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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by sburke

  1. Thank you! I let your sorry lot that is running back and forth hither and yon like chickens with their heads removed meet my mortar team. How much more of a meeting engagement do you want? Meanwhile my troops have crossed nearly half the distance to your map edge and are still looking for your men. They have met your armor and they suffered a . . . Oh wait no, no casualties there. I looked and at first thought there were, but my men were just doubled over in laughter at it's ineffectual firing. Yes I do recall that scene in Jurassic park and my men are almost embarrassed that you consider them the T-Rex of the battlefield. They are impressive aren't they!
  2. Well done sparky, yes there are 5 digits on each hand for we humans. Yes I realize you have a few more. Also that under no circumstances would you ever set your beer down. Some day you will learn it is empty and you could have had another, but heck that leaves more for us. Oh look some shiny objects over there, now run off and let the grown ups talk okay.
  3. Oh now lookwhat you made me do, I have to set my beer down to count the number of Germans I can see sprawled face down in the dirt. Tell your mortar dude over there in the fetal position he needs to emulate my mortar dude who is showing spectacular aim. I guess it really is proof size doesn't count. Your guy has an 81 mm he is apparently humping. Mine has a 60 mm and he is happily painting 3 little stick figures on it.
  4. I am a sucker for infantry shots. That fist one is nice.
  5. So what you are saying is your ability to practice Op sec is about as good as your tactical leadership. Thank you I only see 3 guys lying down in that field. I'll tell my men. They'll gloat.
  6. I would, but whenever I try you lot are all blocking my way as you roll around in your own excrement muttering incoherently.
  7. LOL yeah, I am looking forward to CMBS, but then I'll be twiddling my thumbs because what I really want is CMSF 2
  8. The "head" of House Shavian doesn't have to, that is what gits like yourself are employed for. Oh and he just finished another Oktoberfest round so you'll be needed shortly. As to granting you this opportunity to make your otherwise worthless self feel useful, you are welcome. Pissbucket is over in the corner.
  9. Me - I just issue some commands then sit back and watch the map..... then I wipe the drool of my chin. Sometimes my wife gets tired of waiting and she wipes the drool off for me, that is true love. PzF hits, wipes out the SU-76 and crew, slightly injures one of my guys. Half the team panics and runs back the way they came. Still, they got the kill. Did you know the Germans only have 5 PF? I guess that was intentional. When I got the sound icon on that vehicle I had to go hunting to find a nearby team equipped with one. I am playing with the map trying to do one less industrial and more just urban and learning a few tricks from yours.
  10. I realize your lack of endowment might make that a dicey proposition. However here at Shavian House that isn't a problem we have to deal with. Would you like some plastic bags to cover your footwear? Oh wait, you don't seem to know what footwear is either. No worries you can put the bags over your feet...or preferably your head.
  11. You see there is the difference between lemmings and tactical competence. My troops are moving forward down the from the high ground and yet your demoralized poorly led mob loosed only one round (from your armor, which I have none of) and missed. There doesn't appear to be even one MG set up and sited to reply on the top of your hill. I have to keep telling my men to exercise some caution. They might be hit by a stray round when one of your guys attempts to use a self inflicted wound to get out of this battle and misses.
  12. yeah but it is a little different knowing something drove over a fence and for all you know may have just backed up again versus watching the grain fields and knowing exactly where something stopped.
  13. I don't know, might be interesting to have a supporting attack on your flank that you do not control. You'd have to watch for friendly fire incidents though. The one thing I really want though is I'd hope much simpler. To be able to take an end game and import that as a new scenario. It would make managing an op layer game with CM so much easier.
  14. You apparently do not have much imuagination if you think you have gotten anywhere near the bottom of cesspool standards. Contemplate donkey for just a bit.. Yes I know disgusting, but far more disgusting than you'd think at just a first glance. Heck there are Aussies here! To put it in the limited pop culture standards folks in Nevada might understand longing around in their trailer parks - If America is Ferris Bueller, free from his parent's shackles and making the world his oyster - The Aussies would be Jennifer Grey, always resentful of Ferris's freedom, hanging out in jail with Charlie Sheen. They didn't even get independence until 1939!! Talk about overstaying your welcome in your parent's basement. Geez, they got kicked out in shackles and they still bow to the Queen as part of the Commonwealth. Talk about having Mommy issues. Hmm that sounds like at least one PowerPoint slide, maybe two. Meanwhile I do appreciate that your men want to get this debacle over as soon as possible as they charge like lemmings into my MG sights. Interesting that at least one German who went down instead of crying "my God", instead said "thank God". That may end up as the summation.
  15. I'd say evidence of terminal stupidity...thank god.
  16. It's even harder to find an Aussie who can spell apparently. Good lord, you Aussies really did forget the language when you got shipped off to "paradise". There I fixed that for ya, you are welcome. Git.
  17. It is amazing how many things folks can find wrong in a game that is an absolute dream come true. The expression "he could screw up a wet dream" comes to mind. I know I know "how would BF ever improve the game without feedback" . Whatever.
  18. Wait aren't you playing the Germans? Any player who is inferior to you isn't human. Can non-humans be noobs? Maybe Donkey can finally make a useful contribution in a form we don't simply spread on the garden out back and answer that question. Or Emrys. My Liege, Joe Shaw Knight Champion of the M.B.T., Justicar for Life of the Peng Challenge Thread, Creator of the Peng Challenge Thread Podcast, CessPool Drain Commissioner and Founder of the Shavian House I send regards and hereby announce young voyeuristic scoundrel Watcher and I have taken the field of combat in Green Hell. In anticipation that this will be an absolute slaughter I have chosen to at least make it productive by using the opportunity to provide feedback to the designer on it in a HTH game.
  19. Was it intended to be "Recognized as other than human", maybe "other than alive"?
  20. My Liege it seems Nidan1 has finally acquired some sense and admitted to your fine stature as a shining example to all. Not that I would expect that situation to last, he is after all a New Yawka.
  21. Getting lost reminiscing about your family reunions now? Then again what should we expect from a resident cheesehead? I wonder if Canada would still be interested in taking you all, probably not but it is worth asking.
  22. Hmm you always start to quote yourself like that? Anyway, before we get started you may want to put on your glasses and turn on the lights. But first, hey donkey you mind getting out of his lap and wiping that lipstick off? That color is really not good on you. Oh gawd now get your tongue out of his ear! Little hussie, wait can an "it" be a hussie? Are you sure you want the Californians to go home? Really want to revert to being a trailer park in the desert eh? How else are your pole dancer wannabes gonna become "actresses"?
  23. Bulgaria had a gov't and it wasn't even Nazi occupied and that is where this discussion started. Kind of appropriate to go back.
  24. Umm actually yes. Don't look now, but I believe your bias is showing. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/21/books/rape-by-american-soldiers-in-world-war-ii-france.html?pagewanted=all http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_during_the_liberation_of_Poland We won't even discuss the horror Russians perpetrated on German women.
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