was a really cool review. I still feel my first 2 PBEMs with that battle are some of my all time favorites and that review was a motivator for selecting the battle. Ahh for a quick stroll down memory lane http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1320848&postcount=589 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1320849&postcount=590 http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1320850&postcount=591
  9. I notice one consistency here. All your complaints seem to focus on playing the AI. Not saying that any or all of them aren't true to some degree, but one suggestion. Find a human opponent you share similar traits in how you like to play the game. It really is a whole other game. I have not felt the same frustration playing against the AI nor with the design constraints the scenario developers have to work within to create a challenging battle, but at the same time I only play against the AI during downtime between PBEMs. With the scenarios and even more so the campaigns you kind of have to win to progress. Some have some variation, but you pretty much know losing battles means not finishing the campaign. Against a human opponent I find I could really care less about victory conditions. The battle itself is all that matters and your opponents moves can be just as exciting as your own. A number of people have cited Achtung Panzer and if that floats your boat, cool. For me at the moment, I can't seem to get enough of CM and I have only touched the CW module yet.
  10. Here you go, thank JonS for the lesson..... scroll down to post 439. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=101195&page=44 Personally I much prefer the infantry aspect. It is simply in those days anti armor capability was more limited than today especially for the allies. The Shrek on the other hand.. oh baby....
  11. The "uber pistol toting" crew bail into the now panicking infantry and both sides seem more intent on survival than attacking The Tiger crew gets first shots in as the British infantry still in the area is completely demoralized and the backup teams are driven off by 88 rounds impacting on the house And this is how you stop an uber pistol toting panzer crewman...no it is not a war crime, he was still resisting.
  12. but the end seems inevitable as the British simply overwhelm the last defenders, the Tiger is now isolated The British move in for the final assault The first few men are gunned down by the Tigers MG, but the assault force has the tank surrounded Despite the mg fire from target tank and the 88 rounds impacting on the house, the assault team is able to successfully close assault The assault team having accomplished it's mission makes for a quick exit under the continued fire from the Tigers partner
  13. With the assault on the church yard in full swing and suppressive fire on my 3 men behind the hedgerow, the main assault force goes in. I could not determine what this was, but I suspected a Piat round. At this point my right flank has no infantry cover. The British take up position, probably passing around grenades and a tot or two of whiskey Meanwhile my other Tiger starts area firing on the building to try and suppress any advancing infantry. It is the best I can do. The final push into the churchyard. I have an assault rifle and mg behind that hedgerow and they are able to do some damage
  14. This is for those who think tanks are still pretty much invulnerable to infantry in a built up area. No it isn't easy but as I found out the hard way, even a Tiger can be taken out by infantry armed with nothing more than grenades and determination. My compliments to JonS for showing me the finer points of taking out armor the hard way. So the battle is In the Shadow of the Hill 8-30am. ******Spoiler Alert****************** We are in the final 3 minutes of regulation play (Yes I have been watching a bit much of the Stanley cup playoffs). In the last few miuntes of a grueling game, most of the British armor is wrecked. 1 Tiger is destroyed and 2 are immobilized (the 4th is on the far end of town with my counterattacking infantry and unable to assist.) My original infantry force is represented by a grand total of 7 men now with little ammo. There are 4 men on my left covering the Church yard and 3 on my right one of whom is there for moral support as he is completely out of ammo. The British are attempting to hit the Tiger from two sides using the church and a nearby building for cover on the approach. [ Here you see the main British assault force forming up The first victims . er team are sent out. The Tiger is able to take care of this threat on it's own, but it is clear the British are fully capable of getting close Meanwhile the assault force on the right continues to push forward to clear the area around the churchyard. This will allow them to approach all the way to an adjoining hedgerow adjacent to the Tiger.
  15. Not enough info. I am one of those people who have no data to work from to say that how things are modelled out in CM isn't spot on. As such knowing how long BFC has been doing this and the amount of research they have done and the input they receive from active serving folks I have to take things at face value. No offense to Cpt_Mike, but I don't know him. For all I know he could be a 12 year old pissed off because he can't win all the time (no offense Mike, not saying you are, just pointing out all I know about you is you have a login here and I am assuming actually really play the game). I can't judge the game effects on info that I can't actually validate the source. If someone could present actual data on what the suppressive affects should look like and demonstrate consistently that the game does not replicate that data, I am sure BFC would be interested. Short of that we are all pissing in the wind... and hoping it isn't blowing back on us.
  16. rotflmao okay now do you mind running that 100x to verify the effect is always the same...we'll wait.
  17. at what speed? Did the occupants have seat belts or an airbag? What were the relative size and weight of the two cars?
  18. It is even funnier to watch the chaos generated by unsupported, unverifiable "I saw it so it has to be true for everyone all the time and can't possibly be me" statements espoused as fact with no supporting data, save files, screenshots etc. I got to hand it to YD, he is a lot more giving than I am. Why should I spend my time trying to prove or disprove Cpt_Mike's experience if he himself isn't willing to spend the time. No offense to the Cpt, but one would think the person who feels the coding is unbalanced would need to do more than just claim it is to get a response much less an offer to do extensive testing. And then to hear anyone who disagrees or asks for something to try and test against characterized as a fanboi. After all there MUST be aliens checking out our planet with all the statements of folks who insist they saw them right? Anyone who says different must be an anti-alien fanboi Signed- Anti-Alien fanboi
  19. how many of those pics were actually folks assigned directly to divisions? Seems like most are rear area and support personnel.
  20. Too funny - Crushingleek, you make a Philly boy proud. (Born and raised for the most part in Ridley Township).
  21. Different game different stuff. Not my taste, but if you like that sort of thing go for it. Life's too short to spend on something you don't enjoy (one of these days I'll win the lottery and stop having to go to work...)
  22. Why to use that login ID of course!! It is dang funny, but he's probably gonna have Tom Cruise banging on his door next telling him to come out of the closet. http://www.southparkstudios.com/clips/155090/tom-cruise-wont-come-out-of-the-closet
  23. +1 on that. I am finding my pixeltruppen pull off some really amazing things if I stop trying to tell them too specifically what to do. General orders that allow them more flexibility seem to pay off more than trying to give too many detailed commands. Granted there are exceptions, but the best scenes I have watched over and over in replay are usually the TAC AI doing it's thing.
  24. one never knows, my luck I will figure something to apply, create 6 huge maps and then find on MG release they have added a drainage ditch terrain type... I have the RR embankments in including underpasses on the Veghel map itself. Need to check and make sure the height is good as I lowered them from the 10m I originally had after taking some looks through google maps. Need to drive some vehicles through just to be sure I don't have an issue there. The bocage idea looks interesting, it'll provide the cover without having to sink the ditch quite as deep.
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