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Everything posted by sburke

  1. He still needs an Affidavit. Then we will know it is fact.
  2. Obviously you haven't kept up and missed the time warp technology they have. The answer to this question is they are both true. It was tested in 44 and then the decision was made that for it to have a proper impact it needed to be deployed in 43. Sheesh do I have to explain everything?
  3. LOL okay I hear ya...I ought to I am sitting next to that damn speaker of Oddball's.
  4. I think someone has been exposed to too much radiation - hint- it wasn't anyone near Kursk in 1943.... JK's statement This all but incomprehensible story, as seen here in the West, really became a big deal when Joseph Farrell burst onto the scene with his seminal Reich of the Black Sun (hereafter, ROBS), a book so utterly devastating to the Standard Model of History that after reading it, I was in a veritable daze for two weeks! At a stroke, everything I thought I knew (via reading and Dad), had been taught (in Grades 1-12 and specialized college courses), or even read in classified nuclear weapon documents during my former career as a professional military analyst for Hughes and Rockwell, went not only straight out the window, but clear off the planet! oops wait a sec - FAIR USE! Whew I'm safe. Who is Joseph Farrell that he could burst onto the scene with such a devastating tale? Obviously he must have amazing access to secret documents and contacts deep inside various intelligence communities or maybe the Templars - Joseph Patrick Farrell is an American theologian, scholar on the East–West Schism and the author of a number of books on alternative history, history, historical revisionism, archaeology, and science/physics. Biography Born and raised in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, Farrell is Adjunct Professor of Patristic Theology and Apologetics at California Graduate School of Theology, an unaccredited Christian institution of higher learning in La Habra, CA. Additionally, he is an organist, plays the harpsichord and is a composer of classical music. Wait? An Organist? That is like his closest tie to this story.. and only because we have a poster named Stalinist's Organist and Stalin was the Soviet leader- yeah that's a good enough reason! Now I need to go flush my brain out from the assault on my reasoning capacity by clicking that link. Curse you Stalin's Organist!!
  5. That sounds deceptively simple..... oh wait, that's because it doesn't even begin to describe what it would take to do this. Imagine the first time your flying halftrack gets taken out by a tank main gun round when it is flying directly overhead of said tank.... That could happen right now. I suspect lots of things need to be sorted out in the current engine before on map aircraft of any kind are going to make an appearance. One of the issues cited in CMSF was I believe the ineffective capabilities of recon units with boom mounted sensors as the game couldn't accurately portray their spotting capabilities. I don't believe that was ever addressed. That same issue would show up for recon chopper units as well. Don't get me wrong I would absolutely love to see this as the first mod I would want is to depict the Battle of Ia Drang. I just think it is fraught with far more complications than considering it just a flying halftrack implies. Hmm right there is an issue we already have that folks would like to see working different - resupply. Would we be happy that a chopper would have to land and have a unit board to acquire ammo?
  6. My Bet - Charles would donate his left nut to the church of scientology and allow them to remove it with rusty pliers and his right nut to Seaworld where they would dangle him over the Orca tank and allow it to feed itself before he'd consider doing helicopters on map. Actually maybe he would donate Steve's.... Shame really. That Orca feeding might be cool to watch.
  7. I think I am actually incorrect on this statement. In designing the Venafro scenario I was working with existing teams and I believe that was why I could not use certain commands. The AI will allow the use of squads for an advance or assault command and divide the squad by it's components to execute the movement. My bad...
  8. 401 quick battle maps in my QB folder if that is what you are asking.
  9. When it is timed right, yeah the AI has handed me my ass as well. This is one of the ongoing issues about player demand for more time in scenarios. More time for the player means the likelihood the AI plan will stand up just that much harder to achieve. Those players who insist on adding more time to existing scenarios need to look at the AI scripting and understand better what they are asking for. It is really difficult to achieve a challenging game if the AI plan has to be built over longer stretches of time. A good AI plan is worth the feeling of being under time pressure. One of my favorite games against the AI was in Bad Day ay Beach Red. Just as I'd overcome the Italian initial defense line and launched my Rangers towards the next objective I ran head on into an Italian counterattack. Absolute mayhem and I loved every minute of it as I scrambled to hold the line and keep from getting over run.
  10. Maybe I should read the manual more... That wasn't quite what I meant. The Assault command is one where the AI does the decision making about how the units move within the parameters you set for the length of the assault movement (incidentally it has been suggested to me to keep any leg with an assault movement short. For example you don't want to use that for a 300 meter stretch.) To use an assault movement command you have to select a unit with multiple organizational elements. A squad is not a multi organizational element as the AI will not break down squads into teams. Typically it is used in scenarios with Platoons as the base unit. In order to use assault for a single squad unit, you have to start the scenario with a squad broken down, it can then use assault as it now does count as a multi organizational element. Just another example of how much more flexible a human player has things over the AI. Either way, the AI will determine the order of movement of the specific individual elements whether they be squads in a platoon order, or teams in a squad order. I'll leave this to PT as having a more comprehensive guide works so much better than individual hints.
  11. Yeah it is just trying to draw a distinction. For example. "Strategic" would be the designers plan at some point in the scenario he has the platoon use the Assault command The actual assault move is something the AI does and he is labeling "operational" The actual turn by turn reaction of the pixeltruppen would be the TAC AI. The Assault command requires multiple elements. If you want to use it for a squad you have to split the squads first as the AI will not do that. (Something that I took a bit of help to learn.)
  12. Say like the Western Allies vs the USSR? Oh man I wish...
  13. The biggest factor in the scale of the battles is the size of the map you'll need (and the time). Broadsword and I have mostly fought around BN size battles based on our OP layer. In our case Broadsword is making custom maps for each battle based on as much as possible real terrain.
  14. Is that really a valid question for design implementation? Are any two scenarios equally challenging?
  15. +100 on that. The only problem with playing HTH is you get spoiled. I have to admit though, it took me a long time to come around to that opinion and it helped I have a great gaming partner. If my first HTH opponent and demonstrated any of that behavior you mentioned they might have been my last.
  16. man that was 20 seconds of my life I will never get back.
  17. Oh man do I ever remember that well in Japan at Cable and Wireless/IDC. A whole room of people just sitting around surfing etc waiting for the boss to leave...and hoping he wouldn't decide they needed to go drinking with him. Almost zero productivity. They even have an expression to apologize for leaving before everyone else despite that it is already after 8pm....
  18. LOL same here. Broadsword is teaching me about Zun Tzu. I like the controls on it, though the mechanics for setting up etc I have yet to study.
  19. So Fordo volunteers to take the ring to Mordor and the whole company shamed by their fighting agrees to help him. The company is formed... next page Frodo returns to the shire after having successfully destroyed the ring. The end. Yeah I think that is how Tolkien meant to write it. LOL good show c3k, am pissed though as I got far too many laughs from this and it's already over. Now what am I supposed to read when I am supposed to be working?
  20. Just to clarify, I was not advocating an export/import function outside the scenario editor. I realize that would certainly help for a potential OP layer game, but I was shooting for something that is much more in my mind anyway, realistic. If the final turn (or maybe any saved turn) could be opened in the scenario editor it would allow for doing some fun things with the manual OP layers we already have. I expect maybe from BF's standpoint they'd prefer for handling potential abuse not wanting just any save, but if at least the end game could be ported into the editor it would be pretty sweet.
  21. No change, this is strictly my own experiment to see about using the TCS OP plans as a C2 layer determinant. The plan for that monster game is I believe still on.
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