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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Okay ya Peeping Tom, they fleece you of all your money in Vegas or did you just realize that wasn't really NY or Paris? Let me guess the accents or lack thereof is what eventually gave you a clue? Anyway for technical reasons it'll have to be either CMFI or CMBN. Choose yer weapon sir! I'll PM ya - that would be private message - you know that little thing under your welcoming at the top right hand side of the page. - Wait let me guess you thought that was for arranging lap dances?
  2. Preferably something like HMS Bounty. Gawd okay Ill set down the tome I was just reading on the history of the Shavian House to accommodate the Voyeur.. what? Oh yeah .. ahem, The Watcher..... (perv).
  3. Thanks ken. The scene (well one scene, there were so many) that floored me was when the militia blew a building to try and bury them. Unfrigginbelievable.
  4. You need to frame a better argument than that if you want to persuade BF. Not that they shouldn't but that argument won't get you there. Now go back to your desk and get to work, we expect a 500 word essay with footnotes etc. by tomorrow.
  5. Beautiful pic. I need to frame that over my desk.
  6. No offense, but I am not sure what your point is. I can't even tell if we are actually agreeing. People do care about Yanukovich. His actions speak very loudly about who he cared about, the people of Ukraine or lining his own pockets at the expense of his people. That he is in exile in Russia speaks even louder as to who is his master.
  7. Katyn ring a bell? The Russians don't have to have equaled Nazi atrocities to have been fully capable of committing their own. And there was a Polish government in exile. They survived in Britain because Russia would have executed them. http://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Katyn_Massacre#/image/File:Katyn_a.png
  8. Having a base does not denote occupied. It is simply a contractual issue which includes paying. I don't think I have head of too many instances of an occupier paying for the privilege. The issue of Eastern European relations to Germany and Russia is complicated and the history and national aspirations of those countries don't become subsumed because everyone likes to only pay attention to the two superpowers of the eastern front. The French, Dutch, Belgians etc have never objected to maintaining memorials for allied troops who gave their lives in WW2. I expect that has a lot to do with the fact that our troops went home and left their political infrastructure in their hands. Maybe that is why these monuments are getting defaced. The Russians took far took long to go home.
  9. Forces moving to the Black Sea will stage in Italy.
  10. No to my knowledge it has never been mentioned as something for 3.0. This was an intended ToE for the Italian army. Splitting squads has been a feature of CMx2 since CMSF, not something added.
  11. Funny. The last natural disaster I got involved (superstorm sandy) in was the one threatening to put NYC under water. Here we just say "surfs up" to mean time to grab your board. I understand there it means to grab all your possessions and flee.
  12. Well if Russia is really bailing on these guys the NAF is likely to just turn on itself. Seems someone decided not to wait and tried to take out Gubarev today. http://www.upi.com/Top_News/World-News/2014/10/13/Ukraine-rebel-leader-Gubarev-unconscious-after-attack/9941413207201/ The UA troops can just stay put and clean up the mess once the bloodletting stops amongst those guys.
  13. Don't confuse lack of forum activity with unloved. Most of the forum activity is usually a complaint in one form or another. CMFI is just sooooo good no one is complaining Personally I love this one. Don't worry it will get more activity once BF circles back around to it. We are still owed stuff for this game family.
  14. Unlike Akron which is famous for- This was where Alcoholics Anonymous first started out. It was founded in 1935 by Bill Wilson and Dr. Bob Smith. No surprise there. And oh yeah world champion yo-yo player Linda Lorenz-Sengpiel. Akronites are understandably familiar with yo-yos. Also the first toy company in the United States - they made marbles. Fitting considering Akronites have mostly lost theirs. Meanwhile we have San Jose...... hmm what are we known for .... oh that's right friggin Silicon Valley. You are welcome. We'll work on keeping your standard of living going America despite places like Akron that make marbles, play with Yo-yos and drink all day.
  15. Unfortunately that piece is unlikely to ever happen. I expect that is built into far too many layers of the game.
  16. Yeah that his last edit matches the time stamp on his next post shows a distinct lack of perception about technology. Then again he is from Ohio. It was predictable.
  17. Honestly I have no idea. My impression from the article and book is they were more survivable versus an RPG. Both of mine that were hit were put out of action. Real questions of their survivability seemed to pop up once the insurgents started using more powerful IEDs, but they were never designed or intended for that. Up until that point the only articles I have found tend to be very positive about them. I even found one talking about how they gave chase to a car and were able to catch it, something a Bradley could not do. In the car they found IDs for a couple insurgents and in the course of the evening used that info to bust an insurgent cell.
  18. Considering Bulgaria's overall relationship to the war and particularly the German invasion of Russia (Bulgaria never actually declared war on the Soviet Union) the statue is a bit of a slap in the face to Bulgaria. Bulgaria was essentially run over by both Germany and Russia either by threat or actually run over.
  19. Thanks. It was an effort to dumb down this presentation to required levels. That I was apparently successful is it's own reward. No need to thank me with monetary gifts, but I wouldn't refuse them either.
  20. Okay too subtle eh? Or simply illiteracy rates here are even higher than expected.... See if you can figure out by the response on inquiring from our source. Unfortunately this does require reading. Somehow I think this is not going to improve the situation. From Ancestry.com Dear Mr sburke, Squire of the Shavian house etc etc We apologize for the apparent discrepancy in our documentation however we have found that there are two opposing strains in determining ancestor and descendant amongst Oddstralians based on DNA evidence. On the one hand evolution would seem to ensure survival of the fittest. On the other the limited gene pool (and we mean that in both senses, small and of deficient quality) has also had a negative impact on evolutionary progress. Current studies indicate that the fitter specimens in Oddstralian society went out to provide food for their offspring and frequently then became food for other creatures of the continent. The survivors were not better hunters it seems but simply cowards who went around and hid behind the gaol all day (usually in a bar, but sometimes in assorted refuse cans) and then returned in the evening claiming to have found nothing. They then proceeded to eat the young smart enough to notice they had alcohol on their breath. So you see it becomes a very confusing cycle to determine from genetic material what the hell is going on there. Add to that the constant mixing up of the same genes through generations within the same gene pool. Several generations of the same family living under the same roof... I don't believe I need to spell that out for you do I? If you are familiar with the character of Craster in Game of Thrones all will become clear. In fact we believe Craster was modeled on Oddstralian society from a visit George R R Martin made to the benighted place. Such behavior makes it even harder to identify DNA development. The term we use is DNA recycling. Yours sincerely, Director of Oddstralian studies - Ancestry.com By the way, you know anyone hiring in the genetics industry? My current position is useless towards any understanding of genetics and normal humanity. My findings here are only causing me to drink more heavily. It is so depressing.
  21. Okay now does anyone notice the apparent discrepancy in the above slide. Anyone? Anyone at all?
  22. okay enough of the question and answer period. Moving along to Ozzie contributions to the great debates of humanity I had an animation here on procreation, but it got censored. No not because it depicted sex. It was felt the Ozzie version was simply too disgusting. You'll have to take that up with HR. I find their position contradictory as it seems that strip club dive featured Oddstralian acts. No wonder they had the coupons just lying around.
  23. For me it depends, were there any units near enough they would have heard anything? If so it makes sense, but hunting all over a map for the sounds of mortars regardless of proximity of any units... gamey. Hearing a fence get crushed then searching the entire map...kind of gamey.
  24. Wait, there is a way to sharpen pencils?!!!! Wow this internet thing really is a great technology aid. Does it work on pens too? As to the bullet points, I was gonna wait a bit before shooting the Ozzies, should I accelerate that bit?
  25. Actually that isn't true. BFC does have their own ideas on how to improve the game. Going from Cx1 to CMx2 for example was entirely their idea. However they do always welcome input and some of those ideas do go on to be included. Calling CM "old code" doesn't quite seem to fall under constructive criticism though. Complicated code maybe ... TAC AI is a difficult thing to do and they are asking more and more of it, some at our suggestion. The good news is they will fix whatever issues are inadvertently created as they add new stuff. It's all good.
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